The dress is done and now that the con is over I can post pictures about it.
So where we left off was that I sewed the dress completely together and then was waiting for her to try it on at the convention so I could make the final adjustments.
Well, we got to Anime Detour 2012 and I disappeared off with her to try on the dress. I had her try on the dress inside out, so that I could pin it in the right places where I needed to stitch up the extra fabric so it would be fitted and so I could mark where to put in the zipper without being worried.
I'm really happy with it and quite pleased that I was able to pull it off in a little over a day. I also am such a fangirl for how cute they looked together! This would be one of my favorite moments of cosplay and I feel all warm and fuzzy because I was able to help them advert cosplay disaster and still dress up as they wanted ^_^
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