Feb 24, 2006 20:59
I'd like for you to fill out a short survey for my English class. My group and I are doing a project about sex in America. Some of them are a little ambiguous, yes.. but we have to have 100 of them. If you'd like this to be confidential, you can always anonymously reply.
1) What is your age? ___________
2) What is your gender?
3) At what age did you lose your virginity?
a) <12 years old
b) 12-14 years old
c) 15-16 years old
d) 17-18 years old
e) 19 + years
If applicable, please ONLY answer F or G.
f) Still a virgin
g) Waiting until marriage
4) What is your religion? ________________
5) Do you have older siblings/parents who educated you about sex?
6) What activity(s) do you believe constitutes losing your virginity?
b)Oral Sex
c)Heavy Petting (ex: making out)
d)Finger to Vagina/Penis/Anus interaction
e)Penis to Vagina Intercourse
f)Vagina to Vagina Intercourse/Penis to Anus Intercourse
7)When learning about sex, what was your main concern about intercourse?
b) Pregnancy
c) The act of sex, itself
d) Insecurity about your body
e) What will your friends say about you
f) No Fear
7) Do you feel teenagers in school can fully comprehend the risks
involved with sexual intercourse?
b) No
8) How did your school introduce sexual education?
a) No sex education
b) Abstinence only
c) Prevention Methods
d) Other ________________________________________________________
9) How did your religious institution introduce sexual education?
a) No sex education/No religious institution
b) Abstinence only
c) Prevention Methods
d) Other__________________________________________________________
10) How do you feel sex education effects teens?
11) What do you think is the best way to go about introducing sex
education in the public school system?