Starscream's Fate: Part 3/5

Apr 26, 2011 00:06

Another installment for you guys and I hope you enjoy the cuteness, I certianly did in writting it.

Title: Starscream's Fate
Chapter: Chapter 2 of 5
Fandom: Transformers (G1)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny( with the help of Misty_Mina). Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did.
Pairings: Eventual Starscream/Red Alert
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Starscream's newest invention backfires on him; leaving Red Alrt with two big suprises...

It was Halloween and according to earth tradition it was time to celebrate and the Autobots decided to do just that. Jazz had been decorating the rec room the whole day with the help of Wheeljack and Hound whilst Ratchet and Bumblebee created Energon goodies and a lot less innocent Energon cubes for the more mature Autobots. Careful of where they placed it to keep it out of the reach of two sneaky sparklings and some long fingered Autobots. Excitement hung heavily in the air as for once Optimus did not have to worry about his brother's attacks and all was quiet on the Decepticon front. It seemed as if loosing the Supreme Air Commander left them a bit helpless about how to proceed; said Supreme Air Commander now happily curled in Optimus' servo as the large Autobot did what he could to help out for the celebration this evening.

"I see little Starscream is resting up for the exciting evening. Where's Red?" Hound asked as he spotted the seeker deep in recharge inside of Optimus' servo; which was curled around the little one protectively.

"Hush Hound. Don't mention Red, I just got Starscream to calm down after he left." Optimus said softly, not wanting to wake the little one up. It seemed that the Air Commander had major separation anxiety and was very attached to Red Alert, almost as if he was Red's real sparkling and afraid to leave the side of his caretaker. It puzzled all of his sparkling-sitters as Starscream often flinched and wailed if Red was far away as if they could sense each other through a spark bond. Optimus did not rule out that theory considering Red's reaction to the sparkling as well and previous encounters with the Air Commander. Maybe, just maybe...

"I see so now that little Inferno is asleep with Wheeljack and Starscream with you we can expect two little cubes of volatile Energon this evening right? They'll be so overcharged." Hound chuckled as Starscream shifted in his place of contentment and nuzzled Optimus' palm before settling down. In his arms was his Energon cube plushie that he was sucking on merrily as dreams flashed before his optics.

"Primus help us all!" Ratchet whined as he walked past with Energon cookies and simultaneously attracting the attention of all the surrounding Autobots...

"Hmmm, I'm in heaven." Sunstreaker muttered as he followed the enticing scent; cringing loudly as a well aimed wrench clanged off of Sideswipe's helm. His twin had been attempting to snatch one of the cookies off of the Medic's specially designed plate only to find his helm aching with a new dent.

"Hands off! These are for later. And don't I will fix that dent." Ratchet yelled angrily as he put the cookies down and disappeared down the hallway back towards the kitchen where another batch was already baking. Sniggering loudly as he knew after that little show not one Autobot would dare to even touch the Energon goodies until later.


"Oh goodness Inferno, Starscream the Autobots are going to eat you up." Stated Red Alert as he put on the last details on the little sparklings' Halloween costumes. Already feeling an Energon blush settling over his cheeks as he had to contain himself from literary kissing them to death. Red Alert had commissioned Mirage to create the costumes as he did for most of the Autobot's as well. After Inferno's incessant yelling of 'I want to be a firebot!' Mirage had indulged the little 'bot and created a fireman's hat and specially installed hose with a holster for little inferno that shot real fire retardant foam. Primus forbid anyone getting in the line of the little sparkling's fire...

"Starscream don't pout. Hound would never 'really' eat you. I don't know what Sideswipe was trying to achieve in telling you that but I promise he won't. You just look adorable that's why I said that." Red Alert soothed the now distressed seeker as he attempted to hide himself from view in Red's servos close to his spark chamber.

"Oh Starscream what am I going to do with you? Your costume will wrinkle and Mirage worked so hard on it." Red huffed as he straightened the material. When Mirage had asked what Starscream wanted to be for the Halloween Ball the seeker was too afraid to answer and in turn gave Mirage free reign to design what he wanted to. Now, not that Inferno was not adorable, but Starscream took the cake of cuteness. His servos and stabilizing servos fitted with rabbit feet the same colour as his blue stripes; a large blue bow around his neck tied with an Easter egg and the basket filled with eggs in his uncertain servo. Two large bunny ears perched on his helm that flopped with Starscream's movements as the little fluffy tail witched every now. Thank Primus for small inventions Perceptor had created and Mirage had implemented, Starscream definitely made the cutest Cybertronian Easter Bunny ever.

"Right let's go. Everyone is probably dying to see you." Starscream wailed in fright and clung tightly to his now Easter egg plushie tucked in his other servo; Red's words scaring him not for the first time today. Having had more and more memory playbacks that left his little processor fritzed and his emotions high strung. Starscream's body too young to understand the cruelty that Megatron displayed even when Starscream was scarcely out of cadet academy.

"Hush Starscream, I don't know what's been setting you off but for the last few days you seem a lot more distressed my love. I think we need to see Ratchet tonight if he's not too overcharged to even stand straight." Red Alert tried to sooth the little seeker's frayed nerves whilst trying not think about an overcharged Ratchet. Oh dear Primus, last time everyone in the vicinity of the Autobot Medic had walked away with reeling processors as they were 'snogged' senseless. Ratchet was a weird drunk and that was just one of his quirks and maybe one that most Autobots scattered from when it was imminent.

His thoughts flew from his processor when he entered the now transformed rec room; optics lighting up as music flowed over his audial receivers and many Autobots had already claimed a place next to the Energon table. High grade already flowing freely as even Optimus was nursing a glowing cube of it. The atmosphere was infectious and soon even the little sparklings were dancing to the music and happily munching on their Energon goodies that Ratchet had specially created for them.

"Hey there little Screamer would you like to dance?" Mirage asked as he approached Red Alert and Starscream. The seeker clinging to Red's servo whilst Inferno had long since disappeared into the dancing group of Autobots. Mirage and Red Alert both worried about Starscream's withdrawal from social contact. That was why Mirage was trying to coax Starscream onto the dance floor and keep the little one close. Even if Starscream was once considered a great enemy he now held a special place in every Autobots' spark.

"There's a good bunny. After we're done I'll give you a nice Energon cookie; it even has your name on. Ratchet made it especially for you." Red optics brightened at the mention of his own cookie and a shy nod of Starscream's helm as bunny ears flopped with the movement. Mirage took Starscream's servo in his own and led the seeker towards the dance floor and stopped briefly to whisper in Ratchet's audial receiver. Mirage bending slowly as he followed the slow rhythm of Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams; little Starscream dancing happily with the spy even if slightly frightened red optics returned to Red Alert's location every now and then. Making sure Red had not left his place on a comfortable couch.


"Hey, Red. Mirage told me to come speak to you about little Screamer. Can you tell me what's wrong with him?" Ratchet asked the Security Chief as he approached the red and White Lamborghini. Red Alert had been showing great concern for little Starscream over the past few orns and it had not only Mirage worried but the resident Medic as well.

"Yes Ratchet, Starscream has been very distressed the last few days as well as not wanting to be separated from me for long periods of time. Not even Optimus can calm him if he is like that and I'm sure you've had to repair a few blown audial receivers because of it." Ratchet nodded, almost half of the Autobot population had been sent to his Med Bay because of Starscream's wailing if Red Alert was not close. His attention was quickly drawn towards Red Alert as the Security Chief's glitch flared to life before stilling in worry. Optics turned toward the dance floor where he saw Mirage bent over Starscream; who had seemingly lost his balance and fell on his little skid plate. Ratchet could see large Energon tears already forming as Starscream stretched his arms out for Mirage to pick him up. The regal mech obeyed without question and tucked Starscream in his arms - close to his spark chamber - as he headed over to the Energon table.

"Anyway," Red Alert pulled Ratchet's attention once again towards him. "He's been waking from recharge two or three times per recharge cycle, screaming and crying as if he was being tortured and I'm sure he was. Decepticons can be so cruel Ratchet; what have they done to someone like Starscream who we know was recruited at such a very young age?" Red Alert asked pleadingly and Ratchet could detect the genuine concern.

"It's alright I'll give him a check up tomorrow morning, but going with what you've given me it seems Starscream is suffering from memory recalls that seem to be quite nasty for a small 'bot he is now. And yes, I said Autobot Red as I don't think we'll ever let him return to the Decepticons. Their torture methods are way to affective and I can see it in the way he responds to the Autobots around him." Ratchet claimed only to stopped mid explanation by the commotion taking place not far from them.

"Whee'jack's on FIRE!" Inferno exclaimed and before the engineer could protest that it was only his head fins changing colour he was doused from helm to pedes with fire retardant foam. Red Alert stayed silent whilst Ratchet was struggling to keep from bursting into laughter. His intakes heaving as he eventually could hold back no longer.

"Oh dear lil' buddy. We better run before uncle Wheeljack loses his temper." Jazz exclaimed as he picked the offending sparkling up and ran for the other side of the rec room where he hid behind his bond mate. Inferno's giggles ringing in every Autobots audios and infectious it was. Even little Starscream's hiccupping laughter could be heard in the distance.


"Am I in trouble Red?" Inferno asked as he hid behind his caretaker as Wheeljack approached them; blue optics locked on the red fire truck; who's red sirens were flashing in fear.

"No," A giggle escaped Red Alert as he watched Wheeljack's approach. The foam now wiped away and his head fins flashing blue and white, a great indicator that he was also amused.

"You! Little Autobot will be helping me in my workshop for at least an orn!" Wheeljack admonished with his finger wagging as he picked Inferno up and headed towards the Energon goodies; Inferno struggling in his grasp as he merrily laughed with the engineer. Red Alert smiled at them before turning his attention to the seeker now curled against his spark chamber. A gentle smile passing across his face plates as the bunny ears twitched and the Easter egg filled basket was discarded next to Red Alert's seat. Easter egg plushie abandoned as Starscream chewed on his Energon Cube plushie instead. It seemed as if it was the toy the little seeker had grown most attached to.

"I think it's time to get this little bunny to the recharge berth. Hey Starscream?" Red Alert asked as he stroked Starscream helm in a loving gesture that the seeker seemed to lean into and sought more of. His helm nodding; alerting Red to his state of tiredness. It was already way into the night and was passed Starscream's recharge cycle so Red picked the little seeker up and headed for his quarters.

"Sleep well little Easter bunny." Mirage and Jazz called as they noticed Red's movement towards his quarters. Sharing a concerned look at the seeker’s tendency to get tired too easily. He really needed to see Ratchet especially after his fever a few days ago as well...


"There we go, all tucked in." Red whispered as he placed a loving kiss on Starscream helm and turned to leave only to find little fingers gripping his servo as he tried to leave.

"P-p-p-please s-s-stay." Starscream whimpered, his fingers tightening around Red's servo in fear of being left alone to the big scary dreams he always had with the silver mech with red and merciless optics.

"Alright. Sweet recharge Starscream, shutter your optics and drift off to recharge I'll be here when you awake." Red Alert promised whilst an age old lullaby drifted through his speakers and lulled the little seeker into recharge. Worry lacing his spark as he noticed Starscream slipping into deep recharge, empathy was never a good trait to have and Red Alert had it and in so doing also being able to imagine what it was like for Starscream under Megatron's rule. It was not a good thought at all, not at all...

starscream/red alert, angst, costumes, halloween

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