Dad, this is how much I love you:

Jan 15, 2011 19:04

Title: Dad, this is how much I love you
Fandom: Naruto
Author: Snowy_Way (Also posted on
Parings: Minato/Naruto
Rating: NC-17 (Mature)
Warnings: Incest, M/M sex
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Naruto.
Genre: Tragedy, Romance and Songfic
Summery: A forbidden relashionship between father and son. Yet a love that will last an eternity if only death could be overcome. Sad little oneshot between Minato and Naruto. Song from Switchfoot- The Shadow Proves the Sunshine
A/N: I absolutely adore this pairing, bite me. I'm a big pervert ne?


"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Return unto the earth from whence one came." Hollow words that rang throughout the desolate graveyard. Empty except for the presence of one soul and a day old grave covered in black roses. Sorrow and tears the only companion of the grave watcher where time would be at no essence, a lost love and a lost forbidden relationship between father and son.

"They can say what they want dad, but I will always love you. Why couldn't I join you? You left me broken and in tattered pieces." Blue eyes haunted by loss and sorrow; sunshine yellow hair dripping with rain, a shiver raced through his body. Refusing to leave even as the storm picked up, as lightning represented the turmoil in his heart.


'Sunshine, won't you be my mother

Sunshine, come and help me sing

My heart is darker than these oceans

My heart is frozen underneath'


"Daddy you're home!" A young exuberant boy exclaimed and clung to his father's legs, still too small to reach any further. Tears of joy spilling from crystalline blue eyes, happiness at seeing his father's sunshine hair so much like his own.

"Yes Naruto, I'm home. And guess what?" The older man said whilst hoisting the six year old into his arms.

"What daddy?" Naruto asked.

"I love you." Naruto laughed happily and kissed his father on the lips. Before scrambling down to drag his father into the kitchen where Naruto had tried to cook dinner, flour decorated the walls and stains splattered the walls.

"Naruto what did I tell you about cooking?" Minato sighed.

"But I wanted to surprise you daddy. I wanted to be the mommy and you could always stay the daddy." Naruto said guiltily. Eyes on the floor in sadness, not even he could do something for his father. A bigger hand settled into his blond locks and soon enough Minato was kneeling in front of Naruto, ruffling his hair and smiling.

"Well then my wife, let's go  get some ramen ne?" Minato asked with a happy smile before picking Naruto up and placing the six-year-old on his shoulders.


'We are crooked souls trying to stay up straight,

Dry eyes in the pouring rain

The shadow proves the sunshine'


"Naru-chan? What's the matter?" A concerned voice asked, father kneeling next to his twelve year old as his child was curled up against the wall of his room, knees hugged to a frail body and tears running down red cheeks. Blue eyes looked at blue and something was communicated, hurt sadness and a tinge of undying love that would blossom for eternity.

"You-you, p-promised me daddy! p-promised that you'd never replace me!" A weak voice replied, tears flowing freely and untamed. Sobs were heard as a hurt voice rung out into the night. Minato picked Naruto up and cradled him close as he went into his room and sat on the bed and laying Naruto next to him. Which was futile as Naruto just clambered back into his lap and cried into his shoulder.

"How have I replaced Naru-chan?" Minato asked.

"Then why is there another neechan to replace me as your wife?" His child asked, clinging desperately to him. He rubbed circles on the clothed back and whispered comforts into a dainty ear even as unruly blond hair so much like his own tickled his cheeks.

"She could never replace you Naru-chan, I love you too much. She is only helping with my work, do you understand?" The twelve year old nodded and wiped the tears from his eyes before bestowing a bright smile to his father, wrapping arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his father's lips.

"I love you too daddy!" Naruto exclaimed happily and giggled when his father kissed his forehead and picked him up again, before placing him on the ground and stumbled when fingers curled around his legs and pulled him to the ground. Minato stared up into happy blue eyes as Naruto straddled his waist and begged for ramen.

"Yare, yare Naru-chan. You are going to eat me out of the house." Minato said exasperatedly as he sat up pinned Naruto beneath him, fingers roaming as squeals was heard and yet those ticklish fingers never gave up. Drawing laughter from both father and son.


'Two scared little runaways

Hold fast to the break of daylight when

The shadow proves the sunshine'


"Father wake up." A tentative hand shook at the blond haired man's shoulder. Clutching tighter at his pillow as a crack of thunder resounded through the air. Bleary blue eyes opened to stare into scared blue eyes.

"Naruto? What's wrong?" Minato asked whilst rubbing the sleep from eyes and stifling a yawn. A glance at the bedside clock told him it was two o'clock in the morning. He saw Naruto jump as another roll of thunder deafened the thoughts of both occupants in the room.

"At fifteen and you're still afraid of storms?" Minato asked whilst shifting so that Naruto could crawl into the bed with him. Loving eyes stared at his father, crawling into the warmth that surrounded him. Needing to feel the love that his father showed to him and promised him since he was young.

"I'm sorry, do you hate me now?" Naruto asked with a tinge of sadness, knowing that he was only using it as an excuse to feel the body of his beloved next to him. Needing to feel the existence was not just a fluke and a dream. Since he was twelve he had harboured these unnatural feelings for his father and was never able to tell him. He was to afraid of rejection and the hatred he would see shimmering into those eyes that were so much like his.

"I could never hate you Naruto." Minato said, pulling the younger's body closer to his. Nose resting in blond locks and inhaled the scent of his son, so clean and innocent and eyes that never lied. His own impure thoughts of his son a stain on his existence. Truth be told he loved Naruto more than his late wife, he was playing with fire and he knew it and yet he could not stop. Could not stop the creeping of those thoughts that visited him in his dreams and haunted him through out the day.

"I love you dad." A sincere voice said, nose buried in his father's neck. Delighted that his breath against his father's neck could cause shivers to race through the older man.

"Sleep Naruto, I love you too." Minato replied, cursing his own thoughts and the pattern they decided to take.


'Why did you forsake me?

Please, don't be far away away

Storm clouds gathering beside me

Please, don't look the other way'


"Father please don't look the other way!" Naruto said desperately, clinging to the arm of the one he loved beyond words. Hurt blue eyes locked with shocked blue eyes, eyes contemplating the weight of those words. Tears gathered at the shimmer of hatred he saw racing through those eyes.

"Please don't hate me because I love. Because I love like no son should. Please don't leave me." Naruto begged his father. On his sixteenth birthday he had confessed his love to his father only to receive disbelieving eyes turned to him and the feeling of utter rejection. It hurt, god it hurt but no amount of time had healed this unnatural obsession with his father.  Minato looked into eyes that held too much understanding of the ugliness in this world, feeling his heart break at the dead light that creped into those normally expressive eyes. Tentative fingers let go reluctantly of Minato's sleeve as dead, hurt eyes turned towards the door of his room.

"I understand." Those words riddled with so much pain and understanding that fingers grabbed the wrist of the one walking away from reality. Tugging him onto the closest flat surface, hovering over Naruto. Reading the confusion in those blue eyes, Minato sighed.

"Well I never could deny you anything Naruto. What father am I to have such vulgar thoughts of my only son? I should be the one you hate Naruto not the other way around." Minato said as he stared into those blue eyes, reflecting the love and shame he felt.

"You are the father I love, one that I would not trade for the world." Naruto replied honestly, arms winding around his father's neck as he pulled the older Namikaze close to him and kissed him. Lips locking sensually and a moan spilled from between them. Minato's tongue traced over Naruto's bottom lip and was immediately given entrance, exploring and teasing that mouth that he had dreamed of plundering over and over again for a long time. Naruto tasted better than he had anticipated, honey, ramen and the taste of pure innocence. Tongues twined together in a sensual dance as bodies grinded, pleasure building and setting heavy tension to the air.

"Dad?" Naruto yelped as Minato picked him up bridal style and carried him into Naruto's bedroom. Carefully placing Naruto in the middle of the bed, blood red sheets accentuating the tan skin and golden  hair; whilst blue eyes shimmered and glazed in lust. A similar pair of blue eyes watched with loving attention to every detail, drinking in the sight of the slightly parted lips that let out panting breaths.

"Then together we commit this sin." Minato said as he crawled up onto the mattress and settled between Naruto's legs. Fingers already popping buttons and divesting Naruto of all his clothes. Smooth unblemished skin was laid before him to explore. He felt tentative fingers lift the hem of his shirt and divested it off him, he pulled the wandering hands away from his pants as he pinned then above Naruto's head. Smirking at the frustrated sound spilling from Naruto's panting lips.

"Let me take charge Naruto, other wise I'm going to lose control and I don't want to hurt you." There was a nod as blue eyes immediately closed at the sensation of his father's tongue tracing down his neck before sucking on a very sensitive spot.

"Good, now just relax." Minato said as he moved down further, exploring as he went. Licking and sucking at Naruto's nipples until they were hard peaks that produced whimpers of frustration and moans of delight. Fingers were pushed into Naruto's mouth, who looked at his father confused.

"Suck." Minato instructed and moaned when Naruto did, doing things with his tongue that should be considered a sin. Naruto's saliva coated the fingers liberally only t nearly bite down when Minato dipped his head, tongue dipping into his navel in a suggestive manner before trailing down his hip and pelvic bone. Nipping and sucking at his inner thighs, as the fingers were removed from his mouth he bit his lip to keep from screaming as a tongue teasingly slid against his slit before a warm mouth engulfed him.

"Don't hold back Naruto, let me hear you." A husky voice demanded and Naruto complied, screaming when pleasure shot through him. That wicked mouth doing things to him that made all his rational thoughts fly out of the window. He shuddered as a slick finger pushed against his pucker only to squirm when the weird feeling assaulted him. Yet that was also pulled from his mind as a light scrape of teeth made him arch back and attempt to buck up only to find a strong hand keeping him steady. Another finger was added bringing with it a slight pain, Naruto moaned and felt fingers tracing circles on his stomach to sooth the pain. Another finger was added to continue to stretch Naruto for something bigger and Naruto's squirming died down immediately as Minato hit his prostate deliberately.

"M-more!" Naruto shouted as he lifted his hips to get more of that feeling. Slightly frightened when those fingers retracted and something bigger pressed against his stretched hole. Minato entered at a slow pace, keeping track of Naruto's every facial expression. Giving time to adjust as Naruto whimpered in pain or clenched his eyes tightly. Once fully seated, he felt the result of the control it took to keep from thrusting into the tight heat violently. Droplets of sweat gathered on his forehead and he gave a small thrust as Naruto nodded and he felt the muscles relax around him slightly. It didn't take long until Naruto was screaming at the top of his lungs, the pleasure of having his prostate constantly assaulted; pleasure short circuiting his brain and though processes.

"M-more! Please dad!" Naruto shouted and arched back , pulling taught as fingers curled around his length and pumped him in time with Minato's thrusts. The sounds that spilled from his mouth did not sound like him at all and yet it made Minato stutter in his concentration and losing control. Thrusts that took both of them flying over the edge and experience an orgasm so intense that Minato had to fight to keep from collapsing on Naruto and Naruto's sated limbs floating as he slipped in between consciousness and unconsciousness.

"I love you." Naruto said as he kissed his father gently, conveying his feelings through the touch of lips and hearts.

"I love you too, Naruto." Minato whispered as he pulled the covers over them and pulled his son close to him. Possessive and refusing to ever let go again.


'Crooked souls trying to stay up straight

Dry eyes in the pouring rain

The shadow proves the sunshine'


"Let me go! I SAID LET ME GO!" A desperate voice shouted, sending medical staff running. A desperate sob that broke most of the occupants in the room's heart was deafening. The scene one to haunt their memories forever, a son clinging to the corpse of his father. Covered in blood, blood streaming down the child's face. Tears of blood splattering onto the face of his father, yet the son did not care as he cried his heart out. He was fighting with the staff trying to pull him from the body of his father.

"DON'T LEAVE ME DAD! YOU PROMISED!" Naruto shouted his grief, flinching when a needle was forced into his arm and he felt himself loosing control of his limbs. His mind spinning violently, yet his fingers curled around the bloodied shirt of Minato. Refusing to let go, refusing to believe that this nightmare was reality.

"Please no." Naruto sobbed, fingers loosing their grip and letting go of his father forever. His heart shattering over and over again, a million little pieced that no one could pick up or restore. A broken soul left behind, one that would never again be whole. Blue eyes once filled with so much promise and happiness now dull with sorrow and constantly shinning with tears of his lost beloved father.

'Don't leave me alone.' His mind broke, all alone and never to see and hear the voice of his father telling him that he loved him and would never leave him. Then why did you lei? He thought bitterly even as tears consumed his whole being.


'Shine on me,

Let my shadows prove the sunshine'


A glint in the distance, dagger carving deep into flesh and even at the explosion of pain he did not flinch. Blood streamed in rivulets onto the grave on which he was kneeling, tears staining the ground beneath him. A whisper that travelled into the distance as ghostly blue eyes sadly as his son's blood stained his grave. His guilt spilling into his entire ghostly form, walking forward he knelt behind Naruto and embraced him. Happy blue eyes staring up at him a smile and the whispered words that faded with the two souls.

"I love you."

A love so strong even in death it was not separated and yet the cost was death, sorrow and pain. The body of Namikaze Naruto was discovered on his father's grave, the earth stained red with his blood and the petals of black roses making the scene one of grief and sadness. Still dressed in black for the grief of his father as he too joined the other world, perhaps happiness was what awaited them.


All done, hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment to encourage me to write more.

incest, naruto, minato

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