am i jinxing it if i say it's been an ok morning?

Aug 05, 2010 09:17

Tom Hardy was interviewed for an upcoming issue of MEN'S HEALTH MAGAZINE. I know I'm a little bonkers over the man, but I had to throw this quote down because it's poignant and so spot on. "There comes a point when the world will stop rewarding potential and talent, natural gifts. There’s only so long that people will put up with the potential of working with someone who could be brilliant. . . To be told ‘Tom could do it’ was enough. There comes a point where if you want to participate at a certain level in anything, you cannot just turn up and be respected. We all want to be recognised by people that we recognise. And a lot of the people who I think are brilliant - and who I want to be more like - work their f**king arses off, constantly. . . Over time, technique wins over natural ability. People who work hard, with constant application, determination and tenacity - although they may not be as interesting, or have as much flair - will win."

hot like woah, embarrassing crush, random, quote

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