i'm alive

Oct 11, 2009 14:09

sort of .. D:

I've been sick for more than 2 weeks and I'm still recovering now.
feeling so weak and can't think hard lol
My mom said I'm stressed.
I'm easily sick when I'm stressed. So yea I guess so eventho I don't know what stresses me lol.

A lot of people said I'm losing weight. a lot. I was like 'you're kidding. I eat 4 times a day and you said I'm skinny. you must be joking.'
Maybe I'm losing a weight a little because I'm sick. but only a little .. not much like people's fussing about lol

anyway .. been away from JE fandom since .. forever ?! lol
eventho I still love them, but I have a reason. and that's personal and sometimes I hate myself for it.
Polka, Tokilla and others keep me updated enough tho
so I'm still there.

and I've been following Merlin and got addicted to it.
Now it's at season 2 episode 4.
season 1 got me flail all over the place with Arthur/Merlin banter and cuteness and their chemistry is totally love ♥
The actors are also lovely ♥
Bradley James as Arthur and Colin Morgan as Merlin

If you like Arthurian Legend, you should give it a shot.
eventho as for me, it's because Arthur/Merlin chemistry that attracts me. eventho I always love MERLIN because I love fantasy thing like magic and such XDDDD

anyway.. spoiler under the cut.. just skip it. I just need to vent out my frustration LOL
merlin season 2 until episode 4. as fas as I can remember.

So season 1 leave me with a hope for arthur and merlin relationship. not always in romance way but how long merlin could keep his magic from arthur.
because the whole season 1 is about how merlin saved arthur's life and how he's trying to hide his magic. because he still doesn't know how arthur would react since Arthur's father, Uther, always execute people with magic even if what they're doing was practising.

arthur and merlin friendship getting stronger in the last episode of season one.

and then .. season 2.

suddenly it turns out to be arthur's love life!! =.=
I don't get it.
like seriously.
It's so sudden. I mean .. in season 1, Gwen is clearly having a crush toward Merlin. and then Lancelot who seems attracts to her too. and have no feeling at all toward arthur. at all.

Now, season 2 episode 1 .. suddenly Arthur is stuttering in front of Gwen. like heelloowwww *rolls eyes*
everything seems out of place.

and episode 2 .. they're kissing!!! *dies in suffer*
and the whole wpisode is just ridiculous *rolls eyes*
But I love the Jousting Tournament ♥

I've rant enough about episode 2 at Larva's DW account LOL
Like Gwen season 2 IS NOT THE SAME AS Gwen season 1
totally not the same.
I mean Gwen season 1 is so sweet, caring, helpful, thoughtful and all.
and Gwen season 2 is such a bitch who trying to gain Arthur's attention!! RAAWWWWRRRRRRR

I'm sorry about my language but T__________T

not to mention in the Arthurian Legend, Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and make Camelot crumble. Maybe that's why I hate her so much T_T

I love episode 3 so far. because it's not about Gwen lol

It's about Morgana.
Oh how I love this episode. Katie and Colin are great. great. GREAT!!!!
They pull everything so GREAT!!! ♥

episode 4 .. Lancelot appears.
the whole Arthur went to save gwen immediately.. I'm glad that he doesn't literally run in the spot to save Gwen. He went silently with Merlin in the night. Morgana begs him to go but at that time he's already packing.
Merlin knew Arthur feeling toward Gwen and teases him about it. Arthur went all "I can't admit that I have a feeling because I can't do anything about it. My father wont let us save servant, more over marrying her."
OMG Merlin went "MARRYING HER?!?!?"

and saving Gwen mission becomes Arthur/Merlin adventurous trip together ♥

then when they arrived there and found Gwen AND Lancelot, things become awkward and all *rolls eyes*
Gwen clearly attracts to Lancelot more. and it's mutual.
Arthur went speechless and have nothing to say.
And Gwen .. argh *pulls hair* she's just like a two timer or something. *rolls eyes*

Lancelot asks, why they're only Arthur and Merlin ?! Why no knight whatsoever.
and Arthur answered (after stole so many glances toward Gwen who sits beside Lancelot) "I come after Morgana begs me to save Gwen."
I mean, she clearly chooses Lancelot over Arthur.
*goes to read Bradley/Colin fanfic to calm down*

Everyone feel the awkward atmosphere immediately.
and Gwen "gracefully" decided to run away from the scene to "rest" pppffttttt...
Then Lancelot asked Merlin whether Arthur has a feeling toward Gwen.
Merlin didn't say a word but his expression give away so many answers. Lancelot decided to go because he can't change things.
of course he can't. Guinevere is destined to be a Queen who ran away with Lancelot afterward.

In the morning, when Gwen found out that Lancelot has gone, she's crying and all. and Arthur looks miserable as he can. He looks like he realize that Gwen is actually loves Lancelot more than him.
After that, I have a feeling that he sort of "give up" about Gwen.
He sulks and all and Merlin come to rescue "at least you still got me." ♥


apparently, there'd be more Arthur and Gwen scenes ppfffttttt
feilongfan pointed it out to me HERE
It looks like Gwen keep chasing Arthur but Arthur tries to ignore.
I was like oh yea now that Lancelot is gone, she turns back again to Arthur.
ppppfffftt.. I don't like it at all. AT ALL.

I mean, I know she is the future Queen. but the writers could make it happened better than this.

but other than that ..
the whole Arthur/Merlin scenes are so LOOVVEEE ♥
the berries ♥

feilongfan compiled Arthur/Merlin scenes from episode 4 HERE
I see that the chemistry between Arthur and Merlin is more natural than Arthur and Gwen. Maybe I'm biased, but I think it's true. I mean even Bradley wants to know how Arthur and Merlin relationship would progress. but the writers wont let it happened I guess.. ppfffttttttt.

I can't wait the next episode (which is 2 weeks to go since next week, due to F1 racing, Merlin won't be aired.)
Uther and troll!!! ♥
that'd be lovely.
more over, it'd be 2 episode of them. It means, the troll won't be defeated in one episode. lol
interesting ♥

man, that is long!! LOL
anyway .. next is an entry about Arthur X Merlin. XD

Bradley X Colin
It's from Welcome to Camelot, Secret & Magic for episode 1

image Click to view

I swear I can replay it a hundreds times a day LOL
oh the cuteness ♥

It's 3.30PM and I feel sleepy again =.=
but I have to eat something, I don't know what to eat tho T_T
I get bored with chicken T_T

okay ..
I hope I can update my LJ again soon XDDDD♥

have a nice day, flist ♥

OMG it has David Archuleta version too OMG ROFLMAO

image Click to view

I can feel the loovveee XDDDD♥

bradleyxcolin, merlin, arthurxmerlin

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