I've been experiencing this weird resurgence of interest in Robin Hood -- and quite a motivating drive at that, so hopefully within the next few days I'll be ready to post my Giant Girl!crush Picspam of Doom and my Multimultifandom Meta on Endings and Female Characters I Love and Other Things That Kind of Relate in My Brain but Won't Quite Coalesce on Paper So Okay it Might Be a Little While Before You See an Organized Version of This.
But anyway, in preparation for this I was trying to fatten up my collection of Lucy Griffith non-screencap pictures (seriously, are there only like a dozen pictures of this girl on the whole internet? I call shenanigans!) and OH MY GOD this is the most hilariously bad promo shot in the history of ever:
love triangle of pale awkwardness. God help me but I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING THIS SHOW even though it'd probably do wonders for my sanity if I could just get over it already. Sigh.
ETA: To balance out that horrible promo, I've been kind of in love with this Guy/Marian vid for the last few days:
Uninvited (quite heavy on finale spoilers).