Mt. Fuji --> Tokyo & Chiba

Oct 02, 2006 06:37

RANDOM: オムライス

Midterm = d(-_^)good!! ☆
I did much better than I expected, even on the speaking/role-playing section. Guess studying really does pay off, at least when in Japan. After an intense amount of brain power used, as I said before, was going to climb Mt. Fuji. To keep the mind and soul balanced, need to work-out the brain and body, ne.
W e d n e s d a y - 8/30-31
MT. FUJI climb!!!! The hardest thing I've done since coming to Japan. Took a bus from the terminal to 五合目 in the morning, then started our treacherous climb up. Fuji-san is very steep; half the time, I was crawling on my hands and knees. Arrived at 8合目の旅館 around 6pm, where we ate "dinner" and TRIED to sleep. I didn't get a wink of sleep...and my neck was killing me, thanks to the uncomfortable pillow. I think that's why I couldn't climb to the top (around 1am) head was spinning, I was cranky, and the O2 was getting thin. But I still got to see the b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l~~ I reallie wouldn't mind climbing again, but if I do, I'm not going to carry such a huge backpack, like I was "told" to do.... sheesh, I don't need to bring extra clothes...or THAT much water... *sigh*... I thought it was still fun though~ The challenge!!! Good thing it wasn't raining...would have been more difficult.
the beginning
still a long way up
up up up

hello~ down there
bus terminal@5合目
bus terminal@5合目_2
Beware of horse poop. You can get a ride up to the 6-7(?)合目 by horse, if lazy and have the money. These are some big horses, muscles built for climbing and hard labor!
Ahhh, but something terrible happened at the 5合目, a place above a souvenir store, where people can rest before/after their climb. On the guy's side, one of the guy's lost his shoes (you know, you take off your shoes before entering a place, especially if filled with tatami mats). Either someone actually wanted and thus stole his shoes, or it was by accident...but they were very expensive shoes... ??!!! He had to buy new ones, which were poorly made, and thus uncomfortable while climbing up Mt. Fuji... (*´ο`*)
*sniff* but I lost my cool walking stick. I wanted to bring one back to the States, like my mom did. At least I haven't bought any of the stickers/stamps for each station you climb up to. However, once I got back to the apartment, that was the last thing on my mind. Immediately, I fell asleep...for a looong time ^_^

F r i d a y - 9/01
Wanted to sleep forever, but went to another matsuri; this time, at least it was in Tsuru. A special matsuri - the daimyo "parade"...and to see Mike in his taiko group!!! However, it was a rainy day, so many of the events were cut short, including the taiko drums and daimon parade... waaaah. But the best part, at least for me, was that I got to see my host dad in his bright yellow outfit. HAHAHAHA~~
Of course, there was tons of food. But for some reason, I didn't buy anything. I think I had just wasn't hungry...
Mike's 太鼓group

S a t u r d a y - 9/02
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! My first birthday away from home...and it was the best!!! Went to Fumi-san's house for a BBQ... SUCH A BIG & BEAUTIFUL HOUSE!!! The balcony was great for the bbq-ing, and the living was wonderful. So many places to just site and chat. Her husband was funny, especially when his friends came over. One played the Beatles' music!!! So, we were all singing and laughing...and did calligraphy tattoos on each other. Made up our own kanji for our names, and wrote them.
Ended around 11pm...AND THEN WENT KARAOKE!!! Till 5am... We sang "Honey Flash!" twice...oh, why why, why?! Too bad "Sakura KISS" wasn't there...wanted to reallie sing that song. I believe I know all the words (hey, I love it so much, I better!)... The tutors are so into the music, always dancing about. Wish America had karaoke places like this...each room is decorated with its own theme...and we get to use tamborines!!! hahahaha~~
hotdogs anyone?
Ah, yes, and I got a cellphone Saturday morning. Thanks to my tutor, Misa, I was able to buy one, and understand what I was buying!!!! =P Already decorated it was my Ouran Koukou Host Club stickers....
ring ring

S u n d a y - 9/03
Only got about 5 hours of sleep. My host family called me around go to Kawaguchiko!!! I had to say "yes"; I reallie wanted to see them!!! I was actually supposed to see them on my birthday, but had to cancel when I heard we were going to Fumi-san's place. I missed my host family!!!
Went around the Kawaguchiko lake...ate at my first Japanese McDonald's, and had tons of sweets!!! The weather was perfect, with the exception of the huge clouds, which blocked the top of Mt. Fuji. Oh was wonderful! And Kaede-kun... he calls me "Onee-chan" now!!!! waaaaaaaaaiii~~~
富士山, どこ?

W e d n e s d a y - 9/06
Had another terrible speech, this time about describing one of your failures (失敗) in life. Right afterwards, went to the Tsuru museum, where we saw all the daimon stuff (which we had learn in class a couple weeks ago, thus the tour was kinda boring). And then, went to the Linear Center in Tokyo...the "fastest" train in the world. Still in process, but we got to see a test drive... Sorry to say, but this day was a waste of time...I think it has something to do with all the rain...and that we had to walk... IN THE RAIN, from place to place. Fortunately, Fumi-san drove us from the museum to the center, at least. But we skipped lunch...and that makes me VERY CRANKY. I had used up all my brain and food power over the speech, and yet, you expect me to walk in the rain, to appear happy....etc.etc. But I think everyone was feeling the same =P


S a t u r d a y - 9/09
But Saturday made up for everything wrong that week. Went to, what I'd like to call, "ケーキHeaven". For under $15, you can eat at much cake (and pasta, sandwiches, ice cream, popcorn, curry, etc.) as you want, in 90 mins. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ I love that place!!! And I love cake!
polka dots
new flavored kakigoori
And then, Harajuku, for clothes!!! Even came across 古着屋, where there was a huge section of second-hand, CHEAP!!! Need to go there again, when I have my own time. This trip, we had a schedule to follow (which I hate, it just ruins the shopping mood). We had to go to a piano concert, performed by one of our Japanese teacher's wife. At least, she was reallie good (well, duh, she's performing a concert!)...and played such lovely classical music; Mozart and Chopin!!! The day ended at 11:30pm, getting off the bus that we got for free, thanks to Fumi-san.
takeshita st.

S u n d a y - 9/10
Study, study, study: sakubun about your first impression (第一印象) of Tsuru/Japan, kanji HW, a preparation for a [県] (ken) presentation, and grammar studying.
M o n d a y - 9/11
Another calligraphy session. This time, we had to come up with the kanji that we wanted to write, AND WRITE IT. I ended up doing "Byakko" because I was looking at my shrine omiyage from 8/26...which had Byakko on it!!! hehehe~

S u n d a y - 9/17
Off to Tokyo again! However, while everyone else took the 8:20am train, I decided to go with Laura on the 10:00am train. More sleep. Met everyone else in Akihabara (by myself, since Laura went on a different train in Shinjuku to meet up with friends). Went to the "usual" places (hmmm...maybe I've been to Tokyo too much now...), Shinjuku, Harajuku, Akihabara...more shopping! In the rain...
lights of hope
But afterwards, Allen and I went to Chiba around 6pm (from Shinjuku to Chiba), another 2-hour train ride further down. At least, we go to practice/memorize our 県 presentation, which was to be presented on Tuesday. Good thing, this was a 3-day weekend...
Anyways, once we made it to Chiba, was fortunately enough to stay at Allen's UCLA roommate's family house, where we met the entire family, who all (in my opinion), speak REALLY GOOD ENGLISH!!! And the food was delicious; nothing beats home-made cooking~
M o n d a y - 9/18
Saw some very beautiful temples, and stopped by the ocean. However, it had been raining for a week (the typhoon's coming), so the waves were pretty harsh. Couldn't realy enjoy our time there peacefully, slowly. But it was still fun. Though, the train ride back home wasn't as pleasant...
stairways to heaven

T u e s d a y
県 presentation - I "represented" KYOTO (funny, b/c we were going to Kyoto for our 1-week break)
Find out we didn't "really" need to memorize our speech, but oh well. I did. And yet, once it was my turn, I forgot the beginning. But I found out, I tend to forget the beginning paragraph, always stuttering and taking long pauses trying to remember, due to the fact, I'm trying to get over the nervousness. But once I get started, I guess I calm down, and everything starts coming back. (I especially noticed this when doing my final speech on 9/23.)
Talked a little about Kyoto's history, then what's famous in Kyoto, what are some interesting things to do while staying/visiting Kyoto, and how to travel to Kyoto from Tsuru. A standard for the presentation, so it wasn't THAT bad...

----------------WOW, finished up that part. Next time, KYOTO!!!
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