Just random thoughts

Dec 23, 2009 18:23

Everyday at least one of my friends on Facebook keeps publishing a small paragraph on their status up dates that reads:

"They may want to take Christ out of Christmas, but they can never take the Christ out of me! If you are proud to be a Christian and not ashamed to show it then post this as your status for one day as a light to the world. Most people are too scared or ashamed to do this. Let us remember what CHRIST-MAS is all about too!"

Now , I am a Christian. I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say it. However, this little paragraph saddened me. Mostly because, I think that majority of the people who have been posting this really don't know Jesus. Because the same people posting this have been posting their intolerance the rest of the year. I am not claiming to be a perfect Christian, sometimes I am a lousy at it. But I do know this:

If you are not doing everything you can to help save the lives of Americans ...you are no patriot

If you are not encouraging competition in the marketplace...you are no capitalist

and, if you are not doing everything in your power to help the sick and the poor...you are no Christian

Jesus was a Midlle Eastern Jewish man, who preached pacifism, ate with taxpayers, whores and lepers, was against the death penalty, was in essence a socialist. His was philosophy, based in compassion, equality,
inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace and - most importantly - love.
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