Starscream's Fate: Part 2/5

Apr 09, 2011 19:52

Part 2, sparkling madness and much needed comfort. Please enjoy the cutest two sparklings ever and a horny Jazz begging Prowl for a sparkling of their own.

Title: Starscream's Fate
Chapter: Chapter 2 of 5
Fandom: Transformers (G1)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny( with the help of Misy_Mina). Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did.
Pairings: Eventual Starscream/Red Alert
Rating: PG 13
Summery: Starscream's newest invention backfires on him; leaving Red Alrt with two big suprises...

Preceptor frowned; blue optics widening as the little sparkling grabbed his tools and merrily chewed on them. A scientist at spark.

"Starscream! No, don't eat that." He made a grab for the volatile tool only to feel his spark freeze as it activated.    Frightened cries and wailing keens that filed the lab; Preceptor scrambled for the wailing sparkling as Energon steadily leaked from Starscream's mouth. Large Energon tears spilled as Starscream, living up to his name, screamed and wailed his pain as Preceptor hurriedly picked the sparkling up as he rushed towards the Med Bay.

"Hush Starscream, Ratchet will fix your right up." Preceptor soothed as he reached the doors of the Med Bay. In less than a nanoclick Ratchet had taken the wailing Starscream and with care Preceptor had never thought the gruff Medic could show.

"Come now Screamer; hush. It'll be alright I promise." Ratchet cooed as he placed the sparkling on the recovery berth. Smiling as the seekers wings hiked up and Energon tears slowed. Ratchet smiled as the mild sedative finally began to take effect.

"There you go, now I'll just fix this up while I lecture Preceptor about keeping you out of trouble." Ratchet declared, his tone scarily sweet and Preceptor knew he was in trouble.

"It's not so bad Starscream, don't worry I'll be done in less than a bream." Ratchet whispered as deadly blue optics narrowed at the red mech observing from a corner in the Med Bay where he deemed it safe from Ratchet's wrath. Both were startled when the Medic Bay doors burst open and Red Alert stormed in; his horns sparking as his glitch took over; his emotions imbalanced in his fright.

"WHAT HAPPENED!"Red bellowed as he saw Starscream on the examination berth. Struggling over to his charge and at the same time clutching Starscream's plushie in his servo to comfort the clearly distressed sparkling. At the sight of his caretaker Starscream chirped happily and reached for his Energon Cube plushie.

"You can chew on it now, but let me fix your split mouth plate." Ratchet halted the path of the plushie as he finished welding the Energon leaking wound closed. Aware of red optics staring at him with Energon tears begging for his comforting toy. Ratchet sighed as he finished up; wiping away the Energon that dripped from the wound onto the youngling's chest plates and neck components. Without waiting for the signal from Ratchet; Red Alert picked the now happily chirping Starscream up; tucked his little charge against his spark chamber. Where Starscream pulled his Energon plushie close and made a pillow where he quietly fell into recharge; Red's spark pulsed a comforting tone which Starscream immediately recognized and fell into deep recharge with happy warbles and clicks.

"I suggest Preceptor gets taken off the sparkling-sitting list." Ratchet declared as he put his tools away and began rearranging his medical supplies in perfect order. Red Alert nodded and shifted on his stabilizing servos as another episode flared through his circuits; biting on his denta plates to stop a pained scream escaping.

"You! Take Screamer and head for the rec room; get some rest and refuel before going back to the monitor room." Ratchet declared before forcing both red mechs out of his Med Bay; his vents blowing air in semblance of a sigh. Finally; some peace and quiet.


Wheeljack sighed as his processor worked overtime to try and figure out a way to reverse the effects of Starscream's invention. Just how the seeker managed to revert him and Inferno back to Sparklings was confusing him greatly.

"Wee-jack!" A young, curious voice called the engineer. Startled; he had forgotten exactly what he was supposed to be doing...looking after little Inferno. Wheeljack pulled himself from his mind before walking over to the desk where he had left little Inferno to keep himself busy whilst he tried to solve Inferno and Starscream's current predicament. Wheeljack smiled as he picked the small firetruck up and cooed as Inferno started fussing; little arms flailing as his intakes hitched and Energon tears trickled steadily over face plates. His small glossa lapping at the tears; loud keens spilling from his tiny vocalizer. His sirens of his alt form flashing and wailing with Inferno's distress.

"What's wrong little Inferno?" Wheeljack inquired, his lights flashing between blue and white (trying to comfort and concerned himself). Carefully picking the red firetruck and tucking the sparkling against his spark chamber. Clicks, whirs and warbles flowing from Inferno's vocalizer as he desperately tried to convey his message.

"H-h-u-ngry." Inferno declared after finding the right series of clicks and warbles. Wheeljack sprang into action as soon as the word left Inferno's vocalizer.

"I'm sorry little Ferno, I forgot about that completely. So let's move to the rec room for some Energon and after that I'll get you an Energon goodie. How's that sound?" There was a happy chirp from Inferno as the little mech nodded his helm against Wheeljack's spark chamber. The trek to the rec room was a quiet one as the other Autobots were used to the sight of two adorable sparklings; he fetched a half a cube of Energon and proceeded to feed the young sparkling.

"He's so cute!" A sweet voice declared and Wheeljack looked up to stare at Jazz as Inferno was snatched from his perch in Wheeljack's lap and crooned over by the saboteur. Prowl looking on with a grimace, clear in his body language that he was uncomfortable.

"I also want one Prowlie! Pwetty please?" Jazz begged, smiling to himself when Prowl's doorwings twitched slightly. A small groan escaping him as he was dragged over to Jazz's side and came face to face with the little sparkling Inferno. A rare smile flickered over his face plates as he ran a careful finger over the happy sparkling's; receiving a appreciative chirp as Inferno kept lapping at his cube of Energon as he clambered into the large clear cube.

"Prowlie! Pwease!" Jazz whined as he saw what Inferno was doing; picking Inferno from his hiding place as he lapped at the last droplets of Energon. Wiping at the droplets that gathered at Inferno's mouth plates. Smiling when Inferno's small glossa traced his finger before pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it gently. Wheeljack chuckled as he took the sparkling from Jazz and gave Inferno a red pacifier which he suckled enthusiastically.

"Jazz keep trying to convince Prowl to help you with a sparkling. I need to get this little one to Red before his glitch flares from concern." Wheeljack turned and quietly left the rec room; Inferno looking over Wheeljack shoulder plates. Smiling around his red pacifier; Jazz tackled the SIC to the ground and ravished Prowl's mouth. His voice traveling through the rec room.

"Let's make a sparkling right now!"


"I have been researching the effects of Starscream's ray and I admit it is complicated. We will have to wait until it wears off." Wheeljack concluded as he addressed the small conference. The optics of Prowl, Jazz, Ratchet, Preceptor, Red and Optimus all trained on the engineer. Small optics of two sparklings trained on their Energon plushies as they kept themselves busy; one suckling his pacifier whilst the other curled around his Cube plushie and happily chewed on a corner. Their optics dimming as their need for recharge made itself known.

"Thank you Wheeljack but I think it's time we get these two to their berth, they've had an exciting day as it is." Red declared as he scooped both sparklings up and exited the Autobot size board room.

"Well, I guess that concludes this report." Optimus mumbled as he began to rise.

"Meeting dismissed." The Leader growled as he disappeared through the double doors; the high ranking officers following suit. A collective sigh spilling amongst the Autobots.

"Come now Starscream, it's time to get cleaned up." Red Alert sighed as the seeker gave a pitiful whimper and clung tightly onto Red's armor. Red struggled to hold the squirming Decepticon still as he wiped away at the accumulated dirt of the day.

"There all done, now let's get you into recharge." Red mumbled as he took Starscream to his berth where Inferno was already deep in recharge. Smiling he pulled a light blanket over the two and sighed; it had been a long day and little progress had been made in order to reverse the effects of Starscream's weapon.

Late into Red's recharge cycle he was startled awake by a shivering Starscream; small whimpered and keens the only indication that the seeker was suffering through his recharge. His servo resting on Starscream's helm in comfort only to pull his servo back as something burned him. The loud whine of cooling fans overworking and desperately trying to cool the overheating seeker; Starscream was trapped in a high fevered haze. Red, as his name dictated, was instantly alert; his comm. already connected to Ratchet as he waited for the Field Medic to answer. His panic increasing twofold as his servo burned at the touch of Inferno's helm. Both sparklings running a high fever.

"Who the frag dares to wake me at this hour?" The gruff and irritated voice of Ratchet whined over the comm. link; the 'bot had clearly just woken up from deep recharge.

"ThankgoodnessRatchetyouneedtohelpthetwosparklingshaveahighfever." Red yelled frantically; so concerned his vocalizer working just as fast as Bluestreak's on a good day.

"Whoa! Slow down Red Alert and tell me what happened." Ratchet soothed, little creaking sounds and clicks escaped as Ratchet forced himself onto tired stabilizing servos as he collected the tools he needed and an extra wrench, just in case. In less than a half a bream Ratchet had already entered Red's quarters and was examining the two sparklings who were showing signs of high fevers. He swore as he caught a common bug in their systems; one he overlooked quite spectacularly.

"Red, do you have any iced Energon here?" Ratchet asked as he prepared a mild batch of coolant that he was preparing to transfer into both sparklings. Red scrambled to get what the Medic asked for and gave Ratchet two small frozen cubes of Energon; stepping to side as his glitch flared. He really needed to stop worrying but couldn't.

"Off to the berth with you, I'll take care of them." Ratchet said sternly as he gave the sparklings the iced Energon to suck on.

"But Starscream..." Red murmured, afraid that the weaker of the two sparklings would not survive.

"He'll survive, now off to the berth before I force you into recharge." Ratchet warned and Red Alert complied; optics shuttering and attempting to fall into recharge and not succeeding. Listening instead to the sounds around him...


All done, hope you enjoyed; look out for the next installment. Leave a comment if you enjoyed it.

starscream/red alert, sparklings, ratchet

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