beat me to the punch over at Chaotic Good.
Twice. So I'm posting my thoughts here...
Neither candidate really won the debate. McCain was the typical kind of Republican aggressive that usually amps up his base. Obama was the typical kind of centrist liberal precise that usually amps up the um, centrist, um, base. Yeah. So anyway. In a world without a corrupt and distorted civic discourse we'd all be eagerly waiting the next round.
But...McCain is toast. Yes,
chuckles48; McCain. Is. Toast.
Why? The same phenomenon that has shaped our elections for the last 12 years, at least. That same warped public conversation is about to redound to McCain's detriment. Already, the narrative is forming, and once it takes hold, there will be virtually nothing McCain can do to shake it. What's the meme this time?
...John McCain got his ass kicked tonight. He was a cranky old SOB, scowling and ranting “You don’t understand” and generally just a dick. Folks on tv are calling it “vintage McCain.” Loosely translated, that means everyone knows he is a dick, they just can not say it on tv.
John Cole's Balloon Juice Just as "obnoxious sighing, eye-rolling Gore" was the narrative in 2000, so this will be in 2008. McCain was an angry, irrational, cowardly (won't look Obama in the eyes) jerk. The next few weeks will be ugly for the GOP.
Still don't believe me? Check Rasmussen Reports. The latest poll shows
Obama up six points on McCain. Before all McCain's grandstanding, they were dead even.