(no subject)

Nov 13, 2009 23:27

Bwahaha, somebody has finally made a spock_chapel comm. AWESOME. Now, quick, somebody cast Anne Dudek as Chapel in the next Abrams film.

Meme! That I have in fact done before! But, well, hulamoth gave me new prompts, and who am I to resist?

Comment to this entry and I'll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Robin Hood: I blame crumpeteer for this one. She picspammed RA a few times and I was... intrigued. BBCA was in the middle of airing the first series, so I decided to check out the show. First episode watched: 1.07, i.e. the one with the Affair of the Necklace, i.e. the one with the Uber Dramatic Emotionally Charged Proposal Scene of Angst and Glowering and Weird Sexual Tension, i.e. the one that makes snowystingray an automatic Guy/Marian convert. I watched out the rest of the season from there, then went back and caught up on the first six eps. I didn't get hugely hugely into the show until series two started up, though (I mean, yayfun adventure nonsense during series one, but I never thought it would ultimately go anywhere significant or life-changing with it), but the unexpected boon of Guy/Marian kept me hooked, and then the unexpected OH MY WHOLE SOUL JUST DIED anguish made it impossible for me to ever leave because, just, who else would understand my paaaain? Sigh. Well. That and Armitage (although, not gonna lie, if they were still doing a series four I probably would have watched it without him anyway).
Terry Pratchett: I... cannot remember, exactly? Actually, ha, because I have 1) been using this LJ for far too long and 2) been going back and tagging a lot of my oldddd entries, I managed to find an entry I made about purchasing my very first Discworld book back in 2003 (although, again, I'm not sure I can come up with a specific why or wherefore that caused me to finally pick it up. I think it might have been a carryover WOFS thing?). Anyway, because I am a weird completist like that, I decided that I had to read them all from first to last rather than starting on one of the more highly recommended books and then going from there, so... I think the first book I really latched onto was Mort. (Incidentally, I was just reading online that apparently Colin Morgan mentioned he would love to play Mort? MAKE IT HAPPEN, SOMEONE.)
Horatio Hornblower: Twofold-ish -- first came cabari with her love of Ioan Gruffudd, and then came Pirates of the Caribbean to pique my interest in age of sail narratives. Put them both together, and... poof! Instant Hornblower love! I can't remember whether I started on the books or films first (actually. Wait. Okay, as stated above, my old entries are proving useful for this! How lame is it that I am having to turn to my LJ archives instead of my own memory to fill out this meme? But, anyway, it would seem that I watched the first four films, then read Mr. Midshipman Hornblower and Lieutenant Hornblower, then watched the rest of it films, then read the rest of the books). First thing to hook me on the movies:

COME ON GUYS LET'S BE SERIOUS NOW. First thing to hook me on the books: I did enjoy the first (er, timelinewise, that is) book, but klsdjflasfj;lasdfj;ladfjs Lieutenant Hornblower is seriously so so so so so so so shockingly, unexpectedly good. Like, the rest are kind of interesting historical adventure tales, sometimes with deeper political or emotional imbroglios to spice things up, but there is something about that book that is just whampow amazing to me. So glad I wasn't spoiled by watching the film first! (Random, but I just remembered that PHILIP GLENISTER is in the movies for that book, too, haaaa.

Work it, work it!)
It's such a perfect combo of crime mystery, wartime ethics, Hornblower/Bush BROMANCE OF AWESOME origin story... by far my most frequently re-read novel out of the whole series. So anyway, yeah, my love for the second book was definitely what motivated me to stick through the rest of them.

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
Robin Hood: Ha. Haaaa. Ahahahahaaaa. IF ONLY, IF ONLY! I have stayed in this fandom waaaay longer than I ever would have anticipated at the onset, probably waaaay longer than it ever truly merited, and yet? Here I am... still? I don't know. At this point it's probably all capslock_hood's fault for keeping things interesting. (Look at what my Robin Hood folder has become. Then weep alongside me for my lost dignity.) I'm sure something else will cycle back into prominence after the holidays are over when Lost/Chuck/etc. start back up again, but for now it has pretty much been my Fandom of the Moment for a rather long-ish moment.
Terry Pratchett: Err, I have already moved on, to an extent. I did sincerely mean to keep up with all of them, and grew rather fond of the characters and settings (the Death and the City Watch plotlines, especially), but unfortunately finances came between us. My local library carries hardly any Discworld novels, so I pretty much had to purchase anything that I wanted to read, and... yeah. My well runneth dry. I've only read up through Soul Music (and I think I read that the summer after I finished high school), but I'd like to get through the rest... eventually...
Horatio Hornblower: Much as I love the series, I was never really "in" fandom for it, so...? I did embark on a reread-in-publication-order initiative that I, err, never finished. Whoops. I do go back and watch the movies every so often, and hope oh so fervently that somebody somewhere decides to make more of them, but it's probably never going to happen. :/ In general I'm not really as into age of sail fandom as I used to be (heyday of Hornblower, PotC, Aubrey/Maturin...! Ah, good times).

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Robin Hood: It would be something of an understatement to say that it is just too gosh darned hard for me to ever single out a favorite episode of the show. Hmmmm. From series one, I guess I'm most attached to 1.07 (aforementioned reasons) and 1.09 (ANGSTANGSTBETRAYALANGSTEXPLOOOOOOOOOSION). Series two -- FUCK IT THE WHOLE ENTIRE THING except for That Episode Whose Name We Do Not Utter. (Okay, fine. I have to narrow it down? 2.03. And 2.06. And 2.08. And 2.10. And 2.11. See? I only picked like half the episodes.) Series three... I'm actually quite fond of 3.01, but I think my "most satisfying episode" award would have to go to either 3.06 or 3.09 (3.10 if nobody's looking. And, heyyy, it's on BBCA tomorrow night!).
Terry Pratchett: Hmm, probably Guards! Guards! -- or, in non-Discworld works, Good Omens obvs.
Horatio Hornblower: Uh... oops? See where I totally already answered this in loving detail in the first question. My favorite of the movies is probably... hmmm... I think of the first four/second four films as being rather separate groupings, so of the first I'd have to say The Fire Ships and of the second... Retribution? Yeah action yyyeah!!

4: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
I'll just answer for Robin Hood because that's the only one for which I participate in fandom... and in that case I contribute, errr, horrendous 'shops, seizure inducing icons of excessive blinkage, some semi-coherent meta (although not so much now that there are no new eps), and impassioned Guy/Marian indulgences (picspam, vid, fanmix) on the off days when I'm not feeling too gloomy about them.
ETA: Wait. I lied. I did in fact participate in Hornblower fandom when I made these clearly badass icons that I completely forgot about. I'm glad to find that I still have them uploaded because I don't actually think that I have them saved on my computer any more, and whatever would I do if number 4 disappeared from my life?

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Robin Hood: The rational part of me says, oh dear lord noooo, but the misery-loves-company part of me wishes that more people loved it like I do. Also, the selfishly-needing-more-episodes part of me can't help thinking that if more people had watched the show then maybe there is the teeniest chance that we would have gotten a series four full of Archer/Tuck sexytimes and... and... my life just feels empty without it.
Terry Pratchett: I'm sure he's quite popular enough without needing to be pimped out by me!
Horatio Hornblower: I think that more disturbingly rich people with awesome movie connections should get into this fandom so maybe I could finally have some new adaptations to look forward to. Any takers? You know you want some of this.

Oh yyyyeah.

robin hood, memes, books, star trek: tos, age of sail, discworld, horatio hornblower

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