Title: Fruit
Fandom: Saiyuki Gaiden
Category: Humor
Notes: For
trensaddiction's request for "a failed attempt by Tenpou to alleviate Konzen's ennui - pre-Goku, Gaiden."
I'm not sure at all that Tenpou would do this, but the idea wouldn't let me go, so please forgive me. *g*
There were many things Tenpou Gensui was known for; predictability was not one of them. Even so, this particular incident was almost too much to ask.
No one really wanted to ask how he had smuggled the thing away from Down There, much less how he had managed to--well, perhaps it's best to not even think about that part.
During this particular incident, on this particular day, Tenpou Gensui had come walking down hallowed and pristine white halls acting as if nothing, exactly, was different at all.
When a bureaucratic clerk walked by, giving forth an odd squeaking noise and seeming unable to decide whether to stare or run in the other direction, Tenpou nodded in recognition. When a military subordinate promptly stopped dead in his tracks and did run in the other direction, Tenpou waved. When Goujun ground to a halt just after passing, shoulders hunched and ears flattened, Tenpou smiled.
"If I may," he said to Konzen's doorway upon passing through. Unnecessary, since he wouldn't really listen to the doorway if it forbade him, but it was fine to practice social graces every now and then, even on doorways.
"What," grated the room's occupant, not yet looking up.
"I wondered if we might have a conversation," said Tenpou, as he smiled broadly and positioned himself into the window's full light.
Konzen flicked a glance upwards.
Anyone would have called it truly a sight to behold. A glistening mountain of apples, bananas, pears, and grapes tumbled lusciously on top of the headscarf, the whole arrangement quivering and precariously balanced. The dangling earrings leant a nice touch to the arrangement. Not to mention that the bright red dress, frighteningly enough, fit him incredibly well.
Konzen's hand did not falter from its preordained path.
However, that night when he retired to bed, he had to admit to a twinge of disturbance at the sight of a single red apple resting gently on his pillow.