Mar 23, 2007 01:52
In the past few weeks the readings and lectures that have stood out in me were:
The Rights of Blacks and Equality, (W.E.B DuBois) to which I did some background research on the events leading to the emancipation of Blacks, and how sucessful that came to be.
Totatailanism, (selections of Hannah Arendt) regarding how it came about in Nazi Germany.
Existentialism, (Simone de Beauvoir) which included an explanation on how existentialism demands that women have control over their bodies reproductive nature. -ok, that wasn't part of the reading, but it came up in tutorial.
The Holocaust, (Primo Levi) Nasty, dirty, holycraphowdidthateverhappenohwaitArendtsortofexplainsitbutthat'sstillsofucked!!
And all of those lectures/readings relate to each other in such that I'm really boggled by it all. None of it is old history. Du Bois wrote at the dawn of the twentith century. Levi died in 1987. None of it is old. And yet ... do we really remember? Does it matter? Is it important to understand why?