Time for change - Random thoughts

Jul 08, 2010 15:14

The last few weeks have been extremely difficult. I don't think I want to share a lot of it publicly. I need to grieve in my own way and by myself. I have been mostly uncommunicative in the last two weeks and I need to get it all out without perceived judgment. Most people have been wonderfully supportive and I have received many letters and phone calls of love and support. I am so very grateful for that. Some people have been remarkably inappropriate. Ah well. Some people's mothers didn't raise them right.

My mother and older sister have been unusually supportive. I think they know that this is very tough for me. My husband has been unusually clingy as well. I think he is feeling his mortality at the moment.

I feel like I need to wipe the slate clean in a lot of ways. I really am craving change. Mostly with myself and taking the initiative to do that which I need to do and that which I enjoy instead of constantly denying myself. I need to get on it today.

I have been obsessed with re-decorating my house lately. I have no money to do this, mind you. But I love to look at pictures and ideas. I need to feel beauty in my home, which is sorely lacking right now
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