Title: 013 Watermelon
Pairing: Siwon, Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Genre: Humour
Type: Drabble
Summary: Chomping on watermelons on a hot summer day.
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It was a terribly hot summer day, and Siwon decided to cool himself down with the most fail-proof way he could think of - by sinking his teeth into some juicy, red, delicious watermelon. And that was precisely what he did.
Just as he was halfway through his first slice, Siwon's head snapped him in surprise when he caught sight of something flitting across him from the corner of his eye. His brows were literally hidden behind his well-combed fringe as he scanned the surroundings of the dorms, trying to determine whether there were any other animated objects in the living area apart from him. He didn't recall having any of the other members around on their day off.
Siwon shrugged and returned to his cooling down regime when he realised that he was probably just imagining things. The situation remained calm again for the next two slices that he had downed, though he felt that someone was watching him from the corner of the hallways leading to the bedrooms.
This time, Siwon, pretended that his attention was completely focused on the half-eaten slice of fruit in his hands, though his sights were solely trained at the direction of the hallways. The moment a messy top of hair peeked out slightly from behind the walls, the model chuckled slightly in recognition.
"Kyuhyun, what are you trying to do there?" he called out, and said male walked out with an expression which revealed that he was caught red-handed for spying on Siwon. It disappeared within the next second, however, much to Siwon's amusement.
"Nothing," the maknae of the group quipped nonchalantly. "I was just about to get myself a glass of water before I continued with my gaming session when you called my name," he then continued, and Siwon had to try his best not to call him out on his lie. He noticed how Kyuhyun's eyes kept on wandering off to the place in front of Siwon, which held the rest of the watermelon slices that the older one of the pair was devouring.
He definitely wanted to grab a slice of the fruit, alright.
"Oh really now? Too bad then; I was about to invite you to join me in finishing off the watermelon. If you're busy with your game, then it's alright - I'll finish it on my own," Siwon shrugged, before continuing with the slice in his hands.
Nevertheless, as Siwon had expected, the dining chair right opposite him screeched slightly against the wooden floorboards, and Kyuhyun's hungry face came into plain sight. He nearly choked from restraining his laughter at the next line that had escaped Kyuhyun's lips. "It's okay, hyung. The game can wait. I'll have some watermelon with you if you insist on it."
Oh well, some things never change when Kyuhyun and watermelon exists in the same sentence, Siwon thought.