To Alex: Because you still read my LJ!!! lol

Jun 29, 2006 13:02

So last night was the weirdest night ever. We started drinking at Jamie's and then went to Ale House to meet up with Emily and Barbara and the gang. Linds is moving, so we showed her a good time to say farewell. I didn't hang out with her that much this year, but I'm still gonna miss her. Like I just knew she was there if that makes sense.

Anyway, at ale house Mariana wanted to leave, so Jamie took her home. Then we were all at our table and I look up, and who do I see clearly looking at me and talking, but Marty. That was the first time I've seen him. It was actually quite funny, I could tell that he was totally talking shit, so I smiled real big, and waved the most sarcastic ass of a wave ever. Shoulda seen the look on his face, priceless. Anyway I looked awesome so that helped. I think he thought I was waving like "bye, go away now" because he just stared at me, so I waved again and he left lol. It was pretty great to be able to piss him off without even doing anything. It was really werid to see him. Like his face is so familiar, but I hadn't seen it in months, so it was like seeing a stranger (well he is I guess).

Anyway, then I get this phone call from Jamie, and she was really upset. I guess she and Mariana had a fight. I felt really aweful, I've never really seen Jamie upset. I got Barbara to bring me home, and Jamie and I had a really long talk. I'm really glad we did, I think she really needed, and I hope that I helped. I think I at least cheered her up.

Then hot Jordan called me and wanted me to come over, but neither of us could drive, so he came to my house. I didn't tell them we were partying haha, but I think they were hoping. Jordan fell asleep in the Lazy Chair and I talked to his friend for a while (I cant remembe his name. They tried to wake Jamie at one point, but she was out. Then they started talking about pot, and I was gonna crack a joke about Jordan, but he was like "I dont smoke. Havent in years" and I was thinking, hmmm, well last week you sure did haha. But I guess the friend didn't know, so good thing I kept my mouth shut.

Anyway, this morning I woke up and Jamie took me to work and now here I am. Fabulous!
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