Had a bit of a movie weekend, so I'll post two comments, relatively brief and non-spoilery, mainly because I don't want anyone to kill me. If you feel like gabbing and/or want specific examples, feel free to ask. I love chatting about movies. ETA1: Wherefore art thou good HP fic? If anyone has recs for Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hemione, please lemme know. ETA2: SPOILER HEREIN - one little
gif totally altered my opinion of the "tent dance." also, something
funny. ETA3:
Rupert Grint, ladies and gentlemen. uh, wow. did I mention I have a thing for redheads?
Liked it, didn't love it; sad, because I so wanted to love it. Problem 1 - didn't embrace the dark/scary factor as much as it should. Admittedly, it must be hard to make a movie that adults, aka the majority of initial readers who have now grown up, can enjoy, all while trying to be age appropriate for an audience of young teens and kiddies. Problem 2 - I'm fully aware that this is a strange complaint, but the person who scouted the locations for the film did TOO GOOD A JOB. I mean, David Yates (director) has done fine work helming the other HP movies & Eduardo Serra (cinematographer) is consistently awesome. The film looks great and the
landscapes are ridiculously beautiful, but I'm pretty sure Yates and Serra took one look at where they were shooting and went all, look at the pretty. They sometimes prioritized cinematography over plot; they skimmed parts of the story instead of delving into important moments. Problem 3 - This is the most trite comment: there were some alterations to the book that I didn't like. The screenwriter, et al. cannot please everybody. It's impossible; I know this. I want to tell people who harp on this issue to get over it. That being said, some Ron/Hermione related moments were excluded. I'd argue that the movie needed them. Sadface.
Silly title, awesome flick. Too many rom-coms feature adults acting like juvenile, incompetent, clumsy idiots (I'm looking at you Katherine Heigl; I shall never forgive you for the Ugly Truth). This flick is a surprisingly adult comedy with just the right touch of romance. It's really interesting to see relationships develop between Rachel McAdams' Becky and these two very different men. The catch, not a cliche love triangle! And, AND, HUGE plus, the main character, a woman fully invested in job-related success, works incredibly hard, but the moral of the story is nowhere near learn to loosen up or it's ok (nay, better) to choose love over your career or I'm male, therefore I'm gonna be your mentor. Patrick Wilson is
dreamy (please, universe, find me his
duplicate), Harrison Ford is convincingly cranky yet somehow lovable & Rachel McAdams is all-around awesome. The film is legit LOL funny. Guaranteed to brighten your day. Digression: I want to look like RM. For my money, she's the most beautiful celeb. Also, she made running around NYC in heels appear realistic and wore a
dress that I covet.