Jan 08, 2005 23:42
so yeah i have always spelt vaseline with an a like vasaline.. but today when i was looking at the container and realized it an E not an A.. the things you learn when you sick... now you prob wonder what the hell vaseline has to do with anything.. well my nose is now very dried out due to 3 days of kleenex use (OWEEEEEEEEEEEE)... so i have started puttin vaseline on me nose to get the moisture in it.. it does work... and vaseline is soo soft.. feels really good on the lips... it feels like velvety... i have this like huge container of it and i like never use it... but what is its true purpose... like this one container could last me FOREVER... aint it weird how something could last yo u like your whole life tho you prob loose it b4 you run out of it... why is that... i think the universe makes certain products that will like last us forever but are so inignificant that we dont pay attention to it so that we end up loosing it then have to go get another one one day when we really do need it... i think ive been inside WAY to long..