ack spoke too soon

Feb 22, 2010 22:05

So I don't know FOR SURE that I got the position yet. The HR person had been really unclear and I thought she'd basically said they were offering the position pending paperwork. My brain was really muddy at the time though so I'm sure I misunderstood her. My mgr basically said today they are waiting for consensus. One of the folks who interviewed me was out today and they just need to sit down in a short meeting and get the official consensus. Overall the response has been very positive and I'm thinking it's an 85% chance for a yes. The main concern is my ability to get ramped up to the level they need me to be at within the expected time frame. They have spent the past 3 months working with me, my mgr is absolutely confident. He's so confident in fact, he would basically be using one of his Senior Dev reqs to bring me on as a Jr. Dev. I don't know what's scarier, getting the job or not getting it!!! It's a lot of pressure, but nowhere near the amount of pressure I put on myself on a daily basis. I wouldn't have put myself forward for the position if I didn't think I could handle it, and they wouldn't even be considering me if they didn't think that themselves. So I'm pretty confident it will be an astounding YES, but I tend to prefer to prepare for the worst case scenario... it's what makes me a good developer ;)

I've started reading up on VOIP just in case it is a yes and I will probably be playing around with FreeSwitch. Other areas I need to ramp up is Object Oriented Perl and PostgreSQL. I reviewed some psql this morning because I don't expect I'll be writing anything too complex other than queries to search logs, but I expect I'll be reading a lot of stuff so getting familiar with the layout of the docs will be helpful. I actually have a long list of stuff to work on for myself and I think it will be consistent with what my mgr wants. I am confident I'll have most of it checked off within 3 months cuz that's how I roll. It usually takes me 3 months to get into the groove and I've already been working with some parts of this system in my tech writer role.

I've got mild jitters, mainly just anticipation cuz I am DYING to know what they decide. I'm talking myself down being zen about it like if I don't end up getting the gig then I know what to do if it's something I really want to pursue and in the meantime stick with my comfort zone (tech writing). It's going to be a lot of work if I do get the gig. Anyways so to channel my jitters I'm reading about VOIP..........
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