All Tied Up:

Apr 20, 2011 18:34

In response to the Weekly Request/Promt on tf_rare_pairing:

Promt reads:     Jolt/Ironhide -- 'I never said that!'

Title: All Tied Up
Chapter: Oneshot (Drabble)
Fandom: Transformers (Movies)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny. Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did. Pairings: Jolt/Ironhide
Rating: T (16 +) Just to be safe
Warning: mentions of spark bonds and mech/mech kiss and other perverted thoghts and things
Summery: Ironhide is in for the ride of his life when Jazz causes trouble between him and his Spark mate Jolt; he never thought his gentle and kinf spark mate could turn so perverted
Word Count: 1007

Hope you enjoy this short little piece; it was fun to write and I see the promt has already been taken by another so if there is not allowed to be two responders to one promt I'll just use this one as a quick oneshot. Sorry to the mods if that is the case; I'm still new to answering the promts and so on.


Ironhide never suspected that words he never spoke could give him so much pleasure or the fact that he might just have to thank Jazz for this one...


Ironhide cursed Primus for the umpteenth time as he struggled against the electro-whips that tied him down; blue optics flaring in frustration as he stared at Jolt. The smaller mech looking pleased with himself as he observed Ironhide from a safe distance away; never knowing exactly what the GMC Topkick was capable of even without his fearsome cannons.

"Temper, temper 'Hide." The blue mech scolded as a gentle, teasing electrical charge flowed through his whips binding the Weapons Specialist. Smirking as a low growl emitted from Ironhide's vocalizer.

"Jolt! Let me go now!" Ironhide yelled, the tension rising in the room as Ironhide struggled with his bindings. Something unknown settling over the two gauging each other for weaknesses and strength; something tangible that left them both excited and anticipating each other's next move.

"I heard you Ironhide and this is your punishment for not telling me your fantasies. I never knew you wanted to experience my whips first hand?" Jolt teased lightly as his whips tightened against Ironhide's frame.

"What? When did I say that?" Ironhide yelled, slight fear traveling through his spark. Not believing what his spark mate  said, could he really have said something like that? He doubted it yet he could not deny the slight pleasure that he felt traveling through his systems.

"Playing innocent are we? Don't worry I'll refresh your memory processor." Silence followed his statement as the recording began playing...

"Hey, Ratchet mind if we talk for a bit?" Noises in the background indicated that the two Autobots had settled down to talk not long after the conversation continued; the topic not one to mention outside of the Med Bay. Implicating words spilling from the Weapons Specialists' vocalizer he could have sworn he had never uttered. What worried him was that Jolt was proving it with the recording still merrily playing his 'conversation with Ratchet'.

"I want to be tied up and fragged senseless by Jolt's electro-whips." Oh frag, either Ironhide was overcharged on high grade, which was impossible considering it had been a long time since he had touched the stuff or Jazz had decided to cause a stir again. The silver Pontiac Solstice knew his way around communication equipment and sabotaging many clips and 'Hide was willing to bet it was Jazz that had thrown together this piece of sound clip...

"I never said that!" He protested vehemently, only to be stopped by his own whining keen filling his audial receptors; Jolt had just increased the flow of electricity and it raced pleasantly against his chassis. Ratchet had been right, the first orn of their landing whilst being assaulted by electrical wires, it felt 'tingly' and oh so pleasantly tingly...

Ironhide's spark fluttered in its casing as pleasure fritzed his logic circuits. It was so wrong but it felt really, really good. His intakes hitched as one of those whips loosened and pushed its way into Ironhide's slightly parted mouth plates. Oh, dear Primus! Since when was Jolt so well versed in the perverted and utterly pleasurably perverted?

"That should keep you quiet," Jolt murmured as he stepped closer. A wicked grin splitting his face plates as he approached his lover; excitement swirling in his spark. It was times like these that he always wished would come around. Both being interface deprived enough that the smallest touch would set their pleasure receptors off and frantic sparks adding more pleasure as they already started reaching out for a connection to the other...


"We should do that again." Jolt claimed as he lent back on Ironhide's chest plates; smiling as he listened to those strong spark pulses; not at all surprised as his own spark pulsed in time with the black GMC Topkick. All the benefits of being spark bound; now what to do for the next round?

"I'm going to murder Jazz and Bumblebee." Ironhide's vehement statement interrupting his lover's train of perverted thoughts. Jolt immediately balked at those words; knowing that Ironhide was going to be difficult to per sway otherwise. His processor running over time as he tried to find a strategic way to keep 'Hide pinned to the berth.

"Why?" He ventured cautiously, curling tighter against his spark mate.  He needed to restrain the trigger-happy-cannon-totting Autobot from permanently causing irreversible damage; knowing exactly what those two Autobots would have to endure if Ironhide got loose from his ensnarement that Jolt now had him in.

"Because I never uttered those words." Ironhide defended his theory as his temper flared.

"I. Never. Said. That!." He ground out as Jolt wanted to protest; he had the evidence after all. However Jolt quickly sprang into action as Ironhide got ready to move; his preciously deactivated cannons spinning warningly and humming threateningly. He kissed Ironhide forcefully; glossa shyly entering the complaint Ironhide's mouth as Jolt straddled the larger mech's hip plates; his electro-whips crackling lightly as they bound their owner for the pleasure of the larger Autobot lover. That seemed to do the trick as Ironhide was too stunned by the sight to move further away from the berth; Jolt had successfully distracted him...

"Frag that is hot." Ironhide mumbled and before long Jolt's cries of ecstasy could be heard through the entire Autobot base...


Far away in a proven safety zone, Bumblebee snuggled against Jazz and frowned when the silver mech's visor flashed merrily as an evil chuckle escaped him. It was laughter like that, that usually landed them both in trouble even if he had never done anything in Jazz's evil plots.

"What did you do this time?" Bumblebee huffed, already wary of the answer his lover would give, knowing that either Ratchet or Ironhide would tear him apart sooner rather than later. He sighed and wondered why Jazz could never leave well enough alone when he needed to. It would spare him many trips to the Med Bay...


jolt/ironhide, tf_rare_pairing weekly response, drabble, rated: 16

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