Continued massive TV catch-up:
So, yeah, I'd be lying if I said that the finale was even BIGGER AND BETTER than "Chuck vs. the Colonel," which, for all of my extreme emotional issues, was in fact a hugely satisfying episode. I think playing out the end of the season the way they did turned out to be a bit of a mixed blessing -- on the one hand, doing the big wrap-up in the penultimate episode makes the finale seem a bit pointless; but on the other, going off on a completely different direction in the finale sets up unlimited amounts of speculation as to what next season holds (BECAUSE YES THERE IS TOTALLY GOING TO BE A NEXT SEASON). So, yeah, things I loved about this episode:
-CASEY. CASEY CASEY CASEEEEEYYYYYYYY when is this ever NOT the first thing I flail about? But, seriously, he is awesome personified. I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I WAS ACTUALLY AFRAID THAT THEY MIGHT KILL HIM OFF. AUGHHHH. I need to keep reminding myself that Chris Fedak has as much of a nerdcrush on Baldwin as I do so he's probably not going anywhere in the near future. Anyway, I think I even need to start a sublist of things that I love about Casey in this episode:
1. Giving Chuck his paycheck. Of course he has to be a stickler about the hugging, but eeeee the handshaking is JUST AS SIGNIFICANT! If not more so! (Seriously, the role of hands in Casey's relationships is a totally carryover from
the season opener.)
2. Reuniting with his NSA buds! ACTUALLY LOOKING LEGITIMATELY PLEASED TO INTERACT WITH OTHER PEOPLE! ...And then they all died and/or betrayed him. :/ Yeah, that was kind of a letdown. Still, though, pleeeease tell me that we are keeping Rouge Marine Dude as a villain? Too much potential Caseyangst for this to be wasted! Also, okay, are we ever going to get confirmation of which branch of the military Casey is affiliated with? The official NBC website says Army; the fact that canon says Casey has flown F-117s says Air Force; the "Semper Fi!" and "Oorah!"-ing says Marine culture -- so which is it? Inquiring minds need to know!
3. All of his wedding involvement! I haaaate last-minute wedding fiascoes because, urgh, too predictable and too much drama, but how many weddings get busted up on account of GUNSLINGING PARATROOPER CASEY? NOT NEARLY ENOUGH, THAT'S HOW MANY. And then, d'awww, he throws Ellie an even more gorgeous one... the soft underbelly of the beast... SERIOUSLY. CASEY. TRY TO BE CUTER.
4. He got all the best one-liners! "You rang!" "Oh, Chuck me!" "Uhhh..." (Okay, so not particularly eloquent on that last one, but it set the tone of the moment quite well.)
-...I honestly just completely forgot about every other thing I had to say in regards to this episode. Uhhh? Is there anything else that matters? ...
-Oh! Of course! BRYCE! HOLY FRIG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I don't think there's any way he's really dead dead but apparently according to TPTB he is but but but whhhhy and, uh, seriously, really? And WHY? I don't know, I still think he could come back -- because he's HOT and COOL and UNDERSTANDING and has GREAT HAIR and SMOOTH MOVES and, okay, I know I'm usually rocking the Team Bartowski OT3, but Chuck/Sarah/Bryce is right up there, too.
-Music! I am constantly baffled by the utter genius of this show's use of music. For instance, the Jeffster! performance -- okay. So, being the dork loser that I am, I was redoing the music on my facebook profile to align with my Chuck frenzy. In picking some Chuck-themed tunes, I mostly just used songs that were featured in the show with a few of my own additions (L.A. WOMAN. BEST SARAH WALKER SONG EVER) and was trying to find the right sort of 80s era scifi synth piece to add. Because I've been in a huge ELO mood lately I ended up using "Yours Truly, 2095" (I was going to go for "21st Century Man" but that song will forever be associated with Jon Osterman for me so I couldn't do it) but it just somehow wasn't quiiite what I wanted -- and then. Geez, show. THANKS FOR PULLING "MR. ROBOTO" STRAIGHT OUT OF MY BRAIN. Why didn't I think of that?? So elegant in its simplicity! Anyway, that entire montage was brilliant -- amazing, amazing editing, cheers all around for everybody who worked on those sequences. The "Christmas TV" montage was completely heartwarming/heartbreaking and awesome, too.
-Great team fight scenes. Sarah breaking into all of the wedding gifts for a set of knives! Hee! And Sarah and Bryce tag-team fighting is always A++++ for me.
-OH, YEAH, THE ENDING. WHAAAAAAT. I figured Chuck would get reIntersected but... whaaaaat??! I'm unsure of how I feel about this, mostly because my mind boggles at the idea of Chuck being able to kick Casey's ass (that... is SO not going to go over well!!), but I am quite curious to see how they plan to play it out for another season. BECAUSE. YES. THERE IS GOING TO BE ANOTHER SEASON. I bought three $5 footlongs, dammit!