Alright! My CG reviews are going public \o/ for now anyway xD
Am I the only one concerned about how easy it is for women to disguise themselves as Lelouch? First C.C as Zero and now Sayoko as him. The boy really has no manhood.. The next episode preview just confirms it even more..(I'm still laughing at that xD What.The.Hell.Sunrise.)
After my week break it's back to more icon-filled reviewing of Code Geass :D Sunday's are just boring for me otherwise xD heh.
This episode was full of the cute, the bizarre and the downright hilarious. Honestly how does a guy like Lelouch get all the girls? He's camper than a campervan camping on a summers eve.
But we got some Rolo! Not enough but some none the less!
Tianzi continued to be ridiculously cute in this episode. I had been waiting for her to run out onto the top of the ship to try and stop the fight last episode but it seems I was expecting it too early. It's probably wrong to ship her and Xing-ke considering the ages and all but XD damn it I shall anyway because they are just so adorable <3 plz don't die Xing-ke D=
Somebody find a cure damnit! His death if shown in the series will probably just make me cry xD honestly I'm that sad. I really enjoyed watching him killing the High Eunuchs, which is probably bad for me to say but they were annoying me!
Lelouch and his crazy arm movements were insane in this episode! Honestly it's moments like these that make me wonder how on earth Sunrise expect me to accept romantic scenes between him and a female because he just comes across as so flamingly gay XD But hey, maybe it's just me..
(even his Knightmare was doing the crazy arm movements xD he's likes his EXTREME body language)
Schnizel is getting some major airtime in these episode isn't he =O I did find it somewhat unexpected. I like Schnizy, he just sits their in his big old chair looking pleased with himself xD but why he'd want someone like Nina stood by him I do not know!
Poor Kallen D= she's all tied up and her mouth is covered but right next to her is a tray of food. How the heck is she supposed to eat that!?! When she first appeared all tied up in front of Suzaku my mind did immediately turn smutty x_x corrupted, oh so very corrupted.
I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
This scene reminded me alot of Neon Genesis Evangelion, which in turn reminded me of an amv I once watched of Eva using Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, so then the damn song got stuck in my head for the rest of the episode ;_;
So yes xD Great to see C.C out and about =D this series hasn't had much of her and she is my favourite female so I always appreciate MOAR C.C. Also, those that had their theories about Anya being something close to what C.C and V.V are look like they were on the money.
I don't know why but as soon as he started talking I just burst out laughing. I think it's because I find him ridiculous xD
SUZAKU! There needed to be more of him D= boooo
I can't even pretend to not be fangirl over this scene because Lelouch's facial expressions WERE SO CUUUUUTE <3 <3 <3 A bit of fanservice for the fanboys and ladylovers with Shirley in her bloomin bra but I'm perfectly happy with cute Lelouch faces xD The conversation was so cheesy - THATS THE POWER OF LOVE!
C.C once again being full of cute and awesome. Just throwing her clothes everywhere xD leaving mother Lelouch to clean up. Probably a weird thing to mention but I really loved the coat hanger! Seriously it was cool D= anyone agree? Anyone?
I loved how happy Rolo was to see Lelouch return back to school :D and then that slight look of jealously on his face when Lelouch went to see Shirley. It was great to have some Rolo but really D= I want more of him. With me in charge of Code Geass it would be all Rolo, C.C and Suzaku xD har.
Our twist for the end of this episode was something I really should have seen coming shouldn't I xD I'm really not that bright. Honest! But does anyone know how old Gino is? I won't tell you how old I thought he was because you'll all laugh at me xD but I will tell you it wasn't a school age. I warn you now though...that bit of Gino and Lelouch at the end got my shipping sense tingling...there is no pairing that is safe from me shipping them xD tru fax.
Episode honourable mention goes to this lady:
Don't know who she is but I like her hair XD
Then we get the preview for next episode and...Seriously...Whut? xD WHAT IS HE WEARING ON HIS HEAD!?
and I seriously hope that its Sayoko in her Lelouch disguise doing this, although it would be hilarious if it were really Lelouch...but I don't think he's athletic enough XD
The fandom crack will be beautiful.