Jul 21, 2012 02:07

I don't know if anyone reads my journal, but if they do: a miracle has happened. JUST LOOK AT THIS THIS, IT'S AMAZING. (I can't stop staring)

I offered to pimp this thing becuase I actually haven't heard about it until now, which is terrible! I can think of little more tragedy for fandom than for this to be missed. I can't offer much, but I hope I can do that!

It makes me feel so alive!

I'm also also trying my best to have 'Rub My Duckie' posted before the 26th, when my family vacation is. I'm feeling much better about it!

...I can't think of what else to say, I'm just so excited!

team free will, plans, livejournal, dean/castiel, supernatural, this website is bamf, this is fun!

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