.breaking off is misery, i see a wilderness for you and me, punctuated by philosophy.

May 06, 2004 23:47

_all i can say right now is as follows: oih vey, hasid-like. the past two or so weeks have been hellish, you would've thunk i'm in some lucio fulci movie. italian motherfucker. i've been sick / signing up for AP tests / meeting with administrators and guidance counselors / stressful bullshit it is. regardless, what with my countless random hours missed, i was direly behind in nearly every class i am in, and when you have no work ethic like your humble narrator, that proves for quite a shite goings-on. took my AP english exam on monday. i honestly don't think it was all that bad, but feeling i didn't totally fuck up probably means i totally fucked up. that's the way irony works and whatnot. meaps are finally done; i am incredibly joyous. i abso-fucking-lutely love how the math and science were at a fifth fucking grade level. it was cool asking me problems i haven't dealt with in years. give me some derivatives and i'll be one happy master of ceremonies, but no, find the mode. considering how i do that on a daily basis, it's absolutely rad-tad.

_in light of the fact that richardson, mrs. to be exact, loathes me with a fiery passion (see also: two-thousand-and-four class council elections), my mother advised against me taking that class next year. it left me in a pickle, to throw in sand lot lingo, cute movie; richardson, mrs., is the only AP english twelve teacher, and it'd look suspicious for colleges to stop honors/AP for one year. so my mother, in her infinite wisdom (sarcastic statement? i don't even know) decided that i take college comp I at delta so colleges disregard it, or some crazy shit. so, i spent a good three hours at delta today, dealing with late registration and all that jazz. after dealing with admissions, i had to go to an orientation. so, for two hours, i sat in a room, listening to an administrator regurgitate their orientation speech, all of which is inapplicable to me. it's great that i'm merely dual-enrolling, and their entire little seminar was about taking on delta full-time. oh well, rules are rules, and i, being a giant tool, abide by them.


_afterwards, the madre and i hit up a chinese restaurant. twas delicious. it marks my second day of having chinese for dinner. i lurve my comida chino. i hung down with ashley; needless to say, it was lovely.

_and here i am, gangster no. 1. tomorrow marks the final day of various testing, AP euro to be exact, and i am finally caught up in all my classes. the test will be easy... if they don't talk of anything before the french revolution. too bad i had kreger for half a year. shit-damn, speaking of kreger, i talked to the malenky bastard today. the tool of the administration didn't have much to say, but eventhough he sold out, he's still just that awesome. belligerent old bastards own. aah, after the test tomorrow, my brain will shut down for the remainder of the school year. fuck that shit; pabst blue ribbon.

_show tomorrow. haven't gone to one of those in forever. too bad no good bands have been round here, or i've been grounded when they did (fucking shit, i missed the TAN! show). the only good band as far as i know playing is fight it out, but they're reason enough to go. and it's at carrolton. i get to punch seventh grade mallpunks in the face. it'll be a jolly good time.

_and now i get to retreat to my room. recently procured clerks on dvd. best kevin smith movie? you bet your ass.

_has it come to this? original pirate material, you're listening to the streets; lock down your aerial.
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