Unfortunate Implications:

Jun 04, 2011 12:29

This is for the tf_rare_pairing June Challene the 4th- Unfortunate Implications.

Title: Unfortunate Implications
Chapter: 1
Fandom: Transformers (G1)
Disclaimer: I do not any of the characters but I do own the plot bunny. Transformers does not belong to me although I wish it did. Pairings: Shockwave/Soundwave
Rating: M A (NC - 17)
Warnings: Mentions of p'n p and interface without consent 
Summary:  Sounwave has a secret, he is compassionate and possesses unconditional love. Once his secret is discovered the cold scietist of the Decepticons believes that it is time Soundwave learned a lesson in emotionless living.
Word Count: 2021

Unconditional love and kindness was dangerous qualities that a Decepticon can possess and the two qualities that Soundwave unfortunately possessed. He desperately tried to keep them secret; only to find that he was under Shockwave's scrutiny from the beginning. It was discovered by the loyal Decepticon as Megatron went on rage spree that left a trail of damaged Cassetticons in his wake; of which Rumble and Frenzy were injured the worst.

"Rumble; report status please." Soundwave announced; his tone of voice still concerned and showing as his red visor displayed the tell tale signs of tears. Giving the true indication of what his emotional processor was going through; Energon tears that should never be seen were going to become unstoppable. Frenzy gave a concerned click as he tried to hide his damaged arm from his creators view, knowing that Soundwave was too compassionate to leave him be and could risk getting killed by Megatron.

"We're fine; just a few scratches and dents." Rumble replied carefully.

"Frenzy, come here." Soundwave announced with a hitch of his vocal processor and at that sound the Cassetticon could not deny his master's request and carefully moved forward.

"You are injured." Soundwave's voice dropped as the tape deck worked to fix the extensive damage that Megatron had rendered on his creations. He felt his spark break at how his 'children' were treated by the Decepticon Lord. It was a feeling that he knew should never be expressed and yet he could not deny the emotions that dared to spill over; his visor flashed and he carefully removed it and placed it on his berth as he wiped at the incessant falling of Energon tears that stained the berth coverings.

"Soundwave you have to stop; we're fine. If Megatron or Shockwave finds you like this it will only mean more trouble and you could be seriously injured or even killed. Please Soundwave we don't want that." Rumble muttered quietly as he gently rubbed Soundwave's servo in a semblance of comfort.

Soundwave felt as if his world was falling apart and he wanted to escape. It hurt to see so many Decepticons hurt because of the rage and anger of one Cybertronian and every one of them left an unforgettable memory that haunted his recharge time; orbital cycle after orbital cycle. He needed to find an escape; find a way out and find refuge for his Cassetticons.

"Soundwave please." Frenzy begged as he kept staring at the door and Ravage gave a concerned purr as he brushed up against Soundwave's torso; offering a semblance of some comfort that the Communications Commander needed so much of.

"You cannot blame yourself for things that are out of your control." Rumble murmured and nervously glanced at the door; his sensors picking up an unnoticed presence at the door.

"Return." Soundwave ordered softly and braced for the oncoming reprimand he knew was coming. He had noticed Shockwave's presence at the door a few clicks ago and knew that the cold scientist had picked up on the conversation going on inside the room. For now all that mattered to Soundwave was the protection of the Cassetticons.

The door hissed open as Shockwave's overwhelming presence entered the room; his emotions well hidden as his golden optic stared at Soundwave as if the Communications Commander was under intense scrutiny as one of his experiments.

"Soundwave, what a terrible secret you have. Perhaps you should have joined the Autobots at the beginning of this war." Shockwave hissed as he approached the Communications Commander. Soundwave flinched as a cold servo brushed up against his cheek plates, knowing exactly how Shockwave would treat him; just like a piece of machinery to work on and experiment on.

"I'm sorry to say Soundwave but we're going to have to fix your little personality glitch." Shockwave warned and Soundwave felt a whimper escape him. His processor screaming at him to run and yet Shockwave's touch was strangely comforting and gentle.


The brig was cold, bleak and desolate and Soundwave felt the chill of the walls as he observed the scrapes and scratches across his armour. His processor glitched as he remembered the feeling of Shockwave's fingers as they traced his armour and his words cutting deep and yet offering an escape for him by not facing Megatron because of his trespass.

"This will be a torture in itself; having an emotionless voice that can never jump an octave. Knowing you will never be able to express your emotions at all."

Those words may have seemed harsh and degrading to him but for Soundwave he felt thankful towards Shockwave as he knew deep behind the cold and seeming emotionless armour pulsed a spark that had the capacity to help those who needed it or so he thought. This change of his vocalizer was a blessing in disguise as it meant that he would never be able to express his emotions through his voice; which he knew would eventually cause him trouble. And yet a nagging fear kept assaulting his processor; something was terribly wrong.

Soundwave sighed and immediately winced at the ragged sound that echoed through the brig. His vocalizer hurt, and the tiniest of sounds grated on his audial receiver. He didn't want to talk anymore, he really didn't. Maybe this change was more a curse than a blessing.

He searched through his memory processor to pass the time and stopped short as a memory recall struck him; heavily encrypted and guarded so well that he doubted he could unlock it. He struggled for many cycles as he desperately tried to unlock that particular memory and eventually found the right decryption process. Soundwave reeled as he relived the hidden memories. It was the memory of the procedure that Shockwave performed and included even the pain and humiliation of that time spent in Shockwave's lab.


"Megatron has asked me to erase any of the possible emotions that you may experience." Soundwave flinched away from the touch against his cheek plate. It was too intimate for a cold mech like Shockwave and felt completely wrong. It made him shudder as he knew that Shockwave was known for devious interface methods, even on the operating table. These thoughts made Soundwave's spark pulse with a new sense of fear.

"None of that Soundwave. I've been given a duty and I will finish it." Shockwave's voice carried a deceptive warning that left Soundwave trembling and unsure. He was placed on one Shockwave's experiment berths and placed under the direct scrutiny of the cold scientist. Soundwave struggled against his bonds, for the first time he felt intense fear tingle across his sensor net. He was fighting the emotions he knew was building up inside him; his spark hurt with the effort to keep those emotions locked up inside and away from the scrutiny of Shockwave.

"Hmm, we'll start with the recalibration." Shockwave announced as he selected a complex tool from his collection and started his work. Only when the pain assaulted his processor did a whine spill from his vocalizer, deep and uncertain.

"No, no. Can't have you speaking, otherwise my work will be ruined." Shockwave warned as he swiftly switched off all of the connections to Soundwave's vocalizing module. Soundwave felt his frame freeze as Shockwave's servos slipped to where they were not supposed to be; his interface portal. Shockwave allowed a gust of air to escape his vents in a manner of a sigh, this was going to be an orbital cycle to remember; carefully opening Soundwave's interface portal and already enjoying the sounds that Soundwave's broken vocalizer produced.

"N-n-n-o. S-s-s-t-op." Soundwave begged through a broken connection to his vocalizer. Startled when a cold laugh spilled forth from Shockwave and wrapped around him in a cruel, cold blanket.

"I have always wanted to see the reactions of a patient when being operated on and connected to another's interface portal as well." Shockwave announced and Soundwave shuddered as Shockwave's calibrated interface cable snapped into place. The sudden flow of pleasure and pain from Shockwave was processor reeling and Soundwave closed his optics and killed the connection to his visor. He wanted to disappear into the Well of Sparks and never return.

"Interisting." Shockwave announced, his voice hitching as Soundwave's pain translated to his own pleasure. Shuddering when a jolt of pure energy was transmitted through their interface connection. It was difficult to find a way to concentrate whilst feeling pleasure rushing through his systems and yet, taking a cold disposition towards the events and feeling around him managed to complete the surgery without too much damage to Soundwave.

Soundwave felt as if his world was falling apart. Pain was washing over him in waves as no numbing nodes were activated and every cut and pull of a wire was as a stab of pain and a slash of fear. He knew that Shockwave could feel nothing but pain from his connection to the scientist, so much so that he felt his systems starting to shut down one by one.

"None of that. You have to stay conscious Soundwave." Shockwave announced and Soundwave shuddered as another string of electrical impulses raced through the connection. His helm clanged on the cold metal berth as he bit his mouth plate in an attempt to stave off a broken scream that he knew was trying to escape. It wasn't long when his processor started fritzzing and he felt his consciousness fade. The trauma of the pain and the overwhelming presence of Shockwave  in his systems and overwhelming his  sensor net entirely. A few astroseconds later as he faded into unconsciousness he heard Shockwave's quiet moan of pleasure as he overloaded on Soundwave's collective pain and panic.

As he came too in the cold brig Soundwave locked those memories away under a strong firewall and wished that his advanced knowledge of programming could never unlock; not knowing that his curiosity would get the better of him. .


Soundwave shuddered in the cold of the brig, his memory processor reeling with pain and a new found fear and hatred for the Decepticon's Master Scientist and the Decepticons in general. Soundwave was afraid to speak as he knew his voice would be his worst enemy and his biggest blessing. He hissed as he felt the Cassetticons getting restless in their hiding places. He released them and watched as they all chirped and scrambled to find a comforting position against Soundwave's torso, little voices whispered comfort and endearments of love and Soundwave was too afraid to respond.

Living a life without a means of good communication would become a great burden on Soundwave as he would soon realize that none of Decepticons could have cared less about his unfortunate implications of being an individual. It was then that he made his decision to defect and find a place amongst the Cybertronian faction he knew he should have joined since the beginning of the war.


874 Vorns Later:

"Soundwave, I know that you do not like to talk and hardly say a word since coming here but as your CMO I command you to try to at least communicate a little more." Ratchet admonished as he observed the ex-Decepticon in the rec-room. It had been a long time since Soundwave had defected and stolen the hearts of the Autobots with his condition and the interaction of the Cassetticons amongst the Autobot ranks.

Ratchet sighed; he had tried to help Soundwave overcome his insecurities about his vocalizer that even Ratchet could not fix and yet Soundwave was still very shy in talking at all. Ratchet was perhaps the only mech onboard the ark, aside from Optimus, that had heard the Communications Commander speak; not even Blaster could achieve that.

Hopefully one day Soundwave would find a way to express his emotions that he was forced to hide for so long; Ratchet thought as he made his way towards Wheeljack's workshop to consult the engineer, turned psychologist and find some advice and hopefully convince the stubborn mech to have a session with Soundwave.


Thanks for the read and I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know and leave a review if you wish, it keeps me writting as well. XD!

june challenge, shockwave/soundwave, nc-17

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