I've had some odd synchronicity going on in my life lately. For starters, I unconsciously coordinated the past week around Venice: we just finished reading The Merchant of Venice in class, and I watched the film with Jeremy Irons and Al Pacino on Saturday; last week I also watched Summertime, the David Lean film with Katharine Hepburn; and I've been rereading Brideshead lately, and am almost at their trip to Venice. The next movie on my list of things to get from the library is Venus, which almost kind of sounds like Venice (okay, now I am stretching it).
Then on Monday night, the final Jeopardy! clue included something about Emile Zola, and I thought, "Doesn't Paul Muni play him in a movie that I keep meaning to watch? I wonder when it is going to be on." The very next morning I checked my e-mail: "TCM Reminder:Life Of Emile Zola, The 1937 playing on Tue. October 23." That same morning I was down at breakfast eating with a friend, who randomly mentioned something about A Midsummer Night's Dream. "Oh!" I said. "That's the next thing we're reading in class, actually." Then I went upstairs and changed the day on my Forgotten English calendar, only to have the vocabulary word and historical tidbit both be about A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Weird, right? Maybe life is trying to tell me something.... Oh well; I will ignore the urgings of fate (whatever they may be) and instead steal a meme from
10 Things Currently on My Desk
01. electric pencil sharpener
02. cell phone
03. aforementioned Forgotten English calendar
04. Psych: The Complete First Season on DVD
05. Moonlighting: Seasons One and Two on DVD (let's guess how much studying I get done while sitting here...)
06. recently acquired lilac Bon Bon nail polish to coordinate with my Benjamina costume
07. flier from an art gallery, proof required to receive extra credit in art history
08. note reminding me to feed my roommate's fish this past weekend
09. list of local radio stations, so I know what's good to listen to in the car
10. ...and a big huge stack of books and notes towering over me to DO MY HOMEWORK!!!
9 Favorite Ships
01. Guy/Marian (Robin Hood)
02. House/Wilson (House M.D.)
03. Shawn/Lassiter (Psych)
04. Kirk/Spock/McCoy (Star Trek: TOS)
05. Bashir/O'Brien (Star Trek: DS9)
06. Chris/Blake (American Idol 6)
07. Cutthroat Pixie/Thirteen (House, M.D.)
08. Damon/Carlton (Official Lost Podcast)
09. Clark/Lex (Smallville)
8 of My Current Favorite Songs
01. Serenade in Blue - Glenn Miller Orchestra
02. No Action - Elvis Costello
03. Apruil in Paris - Andrew Kostelanetz
04. (She's) Sexy + 17 - Stray Cats
05. Blake Lewis - Dumpty Humpty
06. Cake - Love You Madly
07. Michael Buble - I've Got You Under My Skin
08. El Tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge!
7 People I Talk to Most
01. my brother Dallas
02. my sister Nickie
03. Sarah
04. Tiffany
05. Kelby
06. my mom
07. Rebecca
6 Favorite Kinds of Candy/Chocolate
01. Three Musketeers
02. Dove dark chocolate hearts
03. Cadbury creme eggs
04. tropical mix Jelly Bellies
05. gummy worms
06. Milky Way
5 Favorite Bands and ONE Artist
01. Duran Duran
02. Elvis Costello and the Attractions
03. Stray Cats
04. Van Halen
05. Tom Jones
4 Websites I Visit Daily
01. Gmail
02. LiveJournal
03. Comics Curmudgeon
04. WebCT
3 Items on My Wall (I am doing my wall at home, because my dorm is totally naked)
01. The Two Towers poster
02. Erté calendar
03. pillows spelling out my name
2 Favorite Sayings
01. Tinkerty tonk
02. Fresh to death
1 Favorite Movie
01. Lawrence of Arabia