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Jan 11, 2008 22:20

From thepodsquad: Robin Hood fandom meme

1. The first character I fell in love with:
Marian! She's just so... guh, everything awesome and amazing -- smart, strong, capable, resourceful, caring -- without wandering into obnoxious Mary Sue area. And then of course Lucy is too pretty to be allowed, so I was pretty much a goner from the start.

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Um? This is actually sort of hard. :/ I've been fairly consistent in my character preferences. I suppose I've stepped up my liking of Allan this season, simply because he had a chance to distinguish himself from the rest of the gang.

3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
Will. Okay, it's not that I don't like him, but I have a hard time getting on board with the hardcore fangirling. I think I can attribute about 90% of this reluctance to his facial hair (oh, goodness, missmomoko has the most fantabulous icon for this), which makes him look like he's about fourteen or so. Will/Djaq always struck me as being analogous to a boy having a crush on his babysitter or something. I have a hard time applying the lust factor to his character (unless of course it's with Allan, because ANYBODY can make an exception for Allan).

4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
I don't know, who are unpopular characters in fandom? At any rate, I very much love both Guy and the Sheriff, and I'm sure they're pretty widely reviled within the context of the show.

5. The character I would shag any time:
GUY. Times a LOT.

6. The character I’d want to be like:
I'd like to have Marian's hair, Much's cooking skills, and the Sheriff's ability to pull a horrible pun out of any situation.

7. The character I’d slap:
Depends on the episode, but generally speaking I'd have to say Robin. Thankfully during the majority of season one I have Marian to do that for me; but for the past season (aside from the barn moment with Much), Robin really hasn't had anybody step up to him, despite the fact that he desperately needs it.

8. A pairing that I love:
GUY/MARIAN. Above all else. FOREVER AND EVER. And also:

10. Favourite character:
Up until the finale, I would have said Marian, but now I think I'm firmly entrenched in Team Gisborne.

11. What are your five favourite things about your fandom?

-The mind boggling niceness of everybody. I mean, literally, my heart was warmed by how wonderfully everybody came together after the finale, and, just... yay. *hugs* ♥
-Great guest stars (Carter! And Denis Lawson!)
-Marian's wardrobe. Well... sometimes. It can often be completely godawful, but then sometimes it is so ridiculously anachronistic that I find myself coveting it for my wardrobe to wear in everyday life. (Her Night Watchman jacket? WHY IS THAT NOT MINE??)
-The shamelessness of the show in terms of gratuitous displays of flesh. Just, LOL. "Oh, hello, Marian. How nice of you to visit my house... in the middle of the night... when I don't happen to have a stitch on above the waist..." How convenient -- for those of us watching at home!
-The sheer amount of drugs that the showrunners have to be on.

12. What are your five least favourite things about your fandom?

-The lack of continuity/dropped plot lines (or plotlines which are picked up a YEAR later. I'm looking at you, Black Power Ledger).
-The forced shippiness for the sake of romantic tradition -- referring primarily to Robin/Marian, but also to the fact that, after declaring her love for Will, Djaq was pretty much reduced to gushing "my darling"s and abandoning her whole lifestyle to set up house.
-The confused moral messages. I'm not talking about the uncomfortable gray areas, which make things complicated and interesting. I'm talking about the fervent cries of "We love the King!" and "We hate the Sheriff!", and yet "We love the people!" and "We hate the taxes!" And... just... there really isn't any attempt to reconcile King Richard as somebody who abandoned his people to go fight a war, which is funded by their taxes.
-Marian's wardrobe. Yes, this makes both lists -- because when it's good, it's good, and when it's bad... like the whole time she was living in the forest with Robin... AHHHH!! Poor girl. D:
-The catchphrases. Funny when used occasionally, but so irritating when every line of John's is either, "Today is a good day to die," or, "[This/Him/Her], I [do/do not] like."

13. Who are your five favourite characters?

1. Marian
2. Guy
3. Sheriff (can you tell that I love the castle most of all?)
4. Much
5. Allan

14. Who are your five least favourite characters?

1. Robin
2. Little John (just because he really doesn't do anything)
3. Will
4. Djaq
5. ZOMG I'm running out of characters!

15. Which character are you most like?
I'm somewhat of a Much in relationships, in that I'm timid and clingy and scared to meet new people beyond those I've known and loved for years. Then I like to think that I'm a Marian in terms of her outlook on life, hoping for something better while still taking a pragmatic approach to the realities of life ("cynical idealist" -- thanks, F. Scott Fitzgerald!).

16. What is your deep, dark fandom secret?
It's not much of a secret, but I guess it qualifies as dark and disturbing -- I am weirdly in love with the Guy/Marian stabbing moment. Like, I don't even want to say how many times I have replayed those thirteen seconds. Everything else in the finale sucked SO MUCH between the two of them, so horribly flat and empty and devoid of any sort of connection, and then just BAM. Return of Guy/Marian. Yes, in the most horrific, scarring, traumatizing act EVER, but also in the most powerful scene of the whole series. ...And I realize there's no way to properly justify my strange affinity for a murder, one which simultaneously killed my FAVOURITE CHARACTER and my FAVOURITE SHIP and, oh yeah, MY ENTIRE SOUL. But whatever, there it is.

guy/marian, robin hood

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