So you want to know if Hyo is a brand name whore?
uyeni identified this
handy-dandy bag as a Balenciaga . . . and I almost had a heart attack when I plugged it into google. Boys and girls, if you want this girl, you better work! $$$ (Hyo's beloved pink backpack, which we saw her touting around on "Infinity Challenge" and then in that
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At least the good thing is she seems to get a lot of mileage out of her stuff.. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen her purple hoodie:P and that ahjumma "poor looking" (according to Syoung)sweater she wore to Sukira ^^.
- will rewatch SSTP when I have time and see if I can help you out.
- I didn't read the entire Korean fanaccount from the fansigning but the HyoRi part was something like this: the fan went up to Yuri for the signing and as she had finished and he was walking away, she told him to wait. She thought he looked like an actor from a drama but couldn't remember his name so Hyo who was sitting next to Yuri also started laughing excitedly and agreed that he looked like that guy but both couldn't remember his name. Finally Yuri thought of the guy and he was very grateful.
- HyoRi on Strong Heart?? really !@!!! <333 I hope Hyo tells a funny story this time..I'm sure she'll get a lot of reaction cos the stories she chooses to tell are hilarious/sometimes embarassing for others :D
- I read the link u sent me briefly and the basic gist is I think that the person won some kind of event (?)and he could choose to get an autograph from one of the Soshi girls and he said he picked Hyo cos she's been doing really great with the RDR concept and watching her on variety shoes, she seems very innocent and pure. He thanked her and the people for making it possible.
There's more stuff about the glove but I can't open the link in school so will have to wait a while.I'm going to be busy playing host.sorry! be back soon!
SooYoung and HyoYeon, fashion enemies. XD Fashion frenemies?! Hrm. No, I feel like their fashion senses are too at odds to have much overlap in similar opinions, lol. Although I am so curious to know what's in Hyo's diary because from what she's said, I suspect it's filled with sketches, which would explain all the colored pens and why she takes so long writing/doodling in it. I wonder if Hyo has ever contemplated fashion school. I wonder if that's something she sees in her future.
LOL @ the fansign fanaccount.
I have no idea if Hyo and Yul's appearance on Strong Heart is for real or not. XD It's not on sosiz's schedule but you never know?
Aw, I had gotten the impression that the poster got to choose but that's nice that s/he chose Hyo. :) Thank you for the summary! Go be a good host! :D
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