Them sharing a desk together needs to be drawn... It's the ultimate 'aww'ness. *squees so much* Sitting so close together, I wouldn't be surprised that Inui isn't able to resist the charm that is Kaidoh. X333
*loves on M so much omg* Thank you M! *much love to you*
*Inui's glasses glint* Submission isn't always a bad thing. HahahAhaHAHAhahHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
You are too pretty XD. I haven't actually seen a picture or anything... but... women's intuition? I'm blinded by your beauty! *falls over from the bright light, that either came from Helen's beauty, or from Inui's glasses glinting XD*
Inui's laugh should not mortify you o.O;. It should remind you of the gentle sound of tinkling bells! Or kittens sneezing! The burbling of his mirth flooding across my ears is the one thing that all should hope to be able to hear in their lives. HahahAhaHAHAhahHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
*has one eye on beautimous!Helen, and one eye on the pretty Japanese boys, which is actually quite creepy, as M's eyes are looking in different directions and gives that lazy-eye look*
XD Well I suppose if it's in Kaidoh's flower'y field daydream, it's not so bad. Yesh... XD;;
And M don't do that. You need to keep both eyes on pretty Japanese boys. What if you miss one by accident! And it turned out to be Naoya! (Or someone like that!) X3
*loves on M so much omg* Thank you M! *much love to you*
*loves back* Yeah, yeah, I still think this fic is... Omg, Helen's so pretty! *hides*
And *flail* Where did that come from? XD *throws you kirakira sparkles* You're prettier!
Am not XD. Helen's prettiness shines from everywhere! Also, it blinds you to the fact that my fic is... HELEN'S PRETT~AY!
AHH! *BOPS YOU* STOP THAT M-SAMA! I'm not pretty and your fics are wondrous!
You are too pretty XD. I haven't actually seen a picture or anything... but... women's intuition? I'm blinded by your beauty! *falls over from the bright light, that either came from Helen's beauty, or from Inui's glasses glinting XD*
I don't think I'm beautiful so go gawk at pretty Japanese boys. *shooes M* XP
*has one eye on beautimous!Helen, and one eye on the pretty Japanese boys, which is actually quite creepy, as M's eyes are looking in different directions and gives that lazy-eye look*
And M don't do that. You need to keep both eyes on pretty Japanese boys. What if you miss one by accident! And it turned out to be Naoya! (Or someone like that!) X3
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