(no subject)

May 26, 2010 22:34

When did I become such a facebook whore? I used to keep such a strict LJ = fandom / FB = real life divide that basically ensured that I never used FB because... well, we all know my fandom >>>> RL priorities; but somehow I migrated all of my TV talk over there and I'm not sure how it happened. WILL BE REMEDIED SOON. Also, this possibly makes me a total bitch, but am I the only one who gets so annoyed when people make completely boring facebook updates? "____ went to work all day, then the grocery store to pick up paper towels, and now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'll stop by the post office." UMMM SORRY, NOBODY CARES. (Haha, this is probably how 95% of the people I'm friends with who don't watch Lost have probably felt about me for the past week or two, but... whatever. I demand to be entertained. How dare my friends expect that I be interested in their lives. Psssht! ...Yeah, all right, this does make me a total bitch.)

lalumena gave me some interview questions that I have been stalling on answering because they are just so hard-hitting! I am anguishing over choosing the perfect response for them! Girl, journo has made you positively ruthless.

1. What costume would you love to make if you had the time and money?

This answer brought to you straight from my purely instinctive knee jerk inner seven year old girl reaction:

2. Favourite Marian quote.

Too, too many to choose from! So... I will categorize my top choices.

The cheeky response:
Edward: What did you say to [Gisborne]?
Marian: I said I would marry him and have his children.
(KIDDING, KIDDING. ...Kind of.)

The Guide Me, O Wise One response:
Marian: Everything's a choice, everything we do. Grow up. [...] What is it with men and glory? Glory above sense and above reason?
Robin: It is principle--
Marian: Principle is making a difference, and you can't do that if you're dead.
(Marian is such a pragmatist AND idealist, which is why I will always love her. And I love that HER words -- "Everything is a choice" -- became such a running tagline for the series [way more inspirational than "WE ARE ROBIN HOOD," just saying.])

The YOU ARE SO ADORBZ response:
Robin: What are you doing here?
Marian: ...Hiding...?
(I DON'T EVEN KNOW, but her delivery of that line is the cutest fucking thing in the universe and I will cherish it always.)

The Obligatory Guy/Maz response:
Guy: This isn't a game, Marian. When the Sheriff returns, you're going to die.
Marian: Don't you have the courage to finish this yourself? After all my so-called betrayals, you should be glad to do it.
Guy: This is not my decision.
Marian: Then perhaps it should be.
(It is a sign of how deeply this show/ship has twisted my heart and soul that I picked this one. But, guhhh, the "perhaps it should be" is one of the most powerful lines she ever spoke to Guy in the entire series. That challenge -- that "TAKE RESPONSIBILITY" urging -- that vocalized desire to see Guy's choices and unmask who he truly is, now that he has unmasked her -- goddamn. Good stuff.)

3. Would you rather fight off one bear-sized duck or five duck-sized bears?
YOU WOULD NOT EVEN BELIEVE HOW LONG I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. I... I... man. I've gotta go with the duck-sized bears, because...? Ducks scare me, no matter what size they are? And at least I could take the tiny bears on one at a time, instead of battling with a Gorn-esque duck giant? I worry that this choice will come back to haunt me in the next life, though. D:

4. What is your guilty pleasure movie?

SO MANY. WHERE TO START. There are plenty of movies that I know are dumb/cheesy/horrid and yet they delight me anyway (FLASH GORDON, PRIME EXAMPLE). There are also movies that aren't really that bad, but I feel embarrassed by how emotionally invested I get in them? (PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, PRIME EXAMPLE. If you're ever thinking about defriending me and need something to convince you that I'm a weirdo you would be ashamed to be seen associating with on the internet -- just click my "phantom of the opera" tag and you'll be good to go.) Also add to this basically anything on Disney Channel. GOOFY MOVIE, ANYONE?

image Click to view

Pretty much the best scene of my tweens, right there. I will still watch this every time it's on TV and cry at the Possum Park DON'T JUDGE ME. Okay, let's stop before we get into things like The Parent Trap (LiLo flavor) or the American Girl TV movies or, heaven help me, DCOMs.

5. You can replace any fictional character for up to a month. (Preferably books, but TV and movies are also open.) Who do you choose, how long for, and why? (You can change the ending of their fiction, but only if supported by very good reasoning! Or ridiculous manips.)

Gosh, this is hard! I guess it depends on how you approach it, too -- would it be me taking over their lives, or would I literally become that person and their thoughts/feelings/attitudes? If the latter, I'd think I'd go for one of my badass ladyloves (Cutthroat Bitch, Scarlett O'Hara, any Katharine Hepburn character ever) just to know what it feels like to be LARGE AND IN CHARGE with nerves of steel (clearly this is something I will never experience in my own life, haha). If the former, though... hmm. HMMM. I want to say someone from Star Trek, just so I could have awesome space exploration times.

[Aside -- my sister just called me in the middle of me writing this to talk about Lost, which somehow turn into talking about show finales I Have Known and Loved/Hated, which turned into me spending way too long explaining Paul/Echo, which turned into me spending WAY WAY WAY too long explaining Guy/Marain (Her: "So... why did Guy kill Marain, exactly?" Me: "OH MY GOD I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START OKAY SO THERE'S THIS STUFF WHERE HE LOVES HER BUT THEN HE STABS HER ONCE BUT DOESN'T KNOW IT'S HER AND SHE LIVES BUT THEN HE FINDS OUT LATER BUT THEN THEY KISS AND MAKE UP AND WAIT I LEFT OUT THE PART WHERE HE RAN INTO A SOON-TO-BE-BURNING BUILDING FOR HER AND AND AND--"). Yeah, that conversation took about AN HOUR, and now I've completely lost my train of thought.]

Right! Me being a Trekverse character! HMMM. I think I should either be... toss-up between Uhura and Quark. Uhura because -- YYYYEAH BUDDY, YOU KNOW WHY:

...and also communications/linguistics is probably one of the few things in Starfleet I would be remotely (like, 1% remotely) qualified to do. I refuse to switch places with anybody in engineering. And then I would have Uhura's vocal cords and could serenade everybody in the rec room.

But I don't really want to wear a miniskirt to work every day for a month, which is why Quark is my other pick. He gets to be in the hub of activity, but he doesn't have to wear a uniform! He gets to see people from all over the quadrant (TWO quadrants, even) popping in and out every day! What better way to hear awesome stories and meet awesome people than by being the friendly neighborhood bartender? Granted, I've never worked food service before so I probably wouldn't be all that good at it, but I would just make Rom do all the work anyway while I tried out new holosuite programs to "test for quality" because, you know, I wouldn't want to offer anything to my customers that I hadn't personally inspected. Plus, I mean, scope out this sexy beast:

Who wouldn't want to have that hot bod for a few weeks? Ziyal approved!

(Sorry, that was probably the worst possible answer to this question. To be honest, I'm too timid to be a fictional character! They're all so... active! And motivated! My fictional character soulmate is actually Dean from Big Wolf on Campus.)

(ETA: Also, I just realized that I think I misinterpreted this question. Do you mean, like... I would step into the fiction and take over as my own person? Like a Lost in Austen thing? WHOOPS. Actually, no, I'd probably still want to take over Quark's anyway, haha.)

guy/marian, star trek: tos, i'll watch anything timothy dalton is in, dollhouse, costumes and sewing, phantom of the opera, finale of doom, big wolf on campus, memes, robin hood, testament to my bad taste in everything, big sis, disney, star trek: ds9

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