(no subject)

Apr 05, 2008 23:26

Once again posting from the depths of my self-imposed LJ exile... because I think I have reached the point of diminishing returns with my essay writing for this evening... I've managed upwards of 1,000 words this afternoon, but, errr, only about 200 of those within the last two hours or so, because I keep getting insanely distracted by Star Trek! YouTube video watching; icon making; kinky alien smut fic reading -- oh, the shame of it all. My longing for DS9 even tricked me into watching the new episode of Battlestar Galactica last night, but it just wasn't the same. Thus the excessive YouTubing of the past few hours. At least I have some good finds to share:

-From "Trials and Tribble-ations", Julian, after traveling to the past, is convinced that his great-grandmother is in love with him -- and, in usual manwhore fashion, rather than getting squicked, decides that having sex with her is compulsory because his future existence might depend on it. Aaaand... O'Brien just stands there being his generally awesome self.
-More B/O'B costuming fun with the Battle of Britain
-Quark and Rom take a wrong turn while wandering around the station. My sister and I watched "The Magnificent Ferengi" when I was home over break, and we both died of lulz at this. XD XD XD
-A really awesome trailer for "Sacrifice of Angels" that just makes me want to watch the episode again and again and again.
-And finally, taking a break from all the DS9 for some TNG: Data does "White and Nerdy". And... no words are needed. This is pretty much the greatest thing ever. (ETA: There's also a slightly less awesome Spock version.)

...Okay. Back to exile. *scuttles away until tomorrow afternoon, when this paper will finally be FINISHED and TURNED IN and OUT OF MY LIFE. FOREVER*

star trek: tos, star trek: tng, star trek, star trek: ds9, vid recs

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