Mar 20, 2004 20:16
Why is that everytime Someone needs a friend I am always there?? I dont mind at all I am glad that they know they can come to me with what ever it is thats matter what! But why do I always feel so alone?? Why can't I find anyone when i need someone to talk to? It has always been like that. I can't be the care free jessiy all the time.. its to fuckin hard. Because half the time i feel like braking down.. Why is that? Why?? Or am i not allowed to feel? Or at least show that im not this pilar of security some have come to think me to be.. My best friend since 6th grade.. has never ever seen me cry.. and The one time i broke down she laughed and walked away.. she thought i was joking.. How well she knew me.
You ever wish that you had a George Bailey kinda life.. to where you could see what life would be like with out you in it..?? in a way,for me it would depress me more...