May 06, 2008 17:00
the neighbors are at it again. before r left the cops were at our house 3 times in one weekend (because they kept missing me, once while i was at work, once while i was running errands, and then just by chance i managed to meet the cso on monday), because of cat-related complaints. i'm not going to get into it right now because it just raises my blood pressure, but i will say that one complaint was "a porch on the south side of our house where we just let the multitude of cats use as a litter box and never clean up after them." we do not *have* a porch on *any* side of our house, which is plainly obvious from looking at our house. *growl* (one would think after six years these people would just let go and accept that i live here now, and move on with their lives.)
but the true weirdness:
this morning i went out to start my car, and noticed my garage door had been raised 3/4 of the way (it's possible i left it open, but i'm pretty sure i closed it. regardless, that's not terribly weird......what is is the cheetos.). just inside the garage was an open bag of cheetos, arranged to face the door and crumpled so that the mouth was facing up, wide open, displaying cheetos. just in front of the bag was a smal pile of cheetos, and then a small trail of cheetos leading a little way toward my buick (which is still sitting in the driveway because i haven't had it removed yet).
and once i stopped laughing, all i could think was what a waste of a bag of cheetos. it was obviously a new bag of them, too. i used gloves to clean it up (god knows what could have been wrong with it, i'm paranoid enough to suspect they laced it with rat poison or something equally toxic), and hoped no animals had eaten it (it didn't look like it had been disturbed, though).
these people are nuts.
thank god x knows better than to eat random food off the ground ( least i hope he does....).
on the plus side, we might actually get cameras installed now. i can't afford them and my parents have been saying that they thought we should have them, as the homeowners they wanted them in, etc. i've always said, ok, fine, do it, yes, etc, but then they don't do it, and act like i never said anything the next time they bring it up. this would be a good thing, because as of yet i can't prove these people are the ones harassing us (dead rodents in bags on x's playground? ripping up my garden several times? hoses randomly connected and then placed in window wells/spraying into the garage/on in winter, turning the driveway into a sheet of ice? repeated false complaints to the city about "code violations" [stoves in the driveway? plywood in the yard?]? photographing us through our windows and calling it "evidence"? keeping a written record of when i leave my house or just go into the yard? turning on the old sprinkler system [now removed] and soaking us when we'd go out to work in our garden? i *wish* i could prove it.)
i wish they'd just take up knitting.
i can't be *that* interesting.