I just finished listening to the last Lost podcast of the season! I'm so depressed. I have no idea what I'm going to do for the show next year when I go off to school. I'm going to have to leech off of some unsuspecting person who also watches the show and has a TV in their room. Actually, I think they have a common room with a big TV, so maybe I can just commandeer that on Wednesday nights and make everybody else watch with me. I'll be doing them all a favour, really, but they just won't know it :)
So is Desmond not dead? What?! At first I thought they were saying that he was, because of the irony involved with Penny finally discovering him right after he died; that is, his sacrifice was what led her to him, but only then it was too late. Then all the stuff about wanting him to come back and tell more of his story, though... Oh, Damon and Carlton! You should know better than to toy with my emotions like that. I really really really hope this means that he is coming back next season, though. I have become such a shameless Desmond fangirl in the past week or two, and I don't want all of my obsessing to go to waste!
What was up with Damon's excessive use of the phrase "the reality is is that..."? You know you're obsessed when you start picking up on people's speech mannerisms, more so when you find said mannerisms ridiculously endearing. *sighs* This is going to be a very sad and pathetic summer without any new Lost to keep me amused. I've tried to get into the Lost Experience, but I'm one of those unlucky few who is having a hard time getting the passwords and whatnot to work. I can't begin to describe how frustrating it is! I can still follow along with what's been going on, but it isn't as much fun when I can't participate myself. I hope they sort out whatever problem is causing that.