All right, I'm getting a bit sick and tired here. I take the time to cap all these movies and tv shows and for what? Probably the most popular thing I've ever capped is High School Musical. Part one was downloaded 102 times, and parts two and three only a few less. Guess how many comments I got on it? 102? Not even close. 53, and some of them are mine telling people about the problems they may experience with SendSpace. More recently, I capped a Harry Potter interview in which I had to crop out every single picture so as not to have people see my entire computer screen. It was downloaded 22 times and I received 6 comments.
This has been going on for awhile now and because of that I'm seriously thinking about no longer sharing my caps and not even finishing the requests I have except for the few I have all ready capped and uploaded. Your thoughts are much appreciated on this matter.
Thanks in advance,
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snowflakie06 cap_it dj_capslock