The internet really, REALLY did not want me to get my hands on this episode. I have been sat here since 5pm this afternoon and it is now MIDNIGHT and I'm still downloading this episode (10 minutes left!) because I sat around waiting for Eclipse subs, they're still not out, so I've been trying to get GG's, torrents are going nowhere and I kept losing my direct downloads due to a faulty internet. ARGH! So yes, here is my delayed review of the very cheerful Turn 13.
To those on my flist that have been reading the posts I've made this week that have all been about death/people dying, I hope you appreciate the irony over how I was looking forward to ending this week with some Code Geass to cheer me up. Thanks a bunch Sunrise xD fuck you, seriously. At least I can see the funny side!..Sort of xD er...Wow. This is a hard episode to know where to start really? I guess the beginning seems as good as place as any!
So we start this episode with Shirley having one seriously freak out. The masks! The masks! They're falling away! I have a feeling it may inspire some freakish dreams for me later xD I had forgotten quite a bit about what happened involving Shirley in S1, especially the whole Viletta thing.
I should probably mention the new Wow there are a lot of characters in this show aren't there? I didn't quite realise till they slammed them all in. And what's this..they're...SMILING!? What a rarity. Can't say the song has immediately grabbed me but give it time!
We get a tiny bit of Xing-ke! Whooo! As for Kallen xD Well I don't think she's ever getting rescued. Sorry Kallen xD.
Yeah so..Rolo freaked me out a lot in this episode. Really. His face during the scenes with him and Lulu with the homework, although adorable, seemed somewhat..creepy. I'm supposed to love him I know but he's is really FREAKING ME OUT! Perhaps because its so late at night when I write this xD things scare me more in the dark. I can't help but picture him with a shrine to Lulu and his 'we'll be together forever...FOREVER' devotion just driving him a biiiit toooo faaaaar. I think Lulu really must have something to do with that sodding locket, it flashed to it later in the episode when Shirley asked him if he liked Lelouch O_O DX I don't know why it's suddenly freaking me out! IT NEVER DID BEFORE! Perhaps because he's gone and killed. Lock your doors!
Ok am I the only one who though those sunglasses looked ridiculous on Suzaku xD but kudos on the long coat! I er..I sorta have a fetish for long coats....I think I need help DX I was most happy about all the Suzaku in this episode. LET ME HEAR YOU CHEER SUZAKU FANS! THE BOY IS BACK! Although is it weird that I wanted him to see Lulu crying over Shirley? I guess I just want him to see that the psychoboy isn't all that heartless. I think it still bothers me that he believes Lelouch killed Euphy without a care *sniff* boohoo.
Next we're back with CREEPY ROLO IS CREEPY and MY DRESS LEAVES NOTHING TO THE IMAGINATION VILETTA. And the entrance of Orange. I've said I never liked him before right? Dear god I've turned. I've really turned. This episode made me really love him. He's bulletproof xD haha! HE HAS A HANDSWORD. I'm well aware these are ridiculous reasons for suddenly loving him so you'll be happy to know that it was his scene later on that did it ;_;. But more about this scene! SAYOKO YOU ARE MY NEW FAVOURITE CHARACTER! I have turned xD I would marry her in a heartbeat. I loved watching her fight! It was over far too soon! I'm impressed that Orange's geass canceller works so well! Sucks to be you Rolo XD Viletta and Orange being somewhat reunited was nice to see. We got the old team back together! Only he's some kind of android and she's Lulu's biatch XD good times.
Haha was I the only one that cracked up laughing when Cornelia 'KO-ed' V.V? I thought it was hilarious but perhaps that just my sick sense of humour xD But yeah the whole V.V as the Emperors brother thing? That's just weird =/ I read he was his twin so it's a genuine brother thing and not something else. So they take on the life of someone else? I know a lot of people theorised the either C.C = Marianne or Anya = Marianne. So if V.V is Charles' twin then anything is possible. I'm confused.
Back to SUZAKU. Oh and Lulu and Shirley..yay suzaku! Here we get a scene that shows just how freakishly strong Suzaku is, how the heck did he pull both Lulu and Shirley up from that building!? THE BOY IS HAS NO MUSCLES! I don't know why but the human chain moment amused me xD why do I always laugh at really inappropriate moments? XD Someone really should have told Shirley that its not wise to walk off the edges of buildings, then try and escape from the person whose attempting to help you. The moment after with the smiling and cheer D= aww Remember the days when we were all happy!? No, neither do I XD The moment is ruined by psycho!Rolo and his warning phonecall of 'IRONMAN IS ON HIS WAY!' and poor Lulu must give his girlfriend to Suzaku xD
The scene with Suzaku and Shirley broke my heart a little D= Bless her for teaching him to forgive. I hope the message sticks. It probably won't XD Stubborn git.
Rolo's face as he ran from that helicopter was priceless xD I really am becoming scared of him!
And here comes the scene that inspired the text on my LJ cut, because no it wasn't Shirley's death that made me cry like I thought it would. ITS WAS THIS SCENE WITH ORANGE, OMG D= HE'S CRYING! I felt my heart break at that moment D: I'm watching it back as I write this to snapshot it for icon making and I'm tearing up again! When he first started talking about her I thought he was tricking Lelouch into turning off the machine so he could attack. But crying O_O so much crying O_O
Har crazy Rolo meets Determind Shirley. Bad move mentioning Nunnally my dear D= In Rolo's dream for the future there is only him and his beloved Lulu D= *BANG* Bye bye Shirley.
I feel bad for what I said about Shirley in last weeks review xD 'make her story interesting if you insist on keeping her in' Ok looks like they weren't that insistent on keeping her in afterall! But isn't it nice that she lived long enough to get a long dying speech out? Ffs it's like Othello (Shakespeare play, when Othello kills himself theres like a fucking 5 page dramatic monologue - JUST DIE ALREADY. Can you tell I hate that play?) But at least it was a nice speech. That girl is just too forgiving, it sort of reminded me of Syaoran's speech at the end of the second CCS movie. Anyone? Anyone?
Anyway xD This scene did have me all sad till Lelouch did that scream xD I just cracked up in hysterics. I really do laugh at the most inappropriate moments. But it was sad to see him freaking out and trying to get her to live, nice to see the boy still has a heart. I really hope that the others don't think that he's killed her D: How tragic would that be!?
New ending sequence is very X isn't it? Pretty yes but Lelouch really REALLY looks like Kamui. It confused me xD the whole Shirley angel image reminds me of Kotori as well. That image of Lelouch and Suzaku is AWESOME though.
No Geass for me next week as I'll be in the mud...With music! I forget whose playing on the Sunday. Anyhooo! Lets hope I don't fail miserably at not spoiling it for myself prior to watching it like I did for this weeks episode! I'll just gave to not look at any website till I've seen it xD Heh.
Alright it's now 4am xD I should probably sleep.