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Sep 01, 2007 18:51

I leave for school tomorrow. Technically, I should be packing right now (OH GOD OH GOD WHY AM I DOING THIS ALL SO LATE???!!?), but I wanted my last journal entry of the summer to properly reflect how I've spent my break. It's been almost two weeks since I finished up my viewing of all the TOS films, and with the exception of some fangirly flailing over The Final Frontier, I haven't really posted about them yet. So finally, here I have my own personal ranking of the films from best to worst, with whatever random observations I felt like sharing.

1. The Wrath of Khan
This seems to be the overriding favourite, and who am I to resist peer pressure? It's definitely the best film in its own right, and the one I think would be most enjoyable for those not watching just because they were fans of the show. My only complaint was NEEDS MOAR MCCOY, as the films seem to focus too heavily on the Kirk/Spock relationship and leave him out, but the katra transfer at the end restored balance to the universe. The other OT3 moment I loved was when Kirk pulled out McCoy's glasses to read Spock's book. Aww. Unlike every other person ever, I actually didn't cry when Spock died; weirdly enough, I didn't start crying until the scene where Kirk first embraces David as his son. (I guess I have a soft spot for father-son relationships -- I cried BUCKETS while watching the DS9 episode "The Visitor" today.) And Khan is obviously the best villain in any Trek movie, no contest.

2. The Voyage Home
Another fan favourite! I am being extremely predictable so far. Well, if Khan represents everything quality about Trek in terms of plot, characters, and action, Voyage Home represents everything PURE CRACK about it. And, really, isn't that why we're watching? Chekov asking people on the street to help him find "nuclear wessels"? Pretty much the funniest thing ever. Very very very silly and extremely entertaining.

3. The Final Frontier
...Aaaand here is where I diverge from the norm. But, seriously, I don't understand why this movie always gets the short end of the stick. The plot wasn't any more ridiculous than Voyage Home, the K/S/Mc relationship was absolutely perfect, and it was just plain fun to watch. This was the first film that made me say to myself, "Gosh, I need to go buy that and watch it over and over again!" Yes, I realize I have awful taste -- but this is my list!

4. The Search for Spock
Pretty much one hundred percent filler, but not half bad filler at that. Time to be a predictable McCoy fangirl and say that I loved his bigger role in this movie. Yay crazy doctor with Spock stuck in his brain. Other than that.... filler!

5. The Undiscovered Country
Just as I don't understand why people hate Final Frontier, I don't really get why people like this movie so much. To be honest, I don't even really remember what happens in this movie, other than -- Hey, look! It's Rene Auberjonois! And then he died :( Trial scene: boring. Politics: boooring. McCoy asking Kirk why he always has to make out with everybody: awesome. That was probably my favourite part.

6. The Motion Picture
This one is way at the bottom of my list. Boy, could I have done without those countless shots of OMG super awesomez SFX so cool that we must pan across them for ten minutes straight! As for the story itself, it reminded me of something I once read about coming up with plots for fanfiction: if it's something that could happen to anybody, and the fact that it is happening to these specific characters isn't significant, then you might want to start looking for a new plot. So while it wasn't really an awful science fiction movie, I think it completely failed as a Star Trek movie because most of the characters were totally superfluous to the story. I would say that I wasted two hours of my life watching this movie if it wasn't for the very end, when Decker decides to join with V'Ger. As usual, I was watching with my sister, and I turned to her and said, "Belle! It's me!" at the exact same moment that she turned to me and said, "So -- does this make Decker the Beast?" Seriously. Sometimes I think we have the same brain. And we could not. stop. laughing.

star trek: tos, star trek, fandom: everywhere you want to be, big sis, star trek: ds9, movies

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