Into The Dark: Part 2 of Chapter 2

Apr 22, 2012 20:58

Title: Into the Dark
Fandom: Transformers
Continuity: G1
Pairing/s: Jazz x Prowl, Bluestreak x Prowl (a tiny bit)
Rating: NC - 17
Summary: Prowl travels to the Dark Parts in Kaon in search of his split spark twin that was taken from their home when he was barely an orn old. However Bluestreak, not knowing the entire truth of his heritage is frightened and Prowl is left in a dangerous area of Cybertron. Not all things will go well...
Chapter Summary: In the dead of the night, Prowl finds himself in his office depressed about one of his plans' failures. Bluestreak comes to comfort him; they are however interrupted by an unexpected mech showing up with an unexpected request...
Warnings: Mech/Mech sex, sticky sex, mentions of sparkbonds, Carriers & Sires, smut, explicit explanation of sticky smut, twincest, tactile overloads and incest.


Part II

"Ratchet? Come back ta the berth." Wheeljack whined and when his beloved didn't answer him he sat up; the soft berth covers falling to the floor when he stood up. Wheeljack felt his spark reaching out to his bondmate ― who was sitting by the window sill; gentle blue optics staring up at the Iconian Constellations with a sadness that was palpable to Wheeljack. The dim starlight shimmering on Ratchet's pearl white plating in a blue glow and the added soft lighting from an ion fire burning in the hearth illuminated the brightness of Ratchet's paint. The purple flame hue now reflecting off of beautiful pear white that shimmered every time the Medic moved. The sorrow was rolling off of Ratchet in waves and Wheeljack rested his helm against his bondmate's shoulder struts in a show of comfort. When Ratchet did not relax, Wheeljack traced the deep scars on Ratchet's back struts with a gentleness that was well known to him. He mourned the loss of Ratchet's once beautiful flaring doorwings, they were just as white as his lover's plating and just as beautifully delicate as the rest of Ratchet.

When he felt his beloved stiffen above him Wheeljack cooed softly but continued his ministrations, placing a comforting kiss on top of a gleaming silver chevron. He knew the pain his beloved Medic had lived through before they had officially been bonded and being the only creation of the Lord of Praxus had not been easy for Ratchet. Especially when he had had a tendency to test the Lord's patience by enrolling in the Iconian Academy of Science and Medicine when he was supposed to be entering the Council as a politician. As a result Ratchet had lost his doorwings violently and painfully in one of Lord Sparks' intense rages, the after affects of coming home with a Master Medical degree and being the valedictorian of the Medical Faculty.

Out of guilt in betraying his Sire, Ratchet had allowed himself to keep the scars of his shame. It was also a defiance in which he refused to succumb to his heritage until his Carrier had contacted him years ago and passed on the title of Lord of Praxus to Ratchet; the only creation of Lord Spire.

"Ya know Ratch, if it's bothering ya so much I can remake them for ya." Wheeljack offered as his servo traced the deep gash upon his lovers back struts in a gentle but loving caress. At his words he felt Ratchet sigh before his beloved shook his head in denial. Wheeljack pressed a kiss to Ratchet's audio to calm the different emotions he felt flicker through their bond; Wheeljack shamelessly enjoyed the way he could make the Medic shiver at his touch.

"'Jack? That's not what's got me worried." Ratchet pointed out softly, rolling his shoulders in semblance for his lover to stop teasing the scars ― they were sensitive. He settled down again when Wheeljack rested his servos on Ratchet's shoulder plates instead; a warm chassis pressing up against him from behind had Ratchet humming in approval and enjoyment. It was easy to give in when Wheeljack was like this, it wasn't hot and quick ― it was slow and gentle. A comfort Ratchet rarely allowed himself to indulge in.

"Then what is it mah love?" Ratchet vented a tired sigh sighed, his Carrier bond reaching out to touch against every one of his creations' bonds to find some reassurance that they were all fine and in hopes of calming his own foreboding. Leaning back against Wheeljack for more touch, Ratchet offlined his optics before the tell tale burning of emotion could overwhelm him from the inside. His legendary temper was for once calm and replaced by his much more vulnerable side ― the side that feared for his sparklings constantly and the fact that his two youngest were separated from him by an entire city length of four hundred and three decikilometres. That was more than enough to make him very uneasy. Never let it be said that Lord Ratchet didn't love his creations, never let it even be speculated.

"It's Prowl and 'Streak. I haven't been able to get through to the lately and Prowl's emotions have been pressing against mine in turmoil and uncertainty; something big is coming 'Jack and I don't know how to protect them." Ratchet admitted, his helm falling against his chest plates to hide his expression and fear. He stiffened slightly when little kisses of reassurance was pressed against the tip of his chevron before Ratchet felt himself relaxing and giving in to his bondmates concern and undying love. It was something he tried to never express in front of others but Ratchet needed Wheeljack as much as Wheeljack needed him constantly.

"Ratch, Jazz is with both of them. That base cannot be safer than it already is; ya know Jazz 'nd he truly cares fer Prowl 'nd now inadvertently Bluestreak as well. He won't let anything happen te our Prowl 'nd Prowl will not let anything happen te Bluestreak either."Wheeljack pointed out calmly and Ratchet was still for a long few kliks before he turned slightly, his chevron now resting against Wheeljack's spark chamber as Wheeljack's arms curled around him and welcomed him into a gentle embrace.

"That's what worries me 'Jack; will Prowl be able to understand this? What if he gets hurt? He's still so young 'Jack..." Wheeljack sighed and hugged his beloved's helm tighter to his spark chamber. His servos running down Ratchet's chassis in a show of comfort.

"Ya have te let go sometime Ratch, let the Sweetspark make his own choices 'nd mistakes. But I think he ain't makin' one with Jazz, ya know very well how it is fer bondmates. 'Sides we were not much older than he is now Ratch, in fact ya already Carried Sunny 'nd Sides by then 'nd ya haven't regretted it since." Ratchet nodded, his spark settling a bit at Wheeljack's flood of loving emotions and calming words. He didn't protest when Wheeljack pulled him to his feet and back towards the recharge berth. He was used to this and a smile flitted across his faceplates fleetingly.

"Okay, I'll come back to the berth." Ratchet chuckled. His concern now pushed aside but he couldn't help but not shake the feeling that something very bad was going to happen and Prowl and Bluestreak were in terrible danger; all he could now do was pray to Primus and hope that his little sparklings were protected against evil...


Prowl gasped when he was dropped on the soft berth in his quarters, intakes hitching at the sudden unexpected movement. He desperately wanted to whine at the fact that his servos were still bound by stasis cuffs and restricted his range of movement but Jazz, he found, was a real tease when he wanted to be. This time he did let out a whine when a sharp visor observed him intensely. The erotic implications of being that visor's sole object of attention made Prowl strain against his restraints to be closer to his lover whilst heat started flitting across his plating again. His doorwings fluttered under the scrutiny and out of temptation Prowl couldn't help but spread his pedes in invitation,  it was only range of movement that he could still manage. His actions alone got a low hiss from Jazz's intakes despite the embarrassment that crept across Prowl's cheek plates. It was encouraging sound that left the tactician nearly keening in delight.

"Hmmm, Prowler. Ya look so good like tha'. 'M going ta ravage ya Prowler; ya won' know yer designation 'fter only mine." Prowl moaned at the melodic, seductive purr that Jazz's voice promised him. Prowl however frowned when Jazz only sat at the edge of the berth; that sharp visor never once leaving his form. Claw like fingers traced across Prowl's pedes teasingly and the Praxian whined softly, he never even considered that bottom of his pedes could be that sensitive to touch. When another swipe of clever servos had Prowl trying to press into the touch, Jazz merely chuckled and pulled away teasingly. The act pulled an undignified sound from Prowl's vocalizer that Prowl belatedly realized made him sound very needy and unsure of himself.

"Ya know Prowler, Blue said somethin' 'lier tha' intrigues meh." Prowl squirmed when Jazz abruptly settled between his pedes; even pushing them wider to accommodate himself better. Prowl f keened with need when a stray kiss was placed deliberately on his sensitive chevron. The shocks of pleasure jumping across his armour plating left him reeling at the unstable feeling.

Resting their helms together in an intimate lover's touch, Jazz hummed his approval when Prowl cradled his body against his own by winding his pedes around his thighs. Prowl had to dim his optics to take in Jazz's bright visor above him. For some reason he squirmed at the passionate sensations of just being so close. Gentle fingers rested against Prowl's cheek plates, tracing the seam there before one claw like finger pressed against his lip plates. Prowl parted his lip plates on instinct and suckled on the digit when the sharp claw like finger pressed inside his mouth. The sly digit pulled in and out before it caressed his glossa with small scratches. Prowl whined around the digit, those scratches send jolts of electricity racing down Prowl's spine and he arched into the body above his own. With every passing klik Prowl was finding it more and more difficult to think coherently.

"Blue said tha' ya only ever saved yerself fer meh, 's tha' true Prowler?" At Jazz's declaration Prowl stiffened ― wondering just when Bluestreak had let that tit bit of information go. His cheeks were now properly heated with an Energon blush and when he tried to pull away to hide his optics, Jazz's finger in his mouth and the others gripping his chin components refused to let go to allow him the luxury. Instead Prowl tried to offline his optics but the slightly painful scratch against his sensitized glossa stopped than in its tracks.

"Hmmm, Prowler. 'M not gonna let ya go 'f ya don' tell meh." At that, Jazz's claw like servo retracted from his mouth. Instead it slyly slid down his chassis before it started rubbing at the tip of a sensitive doorwing, pinching and manipulating the sensor node at the very tip. The effect was instantaneous, Prowl arched into Jazz's chassis over fraught with seeing out more contact. He was restricted however and the frustration was already building in him.

"There 's no shame in savin' yerself fer somemech, Prowler. Tis romantic, Ah jus' didn't peg ya fer a subspace romantic." Prowl pouted at the words but parted his lips plates to allow his glossa to wet his suddenly nervously dry lips. He was working on building up the courage to admit to the truth but Jazz was making it very difficult.

Jazz however waited patiently, a lazy servo tracing random patterns on the armour plating just above Prowl's spark chamber before lying his helm on Prowl's spark chamber to listen to thrum of an unsteady spark pulse ― a pure indication that Prowl was both excited and nervous. His visor took in every movement Prowl made, even humming a bit when Prowl's glossa peaked out to wet dry lip plates. Jazz wanted nothing more than to follow it back inside that warm, wet mouth but he held himself back. He wanted an answer to know what he was dealing with, if Prowl was not regularly active with his valve and spike then this was going to be much the same as their first time together.

"Answer Prowler, Ah need te know. 'S important Swee'spark." Jazz breathed, the cool air dispersing across Prowl's chest armour and making the young Praxian shiver at the strange sensation. Jazz was just happy that he managed to keep his voice steady despite the arousal he felt flitting across his own plating. Being in sight of those smears of blue across white thigh plating was not helping his self control either, he wanted nothing more than to ravage Prowl with everything he had.

"Y-yes." Prowl finally stammered, his spark racing at his own admission. The sensual but genuine smile that his admission got from Jazz was enough for Prowl feel relieved. The sudden touch of sensual lips against his own had Prowl parting his lip plates when a glossa swiped across his lips sensually. A devious glossa invaded his mouth to tease and tangle with his own, the action had Prowl reeling with the taste and moaning at the pleasing sensations that raced up his spinal struts. His vocalizer was spitting static in protest when the intense passionate kiss was broken he stilled however when he noticed a string of lubricant still connecting their glossa together. Prowl moaned wantonly at the image it made, burning it into the back of his processor as he truly began struggling against his bonds.

"P-P-please Jazz!" Prowl yelped; his plea somewhat forgotten when Jazz sidled down his chassis and pulled the tip of a quivering doorwing into his mouth. Prowl keened, his doorwings were still sensitive from where Bluestreak had touched them and he wanted to pull away at the hyper sensitive feeling. As a distraction to Jazz's actions he finally executed the interfacing protocols that were screaming at him. His interfacing panel sliding open at another swipe of a clever glossa.

"Sit up, Prowler. Le' yer doorwings move on their own, Ah wan' to see them." Prowl's helm was moving from side to side at the pleasure induced haze he found himself but he scowled at his lover when those words finally made sense, intakes panting and whining he finally forced a legitimate demand from his lips.

"R-r-release my servos f-first, c-can't balance ― p-p-please." Prowl added a plea as an afterthought. An astrosecond later, claw like servos wrapped around his wrists and a resounding click transversed through the atmosphere ― a subtle clank sounded through the berth chamber where the stasis cuffs hit the floor. Jazz's addictive chuckle vibrated against Prowl's chassis as the slightly larger framed mech pulled Prowl into a sitting position ― Prowl's sensitive doorwings flaring and fluttering out behind him, they were thanking him for the release of pressure against the sensitive sensor nodes. Before Prowl could say thank you, a finger forced itself into his well lubricate valve. Whatever Prowl was going to say had died on his lip plates as his helm flew back at the sudden stimulus that wracked his entire body.

"Yer a crafty one Swee'spark, next time Ah'll punish ya in 'nother way." Prowl keened, his valve clenching around the slow thrusting finger. Sharp denta attacked his sensitive neck cables with nibbles and bites that had Prowl pressing into the touch and bucking his hips in order to get more of those sensations.

"So wet, so tight Prowler, Ah can see tha' ya're a valve mech, tha's ok Ah'll be 'appy te assist ya in that'." Prowl flushed at that statement clearly embarrassed that Jazz had figured it out. Prowl found his now free servos digging into the berth coverings to try and ground himself from all the pleasure. His embarrassment expressed by the soft choke in his intakes and his doorwings flaring out protectively behind him before they drooped in trembling movements. A stray servo reached across his back to stroke at the sensitive hinges and soon Prowl relaxed, doorwings settled and his tense shoulders relaxed until another sly finger pressed into his tight valve. His instinctively tightened his valve around the delicious intruder. This felt so much better than when he himself did it...

"Nggh...Jaaazzz! P-p-please...n-need m-more!" Prowl moaned long and low, a charge was already flitting across his armour plating incessantly and was driving more lubricant to be released into his valve. When Jazz pulled out his fingers to add another Prowl felt the rush of liquid down his thighs, staining his white plating and most dripping onto the berth coverings below. When the tip of his chevron was pulled into Jazz's mouth components to be suckled ― the tactician arched into Jazz, nuzzling that mouth incessantly as his doorwings strained on their hinges in compensation to the fluttering pleasure that shot through his circuits.

"P-please! Jazz!" Prowl pleaded, the three claw like fingers scratched across sensor nodes deep in his valve pleasurably and when those fingers started to pleasure him in earnest Prowl's own servos was now pawing at Jazz's plating for every hot spot he could find, fingers pinching sensory horns when Jazz pressed into a nerve bundle that had Prowl keening in ultimate bliss. His action got a low hiss from Jazz's vocalizer as Jazz pressed their chassis together firmly, a stray servo tracing headlights and his sensitive bumper to tease his charge into a higher frequency. Now, when Jazz retracted his fingers Prowl bucked his hips to try and follow them; whimpering shamelessly at the sudden loss. He felt so empty but that was quickly silence by the delicious feeling of Jazz's spike pressing into his valve slowly. He hadn't even heard the Spec Op's agent's interfacing panel slide open but the feeling of his satisfying spike inside of him was enough for Prowl to throw his helm back and let a low moan escape his vocalizer with bursting static.

"S' beautiful Prowler! Clean them fer meh." Jazz purred, lubricated fingers pressing against Prowl's mouth plates with intent that Prowl didn't quite understand but he nodded, parting his mouth plates sensually.

The young tactician did as he was told with no reservations about tasting himself, pulling lubricant smeared claw like fingers into his mouth one by one to clean them ― even whining a bit at the erotic thought of tasting himself. Jazz moaned at the sight, his visor flashing deep blue at the sight and feel of Prowl's sensual glossa suckling and swirling around every digit individually. His own servo capturing Jazz's black servo by the wrist components to keep it still as he worked his glossa across smooth plating. Little did Prowl know that Jazz was recording every nanoklik of the display, the innocence in those dimmed optics whilst that mouth did something so obscene was enough to get the Spec Ops agent's cooling whining almost as loud as Prowl's own.

The fact that his spike was already buried in that tight heat left his processor reeling and Jazz's immense self control was almost snapped in half. Once the last digit was let go with a small pop Jazz lost it, his servos now gripped Prowl's chassis close to his as he began to move. The sounds of delight his Prowler made did not escape his hearing and he smiled seductively, pressing sweet kisses across a fore helm when the young Praxian whined and struggled against the grip but Jazz did not relent. He wanted to take it slow, express what he was feeling with actions rather than words. There were no words to express what Prowl made him feel, but he could try to show him and so far it was working, especially going by the way Prowl was nuzzling him tenderly whilst a stream of begging and pleading never ceased coming from his vocalizer.

"Swee'spark, relax a bit. Ya're tensin' too much, ya're gonna hurt yerself." Jazz cautioned, servos rubbing soothing circles across his lover's lower back struts. The touch meant to sooth and protect.

Prowl found obeying those words very difficult at that moment in time but his doorwings eventually fell from their tense position and his shoulder struts finally relaxed and Prowl soon found himself hanging on for ride, pleasure overwhelming him completely and utterly that he was feeling guilty for just taking the pleasure rather than giving it. His EM field crashed outwards to show Jazz just what he was feeling and that he was so close to losing himself completely in the Kaonian's touch and ministrations. His doorwings quivered and fluttered constantly to try and disperse some of the heavy charge that was racing across his circuits but they were failing spectacularly.  Prowl swore that they only kept moving to keep Jazz's attention on him completely but then again his doorwings always expressed his emotions better than he ever could ― it was best just to let them do what they wanted rather than to fight them. Prowl keened when a particular deep thrust reached a sensor node deep inside of him that had been aching for stimulation for a very long time. The resulting pleasure had Prowl tensing again, doorwings trembling as blue charge arced and built between their chassis at Jazz's steady, pleasure inducing rhythm.

"Jaaazzz! Nggh..." Prowl whined, he couldn't hold on anymore but he valiantly tried to for his beloved. It was becoming too much and just when he was forced to let go he felt Jazz leaning against his audial receiver, a shudder working its way through his body when a sly glossa slid over the sensitive sensor before he moved on to nibble at his chevron. Prowl cried out, not understanding why Jazz found that part of him so fascinating just as his fluttering doorwings.

"Le' go Prowler, don' hold back." And Prowl did, his optics whiting out at his pleasured scream of pure abandonment. Back arching as his doorwings moved with him to form a perfect bow of pleasure, he was barely aware of Jazz stiffening above him but his hyper sensitive valve tightened further around Jazz's spike at the rush of scorching hot transfluid deep inside of him. Prowl's helm was thrown back but not before he felt the sharp pain of denta digging into his chevron in a claim of ownership and denting the metal ― again. The simple action of combining pain and pleasure  getting an even louder yelp from the Praxian before he was lowered to the soft berth gently, his frame hot to the touch and twitching at the intensity of his overload. He didn't even fight when Jazz chassis slid down his own so that a sensory horn was pressed against his spark chamber possessively.


Part 3 Found here:

em play, jazz x prowl, sticky, angst, bluestreak x prowl

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