In doing my Year in Fiction recap last time, I had the most fun -- and blew the most time! -- doing my TV post; and, as 2008 began drawing to a close, I sincerely looked forward to going through the same process again in putting together a TV of 2008 retrospective. Yet once work actually began... I. Wow. Holy balls, guys. I WATCH SO MUCH FRIGGEN TV. When exactly did that happen? Looking over my post from last year I felt a bit ridiculous about how many new fandoms I had picked up, but between now and then my list has just about tripled. Um. Err. Yeah. Oops? I apologize in advance for the rather epic nature of this post, then. Definitely not dial-up friendly. Spoilers for the most recent seasons of: American Idol, Big Wolf on Campus, Chuck, Crusoe, House M.D., Legend of the Seeker, Life on Mars, Lost, M*A*S*H, Mad Men, Merlin, The Middleman, Psych, Pushing Daisies, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG-1, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: TOS.
Anyway, to keep this more manageable I think I'm going to mix up the format a bit, first categorizing shows according to its current airing status and my own status in watching it, then doing a brief overview of my thoughts on each, then doing a projection for 2009. So. Let's see how it goes.
First up, my same old reliable fandoms that have been truckin' along with a steady stream of new episodes -- the usual suspects!:
Episodes watched: 4.01 "The Beginning of the End" - 4.12-13 "There's No Place Like Home"
Favourite episode: 4.05 "The Constant". ME AND EVERY OTHER PERSON EVER. One of those perfect hours of television that makes me go, "YES and this right here is why Lost is still -- STILL -- the greatest thing on television." Close runner-up with 4.09 "The Shape of Things to Come," because, hi, Ben episode, how could I not love it? I like to think of it as Lost Does "Sacrifice of Angels," aka one of my favourite DS9 eps.
Least favourite episode: No entire episode immediately jumps to mind, but my least favourite moments were probably related to the love triangle quadrangle multi-sided-figure-of-doom...
-Basically all of "The Shape of Things to Come," as previously mentioned -- both on-island moments and flashforwards.
Domesticity in "The Other Woman"! THE OVEN MITTS. OH DEAR.
Although his brief foray into, err, a unique form of wooing led to the revelation that Ben has some control issues. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT??!
Best new character: Fabulous Freighter Foursome, but most especially Daniel "I'm Your Density" Faraday.
And some Miles love, just because people seem to dislike him (whhhy? He's great!).
Body count: SO. MANY. I've lost count, but who can blame me??? The important ones AKA the ones that made me cry -- Danielle/Alex, Jiiiiiiiin wtf noooooo!!!, LOCKE D: D: D: D: D: D: DDDDDDDDDDDDD: And Michael didn't make me cry exactly (kind of felt full circle, I guess) but he's still important.
Ships: Penny/Des; Damon/Carlton
House, M.D.
Episodes watched: 4.10 "It's a Wonderful Lie" - 5.11 "Joy to the World." Bookended by holiday specials, how neat and tidy!
Favourite episode: 4.12 "Don't Ever Change" (which I
already picspammed)
Least favourite episode: 4.16 "Wilson's Heart." Which is in fact an amazing episode BUT IT DESTROYED MY SOUL AUUUUUGH.
Best new character:
In conclusion: I really really really loved all of season four -- as in, almost beyond all reason, especially considering how much it polarized fandom. I think it was just an instance of outside circumstances coming together to shape the planned arc into something that brewed together into the perfect storm -- by the fourth season it was already time to shake up the format, and the hiring arc really helped to introduce new characters, to play with preexisting dynamics; then the writers' strike helped tighten up the storylines a lot; and of course the utter perfection of Anne Dudek led to her return and to Amber/Wilson and to all sorts of other fun things -- and, yes, to a complete heartbreak as well, but it was such strong, emotional, well-crafted drama that flew right in the face of any criticisms that the show is just another formulaic procedural that has lasted beyond its novelty. Ohhhh season four. ♥ I really enjoyed the beginning of season five as well, through about "Birthmarks" (great episode or GREATEST EPISODE??), but since then it's been a bit back and forth for me. I've loved some of it ("The Itch," for instance) and been so-so on others, and... well. I think I'm going to be one of those fans but, seriously, I miss the massive amounts of Wilson we'd been getting with the House/Wilson/Amber drama. It spoiled me. :( And now that House and Chuck are airing in the same time slot (SERIOUSLY. WHYYYY) I'm almost kind of tempted to prioritize Chuck above House. I FEEL SO GUILTY but I guess we'll see how things go.
Ships: House/Wilson; Amber/Everybody; House/Cuddy/Wilson; House/NOBODY MUAHAHAHA MY ULTIMATE OTP
Episodes watched: 2.11 "There's Something About Mira" - 3.09 "Christmas Joy"
Favourite episode: Three-way tie between 2.14 "Dis-Lodged," 3.02 "Murder?...Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller?" and 3.08 "Gus Walked into a Bank"
Least favourite episode: 3.06 "There Might Be Blood." In fact I flat-out hated this episode, which is something that basically never ever happens for me with this show. Maybe I just set my expectations to high but, hey, that is what happens when you tease me with TWBB wordplay! I expect greatness!
Best Psych-Out:
I am so predictable.Ships: Shawn/Gus/Carlton/Juliet and every permutation thereof; Shawn/Abigail; Shawn/Henry as in... not a shippy way, but their relationship is one of the best things about the show for me
American Idol
Episodes watched: All of season seven... which, to be honest, I was not hugely into. I know this makes me a huge loser, but I miss AI6! TOTALLY BEST EVER. But I mean, everybody was kind of vaguely lovable this time around... but, I don't know, just sort of pleasant but not like HEART STOPPING AWESOME.
Favourite performances: David Cook's "
Billie Jean" because, umm, it's actually just a really good performance, and "
The World I Know" because even though, yeah, not the most ground-breaking song choice or anything -- I just love love love the emotion behind this performance and the tears and the journey and, yes, that right there is why I watch AI. Also Chikezie's "
She's a Woman" because, oh my goodness, it's somebody having fun with the song and enjoying being on stage! SHOCKER. I also loved Jason and Brooke -- mostly just because I'm shallow and they're cute, though, so I don't know if I have any OMG BEST songs from them. Um?? Probably "
Every Breath You Take" (remember all the drama over RESTARTING THE SONG??! Ahaha, AI drama, how I love you) and "
Daydream." Also, even though I never really got on board with Archuleta,
this is basically the cutest thing ever.
Least favourite performances: Anything by Kristy Lee friggen Cook, bahhhhh!!
Next we have shows which are also working their way into later seasons but which are almost entirely new to me this year -- so first some catch-up, in order to then follow along with newly aired episodes:
Pushing Daisies
Episodes watched: Some that I caught up with from season one (sorry, I completely did not keep track of which ones), as well as new episodes this year: 2.01 "Bzzzzzzzzz!" - 2.10 "The Norwegians"
Favourite episode: HOW TO CHOOSE? ALL OF THEM.
In conclusion: This is a really pointless recap because, umm, it's kind of impossible to do a highlights session of the cutest, peppiest, heart-warming-est, absurd-but-still-personal-and-moving-est show on television. But, well, if push comes to shove:
Olive's "Eternal Flame" fantasy in "Comfort Food." AMAZING BEYOND BELIEF AND THEN SOME.
Ships: Again, none and all! I love everything, and yet nothing exclusively! I guess my favourite development as of late would be the building Olive/Emerson relationship, though.
Mad Men
Episodes watched: 1.01 "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" - 2.13 "Meditations in an Emergency"
Favourite episode: Once again, hard to say! Why do I pose all of these difficult questions to myself? I think it's interesting because, what with the end of the year and all I've been reading through a lot of "Best Of" lists sprinkled throughout the media, and Mad Men, being the critical darling that it is, is featured quite frequently but often by critics defending against it as a show where not much happens -- which I had never really thought about before, and which in turn is rather silly of me because uhh, it's totally true! I suppose it's just that it's in the exact opposite way from, say, a Seinfield-esque "show about nothing" where it really doesn't matter what's not happening because what is happening is sparkling, distracting fun -- in Mad Men's case it's rather what isn't happening which is so conspicuously vacant and building until it just kind of... ruptures into a potent, draining absence. So in that sense I guess I'd have to say that both season finales are my favourite because they contain so. much. payoff. and are just crazy acting powerhouses. Don Draper has kind of become one of my most hated characters and if I ever met him I'd probably punch him in the balls, but how do you not cry at his presentation in "The Wheel"? UGH YOU MANIPULATIVE BASTARD, AND I FALL FOR IT EVERY TIME. And then "Meditations in an Emergency" -- that Peggy/Pete scene was probably the most perfect thing of my life, and Elisabeth Moss had better be getting about fifty Emmys for that alone.
Least favourite episode: "The Jet Set," because I was promised sexy Don/Pete travel adventures plus SPACE SHIPS AND JUNK and instead I got Don dicking around for a week. DISPLEASED. Except oh oh OH somebody wrote a
Don/Pete Yuletide fic which you should all read pronto because it's amazing.
Best intentional irony: The way the women of Mad Men are by far the best part of the show.
Best clip to watch over and over and over:
The defenestration of Trudy's dinner. OH PETE YOU ARE SUCH A MAGNIFICENT BASTARD.
Ships: Peggy/Pete BECAUSE I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON; Don/NOBODY PLEASE DIE ALONE; except Don/Pete because, again, ME = BAD PERSON but it'd be totally hot
Episodes watched: 1.1 "Chuck vs. the Intersect" - 2.11 "Chuck vs. Santa Claus"
Favourite episode: 1.12 "Chuck vs. the Undercover Lover." In fact one of my top five episodes of ANY show watched this year. So, so, so perfect that it deserves its own picspam. You might want a little
mood music for this, by the way...
First of all, Ivana Milicevic is so knock-me-over gorgeous that every moment between Ilsa and Casey turns into an EXPLOSION OF HOT.
"IT'S ALIIIIIIIVE!!" CASEY HAS ACTUAL EMOTIONS! Oh my God, his little squishable face as his eyes start to mist over in reminiscence of Ilsa... !!! EVEN THE WAY HE EATS HIS SANDWICH IS CUTE.
Male bonding therapy session! Again, Casey's faaaace in the lower left just, gahhh, breaks my heart. See, this is what I love so much about Adam Baldwin -- he's always the stereotypical hardass super intense emotionally void fighting machine and then there'll be this crack of emotion and it's like A RAY OF BEAUTY SHINING ON MY SOUL. ...I MAY OR MAY NOT BE IRRATIONALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN.
Guhhhhh everything about this scene! The pointing! JOHN'S SUIT LKJDSF;LKASDF;LASF;JA. (Wow I really neglected Sarah in this picspam, didn't I? :/ Um, I still love her, I promise. Also missing from this picspam is the Ellie/Awesome subplot which is, ummm, actually awesome! I know I sometimes roll my eyes at gender dynamics/relationship dynamics/whatever in this show, but I think they did a really really really great job of mixing that up with their anniversary gift and making it believable that Ellie would want the TV and Devon would want the washer/dryer and, just, as much as that relationship is played for laughs, it ultimately does work out in a sweet, real way. ALSO MORGAN/ELLIE AAAAHAHA.)
Least favourite episode: 2.02 "Chuck vs. the Seduction" (ha, you know, I totally saw this on some media site's top 25 episodes of 2008 and. Just. WTF WHHHHHYYYY??!)
Best character: CASEY. Go ahead, look surprised. Sorry, I know most of you don't follow this show and have therefore probably grown tired of my near-pornographic panting over this man, but this show has reawaken my love for Adam Baldwin and then some. Like, a lot. For the uninitiated, you can catch him in action in
his webisode.
Ships: Chuck/Sarah/Casey and every permutation thereof; Bryce/Sarah/Chuck and every permutation thereof; Ellie/Awesome; Morgan/Lester (WHAT DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT); Casey/Ilsa
This next show is a bit of a transition, then, straddling both this category of catching up with currently airing shows and then my next category of catching up on already-completed shows:
Stargate: Atlantis
Episodes watched: 1.01-02 "Rising" - 5.18 "Identity"; and, really, at the time of finishing this the final two episodes have aired as well, so I might as well say THE ENTIRE GODDAMN SERIES HOLY CRAP.
Favourite episode: Oh God, all of them, in so many special ways! I totally failed at keeping up with reaction posts while initially watching this show so even now I feel like there are still so many things I haven't properly flailed over... And, I mean, there are some absolutely amazing standalone episodes and then there are great payoff episodes and then there are episodes that are in fact absolute shit but I'm so glad they exist because, seriously, who wouldn't want a show whose canon includes an incident in which the lead turns into a hormone-riddled bug-person? NOBODY, THAT'S WHO. So, well, with the understanding that I hate doing rankings/Best Ofs (not that you could tell from this post, ha), some episodes that I feel a great attachment to; I'll limit myself to one per season:
3.04 "Sateda": RONON. BACKSTORY. WRAITH GOGGLES. MCKAY ON DRUGS. BAD JOKES ABOUT ASSES. AWKWARD BUT MOVING DISCUSSIONS OF FEELINGS. MOOOORE RONON! RONON HUGS! UMMM, EVERYTHING! So, yeah, that part where I talked about not having favourites... well, if I did, I kind of suspect that this miiight be it. GREATEST TEAM EP EVER.
beyond epic "What Is Eternal?" Ultimately, though, I think I want my picks for this post to reflect episodes I love for whatever nonsensical reason and watch over and over again even if they don't have quite the same plot arc build up or whatever... And anyway, I think "Harmony," in its own special way, plays a pivotal role in Rodney's character arc. SO THERE. ALSO I JUST LOVE IT.) Just kidding!! 4.14 "Harmony": EVEN MORE POWERBARS! BRIDGES THAT NO LONGER EXIST! SESSIONS WITH NOLAR LUMSBRIK! LESSONS ABOUT LEADERSHIP! DISCOVERING TRUE QUEENHOOD!
5.04 "Daedalus Variations." Which I have... no screencaps for. Um. SEASON FIVE PLEASE COME OUT ON DVD SOON. You'll just have to take my word for it that this is an amazing episode. Or I guess I could cheat and say "Vegas," even though technically it didn't air until 2009.
Least favourite episode: Anything with LUCIUS MOTHERFUCKING LAVIN GODDDD. Weirdly, though, much as "Irresistible"/"Irresponsible" make me want to throw up my insides,
Them Other Boys Don't Know How to Act is still perhaps my favourite fic in all of fandom and never fails to cheer me up. Go figure. This is what I mean about still being glad that awful episodes exist.
Ships: HA. AHAHAHA. YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW. No, seriously, I am really not exaggerating when I say that I ship everybody/everything. But, well, I guess I'll start with the biggies...? Okay, then. Obviously it's kind of impossible to be in fandom and not have any sort of feelings about McKay/Sheppard -- and, honestly, why would you want to avoid it? For verily they contain much greatness, sometimes in the way where I roll my eyes and laugh and go "OH MY GOD YOU ARE TWELVE YEARS OLD AND SO SILLY" and get excited about their goofy adventures...
...and sometimes in the way where they look at each other and I go, "Oh my God, I think you are actually just completely in love with each other" AND MY HEART GROWS THREE SIZES.
But, I mean, I think Rodney/everybody is also a legitimate OTP:
With his various teammates...
Rodney/Ronon! Because their thrilling escape in "No Man's Land" is grand, and much as they dig at each other they always come through at the direst of moments. Also I am a sucker for the Momoa/DHew relationship.
Rodney/Teyla! Because I love the sort of running subplot that Teyla is actually quite good with computers and dazzles him before he realizes what is happening.
Rodney/Elizabeth! Because unlike John/Elizabeth, it's actually believable! And much as Rodney flaunts his feelings for some people I think he does quite well with the hidden pining as well, and, yeah, I'm fairly convinced that this is canon.
Rodney/Sam! Because... sexy scientist nerd-off! What's not to love?
With fellow lab coworkers...
Rodney/Zelenka! Because really they just need to make out and get it over with. Sheppard said so.
Rodney/Beckett! Because they're canon BFF and Rodney talks to him in stasis. ♥
Rodney/Grodin! Because I started shipping them at the last possible moment just to make my heart hurt more!
Rodney/Hermiod! Because secretly Rodney covets his giant Asgard brain!
Rodney/Todd! Because his wraith coding style is so elegant! And Todd really does love hearing that volcano story over and over and over.
Rodney/ZPM! Because he would totally have sex with one if he could figure out the logistics!
The adversarial...
Rodney/Lorne! Because Lorne is just as cleverly bitchy!
Rodney/lemons! Because theirs is a forbidden love!
And finally, the canonical...
Rodney/Katie! Because although not Meant To Be, they were cute in their own awkward way!
Rodney/Jennifer! Because they get their geeky flirt on on multiple realities, even!
Um, anyway, back to some of my bigger ships... Teyla/Kanaan! Although again I have no caps for them, siiiigh, but just watch the end of "Broken Ties" for CUTENESS OVERLOAD with those two. Although at first I wasn't a huge fan of how Kanaan was just a MY LOVE INTEREST IS PASTEDE ON character, I mean... the writers were kind of in a tight spot with how to incorporate the pregnancy into the show, and it's a million times better than a secret love affair with one of the regulars, AND ultimately I think they developed it very well after a shaky start. Mostly I just love (LOVELOVELOVE) that Teyla got her happy ending, that she got to save her lover and have her baby all while still being the same kickass Teyla we know and love. Usually the introduction of a baby either means that 1) that baby is going to die at some point in time, or turn into a mutant, or age rapidly into an angry teenager, or whatever OR 2) the parents are written off the show into oblivion. But Teyla gets to start an awesome family AND still be a viable character on the show... A++++ Although as I mentioned to my sister... do we ever actually see a Teyla/Kanaan kiss? Hmm. I don't think so. THIS MUST BE RECTIFIED.
TEAM! OT4! John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon and all permutations thereof! (And Ford with an honourable mention)
Ronon ships... outside of TEEEAM? Hmm. There's not that much to work with in canon... I thought Ronon/Jennifer was an interesting road to explore but obviously it didn't really go anywhere, and then Ronon/Amelia...? Uh? Sure, why not? I don't know, I have a hard time getting excited about anything that isn't Ronon/John or Ronon/Teyla (I'm not gonna lie, I totally legitimately shipped them in seasons two and three) or Ronon/Rodney. OH WAIT I'M FORGETTING -- Ronon/Todd!! In "The Last Man"! Yes indeed, that was a thing of greatness. Oh and also Ronon/Woolsey in "Prodigal."
Which finally brings me to John ships! I guess most of them have pretty much been covered already, but the last few to wrap it up:
JOHN/TODD. "I have a relationship with Todd." "You know how to talk to me, John Sheppard." OH YES. SEASON FIVE MADE THIS SHIP TOTALLY CANON.
And then. Saving the best for last. Drumroll please... SHEPPARD/WOOLSEY. The amount of love I have for these two at this point in time just might border on ridiculous, but it just snuck up on me! Like a weird, unlikely, chemistry-riddled, sneaky thing! Really I think I love them for a lot of the same reasons that I love John/Todd (um, you didn't hear it from me, but... Richard/John/Todd would so be the MOST EPIC LOVE TRIANGLE IN HISTORY) -- a great recurring character who has such a solid, compelling character arc growing in direct relation to John's influence in his life, am I right? OF COURSE I'M RIGHT. Woolsey excels so much on his own merits as a character, but then throwing Sheppard into the mix makes all of his appearances throughout Stargate history that much more flail-worthy for me. I mean...! Just...! The change from mutual derision to mutual support and respect and friendship hits my secret kink for normal, healthy, low-key but loving relationships. Who knew??? Also -- in light of the end of Boston Legal on the Alan/Denny front, the "Inquisition" closer is, if anything, even more so the BEST SCENE EVER.
In conclusion: AHAHAHAHA I AM THE LAMEST THING EVER *hangs head in pseudo-shame*
More shows under Operation: TV CATCH-UP!...
Stargate: SG-1
Episodes watched: 1.01-02 "Children of the Gods" - 3.07 "Deadman Switch" (SAM JONES!!! I LOLed); plus a bunch of random episodes here and there after I started fangirling SGA but before I decided to go back and fully get into this show
Favourite episode: 2.16 "A Matter of Time" because it was super cooool. Black holes! Time dilation! DRAAAAMA! Also 2.04 "The Gamekeeper" because 1) backstory and 2) LULZ; and 1.19 "There But for the Grace of God"/3.06 "Point of View" because I'm a sucker for alternate timelines/realities/whatever.
Least favourite episode: A lot. Sorry. This show is actually kind of... not good. AND YET I KEEP WATCHING IT so what does that say about me??? I think so far it's just been too episodic for my tastes, so while episodes aren't necessarily bad, it's often more of, "Let's tackle this scifi notion this week!" instead of something that feels pressing and unique to this set of characters -- which, hi, they are all so endearing and lovable! Which is probably why I'm still watching. I think this show just has yet to properly click with me and I'm still kind of waiting for that moment... 50+ episodes in, ha... but I remain optimistic that it will happen. Maybe. One day. I don't know. If anything I can catch up on the introduction of McKay's and Woolsey's characters.
Ships: None. Ha. In direct response to my overabundance of ships for SGA, I suppose... but, I don't know, as I said, I really love everybody but I like to think of them as a happy coworker family and isn't that enough??
Star Trek: DS9
Episodes watched: Once again I do not recall exactly where I picked up at the beginning of this year (note to self -- keep better track of things in 2009!), but it was somewhere around the end of season five; then watched all the way through 7.25-26 "What You Leave Behind;" then went back and fiiiinally watched all of season one, 1.01-02 "The Emissary" - 1.20 "In the Hands of the Prophets." Oh, and I also caught up on a few episodes I had missed in my earlier viewings: 2.20-21 "The Maquis," 3.08 "Meridian," and 3.14 "Heart of Stone" aaaand I think that's it.
Favourite episode: Um, yeah, this is basically an impossible question to answer, because I think DS9 was really the prototype for a lot of the strong serialized dramas on TV right now (Lost, BSG, etc.) where, as the series progressed, it became increasingly necessary to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OMG and missing an hour was missing a little chink of a character or a subplot or something and just... WATCH IT ALL. IT'S SO GOOD. But that said, some favourites:
5.25 "In the Cards." This episode is so sweet and, okay, to counter what I just said above about massive building DRAMARAMA -- or, not, not even to counter it! To add to it! Um. But what I love about DS9 is that sometimes episodes like this one that step outside for a moment of the giant brewing tensions, is that they're really still perfectly in line with the rest of the turmoils, part of an organic rhythm of up and downbeats where, yes, sometimes it's okay to sit back and smile and remember how much you love everybody. ♥ ♥ ♥
The "Return to DS9" arc at the beginning of season six. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS SO AMAZING. I... don't even have words for those six episodes other than GOOD GREAT GREATEST WATCH THEM. I mention "Sacrifice of Angels" all the time because, yes, it is that good!
Lots of other great stuff in this season, too... 6.13 "Far Beyond the Stars" (
Epic scifi meta is epic), 6.16 "Change of Heart", and 6.19 "In the Pale Moonlight," to name a few.
And then I think my feelings about the beginning of season six can be applied to the whole of season seven, which is basically just one giant fantastic episode (well, with a few bad notes here and there that we will pretend didn't happen... or that I will overlook because I am a wee bit in love with Ezri...). I freely admit that I cried through the vast majority of "What You Leave Behind," but in a good way (EXCEPT FOR KIRA/ODO. WHAT. SCREW YOU, FOUNDERS, FOREVER AND A DAY).
Least favourite episode: 6.23 "Profit and Lace." Whhhhhhy does that episode even exist????!? Also "Move Along Home," holy balls is that a bad episode.
Ships: Lamely I seem to have wasted all of my momentum on my SGA list, because I thiiink I might possibly have even more relationships I love on this show. To DS9's praise, though, they are ACTUAL CANONICAL DEVELOPMENTS that get proper screentime and great episodes and not just pointless fandom speculation, as seems to happen with most of my other ships... basically DS9 is as neurotic a multi-shipper as I am. ITS OFFERING PLEASES ME. Some favourites:
Bashir/O'Brien ("Extreme Measures" is totally the "Doppleganger" of DS9!)
In conclusion: I'm still kind of mopey that this show is over -- somewhat stupidly as of course it ended years before it was over for me, but it was still an epic ride even if I did catch on a bit late. Great scifi, great character drama, great everything. If I had $300 I think this series would be first on my list of things to buy. Go, team, go!
Star Trek: TOS
Episodes watched: I only had four left to catch up with!: This Side of Paradise, Devil in the Dark, The Cloud Minders, and The Way to Eden
Favourite episode: Devil in the Dark
Least favourite episode:
Um. Yeah.In conclusion: To be honest I feel like I did most of my concluding last year, except for these few stragglers, so... my remaining quick thoughts: The rumours are true. This is simultaneously the most cheesetastic and most ground-breakingly influential television show in all of scifi, if not in ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY EVER, like a guilty pleasure you don't have to actually feel guilty about watching.
Ships: Spock/McCoy/Kirk is still my ultimate OT3.
Life on Mars
Episodes watched: 1.01-1.02. OMG I FAIL. I guess I'm not really in much of a position to do any sort of best/worst/etc. until I get back on track with catching up on the rest of this...
Big Wolf on Campus
Episodes watched: 1.01 "Pilot" - 3.05 "Anti-Claus is Coming to Town"
Favourite episode: 2.15 "Mr. Roboto"; any featuring vampires
Least favourite episode: 3.05 "Anti-Claus is Coming to Town"
In conclusion: I realize I should be embarrassed to admit that I watching this show, but let me just say that... actually, I am embarrassed. Geez. Oh well, it's harmless fun and cute comedy and oh-so-campy. Television could really use more shows that, if they must be kind of lowbrow and stupid, at least do so in an irreverent, inventive way.
Episodes watched: Really random out of order ones, to the point where I wasn't initially going to include this show; it falls closer to my "random reruns watched over lunch" category of viewing selections, as its always airing at any given time on either ION, Hallmark, TVLand, etc. etc. However, I decided that I needed to include this show for one core reason...
Ships: OH FRANK/MARGARET. I ship them. AND IT'S SO SAD. In more ways than one, I mean -- their relationship itself, and the fact that I'm so ardently invested in it. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, because they're the exact type of characters I love to watch: Margaret because she is so passionate and persistent and frequently obnoxious but completely unapologetic about it, and Frank because he's an oblivious self-righteous man-child, and then the both of them because they're just so committed to it in the grand tradition of charismatic adversaries. But then as Margaret gets this gradual growth arc and Frank gets his slipping away into disturbia arc... I don't know, somewhere along the line he slipped for me from love-to-hate hilarious but hypocritical ass to somebody whose story I feel really, truly sad about and wahhhh Frank WHY CAN'T I JUST THINK YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON AND GET OVER IT? But seriously, when I watched "Margaret's Engagement" it ruined my whole day!
(Would I tell a lie? Of course not! Photographic evidence:
But anyway, even though they depress me at the same time that they delight me, when they're on they. are. on. Oh yeah. Ferret Face/Hot Lips -- ultimate oppressive overlord bittersweet OTP.
Finally, shows entirely new this year to both me and the world at large:
The Middleman
Episodes watched: 1.01 "The Pilot Episode Sanction" - 1.12 "The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome"
Favourite episode: Well, when 1.06 "The Boyband Superfan Interrogation" aired I declared it one of my all-time favourite episodes of anything, so I guess I have to stick by that... but I didn't exactly prepare myself for the fact that some very close contenders would soon follow. So, um, tied with 1.10 "The Vampiric Puppet Lamentation"? And then 1.12 "The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome" gets an honourable mention.
Least favourite episode: Probably 1.02 "The Accidental Occidental Conception" just because I still hadn't gotten totally used to the formatting/pacing of the show, but even then it's still a pretty darn fine hour of television.
Ships: MM/Wendy/Lacey and all permutations thereof; LACEY/PIP because I need a dirtywrongship for every show and anyway, they do have great chemistry.
...I just remembered that Wendy has an actual love interest on the show, ha. OOOOPS. So, um, throw Wendy/Tyler up there as well.
Middlemanism: "Sands of Zanzibar!" Oh how I wish I still had my "Gosh! Darn! Heck! Jeepers!" icon...
Episodes watched: 1.01 "Rum and Gunpowder" - 1.08 "The Name of the Game", all of which I enjoyed so I'm skipping the best/worst and heading straight to the conclusion.
In conclusion: Am I the only person watching this show, or what? Apparently it's already been canceled which shouldn't surprise me as it probably has a viewership of about thirty-seven sad shut-ins sitting at home on Friday night (or Saturday night now, I suppose) but but but but WHY? I suppose some people have problems with it as an adaptation; I've never read the novel so I couldn't really say how it measures up, but I've seen several reviews knocking it as a drained, overly PC version of the story, especially as regards the Crusoe/Friday relationship. I can certainly see that to an extent; obviously it's not going to be the same as something like, say, Merlin, where you can just treat it as colorblind casting and not address it beyond that -- rather, the cultural exchange between the two is too crucial a centerpoint to the story. Yet to keep Crusoe as the "hero" or what have you, it risks turning into some absurd situation of, "Well, lucky for you, Friday, I happen to be an improbably enlightened seventeenth century Englishman when it comes to race relations!" and you kind of have to roll your eyes at it... It reminds me a bit of Sisko's feelings in "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" where he confesses to Kasidy that he feels uncomfortable participating in the 1960s setting of Vic's world, like it's somehow turning a blind eye to the circumstances of that setting... and, yeah, I totally get that and can see where that would be a stumbling block for this show, but then there are episodes like "The Name of the Game" that kind of surprise me with how much they cut into Crusoe's own cultural prejudices and, I don't know, for me it strikes a good balance.
And apart from the SRS BZNS front, the show is just FUN. PURE UNADULTERATED ADVENTUROUS FUN. Yet another negative review I read of the show dismissed it with something like, "Pooh pooh, this show could only possibly appeal to viewers who enjoy swashbuckling family-friendly adventure serials populated with smelly pirates and whirling sword fights and old-school Errol Flynn antics!" and I'm just like... and? Your point? Is this supposed to be why people wouldn't like it??! I know I made the comparison before, but it's like Lost crossed with Pirates of the Caribbean which isn't nearly as weird as it sounds. Fun island hijinks! Mysterious nefarious flashbacks! Pirates! Mutineers! Lovely ladies! Costumes!
Oh, and did I mention -- THEIR TOTALLY SWEET TREEHOUSE???! Which is at least 50% of what makes the show great?? Just, uhhh, don't bother yourselves with questions like, "Why couldn't they just build a BOAT instead of an island mansion??" The show wouldn't be as fun otherwise.
Legend of the Seeker
Episodes watched: 1.01 "Prophecy" - 1.07 "Identity"
Favourite episode: Um...? I've kind of mildly enjoyed all of them, I don't know. Maybe the one with Ted Raimi, because some loves never die.
Least favourite episode: Probably the pilot. SO MUCH BORING EXPOSITION. Could have been summed up by saying: "We are ripping this entire premise off of Star Wars. Tune in next week!" Also the episode probably would have been a full twenty minutes shorter without all of the extensive slo-mo sequences.
In conclusion: I'm in a state of "meh" about this show at the moment, as it is neither WHOA DIGGITY SO GOOD! enough for me to love it... or OMG OMG OMG AHAHAAA AWKWAAARD SO BAD! enough for me to love it. It either needs more camp or more quality, you know? I'll probably keep watching at least until Bruce Campbell pops up, though, ha. Also. Kahlan. SO PRETTTTY.
Episodes watched: 1.01 "The Dragon's Call" - 1.13 "Le Morte d'Arthur"
Favourite episode: 1.12 "To Kill the King" SO SO SO SO SO SO SO GOOOOOOOD. As in, pretty darn close to being my favourite episode of anything this year. I'm sorry, but this single moment just blew my mind and made me cry for about an hour:
They are so screwed up and I absolutely revel in it. Please please please do not die any time soon, Uther. *clings* Same goes for you, Morgana. Oh, man, how hard am I crushing on Katie McGrath right now? I was all set to picspam her for this entry but I have to go to class soon so instead I'll cheat and direct you to
preclusion's very very thorough
Morgana post which is just... TMTH.
Close seconds: 1.09 "Excalibur" (can you tell that I love Uther??) and 1.10 "Moment of Truth" (which I had declared to me the BEST EP EVER until 1.12 aired)
Least favourite episode: 1.07 "The Gates of Avalon." Either that or the fifty jillion "oh no, somebody is dying of a mysterious illness! Could it be... MAGIC??!?!!!?" episodes. Either THAT or the finale, which was kind of anticlimactic for me after 1.12. Um... that is to say that I did in fact really really enjoy the entire series... sometimes just in spite of itself. ;)
Ships: Yeah, yeah, same old, same old -- everybody/everything. YET ANOTHER TEEEEAM OT4 FOR ME TO FLAIL OVER. And also Morgana/Uther. And Gaius/Uther. And Gwen/Lancelot. And Arthur/Merlin/Unicorn. And probably other things I'm leaving out.
In conclusion: Oh, man. I really really really really love this show. At first I thought it was so absurdly hilarious that everybody was jumping ship from SGA fandom to Merlin, because... just... what?? Obviously I don't include myself in that category because I was first drawn to the show from the YAY BBC COSTUME DRAMA facet of my fannish personality, but, well, looking at it now, it does certainly overlap with the YAY CHEESY SCIFI ADVENTURE side of me as well. The best of both worlds! Huzzah!!
And... phew. That's it. Boy. Oh, wait, I said I was going to do a 2009 Prospective, didn't I? Ummm... I predict that I will watch TOO MUCH TV. What else is new? I'm super super super excited about Lost; also much anticipating the return of Chuck; totally bummed about the end of Pushing Daisies; loving new Psych and SO EXCITED ABOUT NEXT WEEK LASSITER YESSSSS; way conflicted about how to feel in regards to new Robin Hood, oh dear, emotional meltdown imminent; in the market for new scifi, possibly more Trek -- really I just want a NEW TREK SERIES already but I still have a lot of older stuff to catch up on... I keep trying TNG but just can't get into, I FAIL AT SCIFI but wow is it BEIGE and BORING, and now my insane Robert Picardo love makes me want to go back to Voyager even though the series finale destroyed my heart so... I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. I had mentioned class, hadn't I? Off to school, aka "that place where I pass my time in between TV shows."
(OH WAIT. Also. Heh. I... maaaay have already latched onto a new show? NCIS. IT ISN'T MY FAULT. It's my sister's payback for getting her into SGA.)