Would you look at that? I'm finally posting about Lost! (The post brought to you by the fact that I should be sewing buttonholes at the moment, but -- have you ever tried sewing buttonholes by hand? Fact: IT IS A PAAAAIN IN THE ASS; in this case, a pain in the ass x8.) Also, I just listened to/watched the new podcasts (NEW PODCASTS NEW PODCASTS NEW PODCASTS!!!) and I feel they are urging me forward.
So! Things about "LA X"! Mostly:
Man, I know I do this every year, but it's just so hard for my brain to adjust to FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY WATCHING A NEW EPIOSDE, OMG FINALLY -- and then by the time that sinks in, I have to go back and grapple with the actual events themselves and then just sink into a puddle of confusion and anguish and love and drama. So, apologies -- even though I've had several days to think about this episode, rewatch it, discuss it with others... this post probably still lacks a good deal of coherency. Thoughts Wot I Had:
-I know I just finished rewatching the entire series from start to finish, but... I kind of want to do it again. All of this "back to the beginning" stuff is giving me S1 hankerings; and I am dying to rewatch all of the big monster showdowns in light of the Smokey/MIB reveal (HOW DOES ANYTHING MAKE SENSE ANY MORE? AUUUGHHH).
-Kate/Miles new crackship Y/Y?
-Okay, I'm just as crushed about Juliet's death (and death again and death again and...), but Sawyer's whole, "I WILL KILL YOU JACK!!!1!!!1!!! EMO PAIN!!!!!" was so tiresome. Really? You're going to kill Jack? Because that will solve... what, exactly? I know you need a scapegoat for your pain, but whatever. Or maybe I'm just bitter from my jilted Jawyer feelings and REALLY GUYS REALLY DO WE NEED TO FEUD OVER THIS, TOO? It was Juliet's choice to go to the Swan site, if I recall correctly, so yes it sucks but lets lay off on the you-did-it-no-you-did-it nonsense.
-Oh, Kate/Marshal, how I have missed you.
-ARZT! FROGURT! I hope they stick around. (Also mild spoiler but on the podcast Damon mentioned that Frogurt would be in more episodes? PLEASE BE TRUE AND NOT JUST A JOKEY TEASE.) Kate/Frogurt NEW new crackship Y/Y? Why am I suddenly shipping Kate/Everybody?
-Hurley/Sawyer on the plane! YES MY OTP LIVES ON!!! -- unless Sawyer ends up conning Hurley, in which case I WILL MURDER SAWYER THROUGH THE TV SCREEN because clearly they are meant to be BFF in all realities.
-Other plane OTPs: Boone/Locke, AKA Bocke: Original Flavor. Remember those days? Those were good days.
-Still don't care about Charlie. Whoops. Whatever.
-So this whole Sun/"Ms. Paik" business -- are she and Jin not married yet? Divorced? Never romantically affiliated in the first place? Is he an escort on behalf of her father? Does she really not speak English? ????????
-Okay, I guess I'm just getting all of my new-2004-universe stuff out of the way at this point... So a quick who's dead/who's alive list from those affected by the bomb/anomaly/whatever in '77:
-Basically all of the Others, so this would include Ms. Hawking and Widmore, which by extension would include Faraday (I'm still on the fence about Penny, though)
-In addition to the Dharmafolks we already saw die (poor Phil...) -- Radzinsky and his nameless goons, Chang, probably Horace (?? I can't remember if he was on/off island? Probably on...)
-Dharma women/children (?? Was the sub the only way they were getting people off the island? So however many were on there...)
-Like EVERYONE who died from 815, geez -- Frogurt, Arzt, Charlie, Shannon, Boone, Nikki, Paulo, Scott, Steve, Locke, Eko, Libby, Ana Lucia, Greg Grunberg, Eddie Mars, the list goes on...
-Richard? Is he immortal, or just ageless?
-Penny? Is she older/younger than Faraday?
-Ben? I... I actually have no argument for why he might still be alive, other than the fact that I NEED HIM TO BE so there.
-Danielle & co.?
-Yemi's plane? Could they have survived if they crashed in the water instead of on the island?
-Okay, back to 2007... Poor Ben, gosh. :( I was really curious to see the fall-out for him from the whole "What about you?" CRUSHING REALIZATION, and and and ohhhh is he not the most sad pathetic lost little thing in the world? The small "but he kind of deserves it" part of my brain LOVED the whole scene with Not!Locke's rant on how pitiful, manipulated, and pointless Locke's whole life was, though, because on the one hand -- SERIOUSLY, SHUT YOUR MOUTH, I DO NOT NEED TO HEAR YOUR SMACK TALK -- but on the other, watching Ben listen to that, and realize that he has been played just as thoroughly, makes me long for some juicy character vindication to come out of this. Ben was just so child-like and out of it, though -- hiding in the corner, shrinking from his "elders," getting dragged around by the elbow by Richard... I do wonder where this is all leading to for him.
-So. Yeah. Not!Locke. I REALLY FUCKING HATED HIM in "The Incident" for, well, obvious reasons -- like STEALING LOCKE'S LIFE/BODY and making sure that he knew he "had" to die and cheating us out of proper Locke leadership -- but I have to admit that I am kind of digging him at the moment. First: TERRY IS SO AWESOME, UGH, SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE. He got all the best lines, too: "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." "Let's not resort to name-calling." Smokey laying waste to Jacob's men (??if that's what they are??) was really cool, too (ha, sorry Bram -- I HATE YOU SO MUCH -- I might possibly have given an evil chuckle when Smokey knocked him out of his ring of ash). I don't really like the idea of an Ultimate Good vs. Ultimate Evil showdown this season, and I hope it's more nuanced than that... but? I think I might be team MIB? I DON'T KNOW, I DON'T KNOW. Jacob just gives me the creeps. I feel like I need to reevaluate EVERY SINGLE APPEARANCE OF THE SMOKE MONSTER up to this point, though, because... whaaaat... this just completely throws me for a loop. Like--
-so Smokey/MIB = one and the same, yes?
-and we've long assumed that dead folks on the island = Smokey, yes?
-but what about the dead folks that Hurley sees? Are they different? Associated with Jacob, perhaps?
-but when Hurley is seeing the dead folks at Santa Rosa, one them gives him a message for Jack that he will soon be visited, which is when Jack then sees Christian at work (and the smoke detector goes off) -- so are they the same, then? They're all trying to get them back on the island, so I guess they're the same after all...
-but I've always assumed that Christian is different from the other apparitions: he's appeared to many characters, on- and off-island, and we still don't know what happened to the body in the coffin (whereas with John we have John's body AND Smokey-as-John in the same place). And what about that whole, "I can speak on his [Jacob's] behalf"? Was that just a put-on? Was "hellllp meee" the real Jacob? But then how was Christian in the cabin if he was Smokey? Or was the ash ring already disrupted long before "The Incident"? And if MIB was upset with Jacob for continually bringing people to the island, then why did MIB apparently spend all of S5 attempting to bring the O6 back to the island? Is it just part of some "final reckoning" or something? If the Others answer to Jacob, then why do they go to the smoke monster to be judged? (I guess I can see the Others' being able to summon Smokey as maybe part of his servitude or something...? Which could explain part of why he hates Jacob -- like he's bonded to the island/weird Other-y things against his will? I still don't get the judging, though! !!!!)
-This is completely unrelated to anything in the episode, but what the heck is up with
Olivia? (This question will never be answered on the show, I know.)
-Temple stuff:
-Others!Cindy looks badass. I hope we see more of her. (Advantage to bringing people back from previous seasons? The less-prominent actors were probably the easiest to get, and the minor characters are always my favorite so YAYAYAYAYAY.)
-Kate/Sawyer love theme: DNW.
-Dogen is my new Lost boyfriend.
-I don't like the theory that Sayid is Jacob. Please be false. I don't like other people to be walking around in my characters' bodies, okay?
-THAT JACK/LOCKE SCENE JUST MADE MY WHOLE LIFE. If Lost can be this heartwarming when it wants to be, why does it choose instead to break my heart on a regular basis?
-Also, why am I still shipping this?
Please tell me it's not just me, so I can stop feeling guilty.
-And just to get it out of the way -- I really love Jack. :( Okay the less said about that the better.
:( :( :(
-Oh, ABC, you and your weird promo pictures...
...I really have nothing intelligent to say about this show, do I? Apologies. :/