Proof that I am possibly a hypochondriac: after viewing in close proximity to one another episodes of both Lost and M*A*S*H involving main characters requiring an appendectomy, I have been experiencing pain in that general region all day. Probably just cramps, but -- IT COULD BE MY APPENDIX AND MAYBE THE TV WAS TRYING TO SEND ME A MESSAGE!! Hey. It could happen.
It is interesting, though, to see how much overlap I notice between shows now that I watch waywayway too much TV. For instance! This week's episodes of both Lost and Leverage featured similar gags involving Hot Pockets (both of which made me cry to the television screen, "But that's what the protective cooking sleeve is for, hello!" Maybe they weren't cleared to show its miraculous patented technologies on screen). Then there was the earlier noted incident over the summer where both SGA and Psych had their teams get attacked by hostile monkey forces on the same night, no less. Oh, and both SGA and Legend of the Seeker aired an episode entitled "Identity" within the same week of each other in which a guest actor unwittingly swaps bodies with one of the leads.I seem to have wracked up an impressive ability to recognize the guest stars in basically everything, too. You'd think this might be an incentive to watch less TV, but if anything I'm more motivated to hone these skills and absorb more pointless knowledge. Also, speaking of (TOTALLY AWESOME) actor crossover -- more pimping for Leverage! Both Danny Strong AND Sam Anderson in the next episode! The showrunners must be soooo smug in their geek street cred, sheesh.
To revisit my topic that got cut off last time,
I think I just forgot how insane everything on this show is and how many questions I have zinging around my brain after every episode ends. I mean, I had been going over older episodes, but of course it's different in that rewatching them doesn't have the same immediate HOLYYYYY CRAP response elicited by a first viewing. So. Some things that went "ZING!":
- I wonder who is going to end up being
Adam and Eve? I'll admit that I haven't thought about them at all since, uhhh, the episode first aired, but they immediately sprang to mind once it became apparent that the Losties were traveling to the past -- and, honestly, I'm kind of feeling not so great about the whole thing, if only because I can't come up with anybody I would want it to be. I think it would be lame-to-the-max for it to be one of the ~island romances~ i.e. Jate/Skate/etc. because... no. That's too cheesy even for me. Also, while I could see either Jack or Sawyer wanting to stay on the island, I really can't imagine Kate would choose to stay on the island and ditch responsibilities to Aaron (unless zombie!Claire turns out to be notzombie!Claire, who knows). Maybe Rose and Bernard, aka the only couple left on the island who are still happy and well-adjusted? Although, well, I guess there's still the question of whether A&E were two people who chose to be there together and live out the rest of their days side-by-side or if they were two people who died and then were placed there by others... Anyway. I'm sure the mystery will be solved in time -- so don't be lame! *holds up warning finger*
- Going off that idea of who would want to stay on the island -- as mentioned above, although a case can be made for both Jack and Sawyer either way, I love how much it's been reversed even this early in the season: whereas before Sawyer made clear his lack of interest in ever going back to his old life and in fact took the first opportunity to jump out of the chopper while Jack was busy turning into CRAZY MONOMANIAC I MUST SAVE YOU ALL!!!, it seems that Sawyer does have some off-island stakes with his daughter and now with Kate -- and then conversely, one of the best moments for me on Wednesday was Ben making clear to Jack that this time he will be leaving L.A. for good, and Jack is just completely stripped down and hollowed out of everything he thought he wanted back from his life that it is nowhere even close to mattering any more.
- So, really, I guess the reason I'm currently struggling with Adam and Eve is because I sort of only want Jack to die on the island. Alone.
- ...I should note that I don't actually hate Jack.
- No, really, I don't! And I feel like I should clarify that, because certainly he has emotional baggage out the wazoo and patronizing interpersonal skills and, really, I doubt I need to further enumerate his failings as Jack!hate seems to be one of the constants across fandom. Of course, someone who as a person is less than palatable is not excluded from being a good character (see: every other character on the show :P), although I will admit that somewhere during season four he mostly dropped off on that as well as he seemed to hit critical mass of irritating actions which were not equally balanced by compelling character growth. Annoying and pointless and nowhere to go with him. What a sad state! ...Except not, because so far I'm totally loving what this season has been setting up.
Actually. Hmm. I feel like this character commentary needs some backstory. WHOOOOSH FLASHBACK! I do this thing every year when Lost comes back where I like to go back through all of my old episode reaction posts and see how plotlines and priorities have changed, what characters have come and gone, how my allegiances have changed -- and I think Lost is really the only show I do that with, because its unique in a way where the developments are so unpredictable and I-never-would-have-seen-that-coming! and yet simultaneously so rich and organic and right and I-can't-image-how-that-would-have-happened-any-other-way. I like to reflect and reminisce and often have a chuckle at my own expense in terms of how I once thought things would play out. While there are some constants (har har. Get it? In fact, "DESMOND IS WONDERFUL" is indeed one of my constants), my thoughts on Jack are rather varied. When the show first started I was totally pfffft on him as the typical Hero Lead, but once he started cranking up the wangst around mid-season he was added to my list of Characters of Interest -- I won't say favourite because, well, that was the heyday of Jack vs. Locke and I think we all know how that one goes down for me, but Jack was a big part of what fueled that drama and that was enough to sustain his character for me. Then season three rolled around and, ha, looking back this kind of seems like comedy gold, but I sincerely fell in love with Jack during the fall mini-season that year and NOTHING WILL CONVINCE ME THAT HE WAS OTHER THAN FANTASTIC IN THOSE EPISODES. ...Actually I haven't gone back and watched a lot of them since they first aired so it might be interesting to see what I think of them now, but I think I'd still be dazzled by the Jack-in-a-[glass]-box arc. He just played everything so perfectly and helped his friends and gave as good as he got in terms of Other-ly manipulations. Yeah. Those were good times... because then the rest of season three happened and Jack turned into such a whiny bitch about everything and, just, let's not talk about "Stranger in a Strange Land," and then all of season four and "Something Nice Back Home" and why why whhhhhy what maybe it would be better if we just killed Jack and got it over with. Just sayin'.
Yet although I lost heart in the midst of the plunge into suckitude, at the beginning of the crazybeard!Jack plot I commented, and I quote: "But I want to see, I dunno, maybe some Jack/Locke/Ben collaboration to stay on the island? That would be too wonderful for words."
Okay, wow, that was a crazy long set-up just to essentially say that I'm often wrong about the direction of the show and I don't always know what I want until after happens and then I go, "Cool, that was actually perfect!" but this was an instance of me resigned into thinking that I wanted what I didn't actually want only to have it revealed to me that what I wanted in the first place is indeed what is happening now. Um. Basically. YAYAYAYAYAY. I LOVE YOU LOST. MAY MY FAITH NEVER WAVER.
- Yeah, this post has gotten really far of base from episode-specific discussion. Well, in my defense, season premiers/finales always bring out my let's-look-at-the-big-picture side. But back to the episode itself.
- Ana Lucia! Oh man! I kind of miss her. :( (Please let me direct your attention to all of my UNPOPULAR FANDOM OPINIONS! I have so many.)
- Penny and Des and their happy floaty boat life, oh oh OH why must it be ruined??
- God, I love Miles.
- Sawyer/Juliet. What. I'd ship it.
- Also, in my restrospective I was having my usual LOL over how I used to ship Sayid/Kate at the verrrry beginning of season one -- but then I watched "There's No Place Like Home" again and, dude, I think I might actually ship Kate/Sayid. They are all teamed up and hardcore and covering each other in the episode -- and, y'know, FREAKING GORGEOUS:
Go ahead. Ship it. You know you want to. Seriously, though, just contemplate for a moment how totally badass of a couple those two would make. My mind, it is blown.
- Aaaand that's probably enough for now. Oh, dearest Lost, welcome back to the center of my life.
Man, I've been using the same Lost icon for a really really really long time.