(no subject)

Nov 08, 2008 01:14

Don't say 'ass' in front of the baby, John!

But, okay, that aside -- mmmm John was so... Johnable tonight. Maybe it's just the week off, absence makes the heart grow fonder, etc. etc., but he seemed an extra level of delicious or was it just me? Of course it was definitely enhanced by the close proximity of Rodney for the majority of the episode. It's been a while since we got to see them do their adorably anxious/urgent/self-sacrificing attached at the hip routine. TOO LONG, IN FACT. BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO DAMN CUTE TO BE APART. (Oh, and on the off chance you haven't seen it yet, JOE AND DAVID WIN AT LIFE [pertinent bits are about halfway through]) The handshakes that demand to be so much more...! The loving gazes...! The noble gestures...! The cheating at children's games...! Be still my heart. Oh, and they are so married. "What do you mean you didn't clean out the garage underwater puddlejumper bay? I asked you two years ago! I even left a note on the fridge!" I'm pretty sure Zelenka does a little knowing chuckle after John and Rodney head out that sums up my feelings exactly. ♥

Woolsey, as always, wins at life. I really wished he could have been in this episode more. Woolsey/Ronon, guys. My heart cries out for it.

TEYLA IS SO HARDCORE GUYS OMG. Just... I... wow. I mean, not that I expected her to really do anything else, but. I'm not really sure how I feel about the ending. In some ways it's anticlimactic as hell, you know? "I'M GOING TO CONTINUE TO DOMINATE THE GALAXY! WITH MY THREE DUDES [seriously wtf three? Jesus] AND MY STUN BUBBLE AND TOENAIL CLIPPING OF A BABY. VICTORY IS MIIIIINE!!!" Oh, Michael. You used to be a relevant and engaging character, I swear. *pats fondly* But, well, maybe (i.e. DEFINITELY) it's just because I've been in "Gothic monster tropes" mode lately, but I just keep seeing it everywhere (and, anyway, SGA is already quite Gothic as far as scifi goes to begin with) and I have certain expectations for those archetypes and. And. Well. Ha, as soon as Sheppard and Michael stepped out of the tower, I was like, "Duuuude this is so Beauty and the Beast!" except then I couldn't figure out which one was supposed to be Gaston, and which one the Beast? And then Teyla is Belle? Except she kicks her Beast into oblivion, at which point he turns back into Gaston? And then, really, he's more Frankensteinian to begin with... (hell-ooo so many mommy issues when it comes to Teyla!) I actually liked that they seemed to carry through a personal grudge against Ronon, but I wish there was more interaction between him and John beyond face pummeling. Sigh.

And? The most tragic part of his kind of lame demise? TODD/MICHAEL WILL HAVE NEVER EXISTED. This saddens me beyond belief. Except, haha, then I watched the promo for next week and was like, "Look! It's another formerly cool bad guy who then had a really lameass death except hey maybe fun storylines lie ahead!" and DING DING dude that can totally happen for Michael, Y/Y? I mean, NO BODY, NO CRIME (thanks, Lassiter). We didn't actually see where he fell! And and aaaand then I had a sudden hilarious mental picture of Todd waiting at the bottom of the tower and whisking him away to ambiguously-aligned-Wraith-y goodness and, yeah, I LOL'd. (But it totally happened that way. True story.)

...Also it's like 1:00 AM, I apologize for anything my brain has come with at this point. I have to stay up late to catch the encore presentation because it conflicts with Crusoe. WHICH YOU GUYS SHOULD ALL BE WATCHING. IT'S LIKE LOST WITH PIRATES. HOW COULD THAT BE BAD???!

stargate: atlantis, crusoe

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