(no subject)

Mar 26, 2005 06:03

Stolen from rainbowjehan:

Off the top of your head, right now, what ten 'ships would you likely drop what you're doing to read fic for. Or, alternately, what are the top ten ships that you'll give a fic a chance for, or that you've been dying to write, or that you've been dying to read.... These can be new loves, old flames, or something in between. Explain if you like, but you don't have to. Then tell us 3 things these ships say about you.

* = I've read this before
** = Not more than once
+ = I've written it

1. Kara Thrace/William Adama. Because I am so tired of Starbuck/Apollo. I really tried hard to like BSG for Jamie's sake, but the fandom is just too normal. I am really bored with pretty much everything that is happening on the show right now. Starbuck/Adama, though? Hello OTP yumminess! Aside from Baltar/Six, that is my favourite BSG pairing.
2. Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley*+. I used to love this ship so much, but then I just sort of dropped it. I'd be interested to see what new stuff has come up since the last time I read it.
3. Ginny Weasley/Tom Riddle. Because I am a sick freak.
4. Commodore Norrington/Jack Sparrow. Um. How hot would that be? I don't think this one needs a lot of explanation.
5. Jo March/Teddy Lawrence+. This was my OTP before I knew what an OTP was. I was coming up with Jo/Laurie fanfic before I knew what fanfic was. I'm not as big of a fan of Little Women as I was when I was younger, but this still has a very special place in my heart.
6. Horatio Hornblower/William Bush**. They are so, so, so cute. Dear God. The cuteness is just overwhelming. My love for this ship grew by leaps and bounds after reading Flying Colours.
7. Scarlett O'Hara/Melanie Hamilton**. I never used to like Melanie, but lately she has been growing on me. I think that I would be cheating if I didn't include some femslash on here, and this is one ship that I would actually be interested in reading. I think I read a Scarlett/Melanie drabble on vintagefic once, but that was it.
8. Kate/Jack. I have no idea why this is on my list. I felt the need to put something "Lost" related on here, and this is the first one that popped into my head. I like controversial ships, and oddly enough this seems to be one that people are very divided on. Initially I was rather disinterested when it came to this couple, because it seemed a little too simple, but now that Jack is all angsty over Kate I think I like this pairing enough to want to read it.
9. House/Wilson. I may have only watched one episode, but I can already tell that I love this couple. House/Wilson in House's flashy red car from the last episode would be even better.
10. Jayne/Kaylee. This is the one Firefly ship that I can really get behind. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be very popular, what with all the Simon/Kaylee love that is present in the fandom. This is another slightly unlikely ship, but I think it actually has more canon support than most people realize.

What these say about me: I get bored easily, and must have many novelty ships to keep me entertained. I am also a big fan of vintage fanfic. Also, I need to read and/or write more fanfic because it has been ages since I've done either.

lost, harry potter, memes, pirates of the caribbean, books, house m.d., battlestar galactica, firefly, horatio hornblower

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