wtf happened to you, man?
First of all, look at this adorable princess:
You did good, bb. Ilu. Always have.
Having said that, what a fucking trainwreck. You gotta know things aren't going to work out completely since the appearance of a scoring system that nobody seems to rly be able to explain properly. That enough - as proved by Monday's mess - is being off to a bad start.
But tonight just, to me, makes it clear that the scoring system is not only not any improvement. It made the sport take a step back. Because complexity and artistry are apparently not being judged with respect to the execution of the elements. They are being judged as separate things and that fucks up the purpose of putting together routines and numbers. HFC, if performing elements is more important, in a few years we're gonna have compulsory demonstrations of elements instead of figure skating. Hopefully, if that ever happens a quad will be compulsory.
In any case... what is the deal here? First of all that bs new scoring system isn't working. It lacks integrity and common sense. If the quality of the performance is more important than the complexity, Weir should've scored higher. If the complexity is more important, Plushie should've won gold. If the execution of the mandatory elements is more important, I can see why Evan would win, but like I said, that defies the purpose of the sport :/
Ultimately it seems like the sum of all the parts isn't adding up when compared to the actual results. And furthermore, the anonymity of the judges won't help matters. None for you ISU.
Ugh I'm sleepy. It's 5 am so bye.
PS: diaf evan.