Now, you may notice from the title, i am extremely tired of hypocrits (getting a B in engrish, ok?). I am tired of our human nature. I am tired of having to work harder because of someone elses mistake. *Rant on Ms. Shang coming*
Ms. Shang (, this is just funny to see how people hate her) is my honors chem teacher at lhhs. she is officially retarded. Every day she does something that is just flat out stupid and she knows it is but her stupid pride makes her be really dumb. Just the most recent occurence that really sent me over the edge: every chapter we have to make an outline of the chapter. In the beginning of the year we had all chapter to make it and it was due the day of the test. Then she got mad cause we all procrastinate until the night before the test to do it, so she made them due 2 days after she assigns them. Yesterday she tells us that the outline is due today (meaning Friday) so we get one night to do it all. So we argue and the entire class tells her that we are supposed to get two days. and she pauses then goes, "no, i told u guys about it on tuesday." And NO SHE DIDN'T! What just bakes my noodle is that she realized she was wrong and lied to cover it up. That is hypocritical if you ask me.
That is the reason of my anger. Now, don't take this as condesending at all. I realize that it is human nature to be hypocrites, in fact, im being an extremely hypocrite right now. But that doesn't mean i have to like it.
I just don't understand why pride has such an influence on our lives. We base so many things in our life on pride, but what does it do for us? Gives us a temporary good feeling? But what else? What can it do in the end? Absolutely nothing. Pride is a human treasure, but it means nothing to God. And it is because of this treasure that we all hold so dear, that we must lie and be hypocrites.
The irony of all this is that my pet peeve is hypocrites and liers. The funny thing: every single person (except Jesus) is/was/will be a hypocrite and a lier at some point in their lives. We must come to this realization that we are inherently evil and our natural will is to commit sins.
As Josh's said last night in his Deeper Water talk, we must look for God's will in everything that we do. And we must atempt (atempt being the key word here) to fullfill that will. However, we will never do such an honorable thing as to fullfill God's will in its entirity. It is the Journey, not the destination, that we must strive for in this world. It is the atempt and the coming closer and closer to completing, and the act of completing that makes us grow in Christ. Not actually completing it.
Another funny thing: I will probably end up continuing to be the hypocrite that I am and not even listen to my own advice. I guess admitting your problems is the first step, but thats not good enough for me...
There. Did i not tell you i will be "ranting and raving". and i am lucky i didn't have this journal earlier in the year. You would have known a lot more about Ms. Shang. As it is there is only 14 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
I just performed at a Jazz concert and i had a solo. I did pretty good and am proud of myself. Now going to watch a movie with my familia.
I shant bore you any longer. Thanx for listening to this crazy kid.