Facebook live stream worship

Feb 26, 2020 23:26

About singing: I have a new Bluetooth speaker with a micro SD that I quickly ascertained could hold ALL my sound files from my new humongous external hard drive. For fun I just put everything wav or otherwise on there and brought it with me for a week long trip. I found music on there people had given me that was...uh... distinguishable. And it constituted this tiny little opinion of mine to be posted. Music is like food. Its cultural. It's not always liked by everyone. I know that about my own voice and my own preferred music. Thus the Livestream ingredients should not not ever ever ever include worship. The purpose of worship music? To glorify otherwise God? "Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool!" Psalms 132:7 When we were kids in church, we cringed when certain people got up to perform. God imparted to me that the voices that are beautiful to him are the voices that come from the heart, much like Samuel did not see what God saw in Jesse's sons. But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 ESV It takes a great deal of confidence to perform. I have been to at least 50 different churches with performances from individuals and the confidence is the factor that makes it occur. I had a lot of confidence as a child because of my Nana's constant praises, and other family as well. Performances that extended beyond church groups for me usually went sour. I sang in music competitions and high school chorale groups and once on television. I got booed on the stage at the senior show. Confidence is key but does not please God without a sincere and worshipful heart. So because I feel strongly about the sacred gift of a sincere and worshipful heart, I do not find a reason to expose this to masses of infinite individuals who insult and intend to harm Christians. The necessitating of live stream worship requires very deep protection with walls of impervious prayers. Because performance feeds off of confidence which can very easily bring pride, in the same way that a hot day can draw the clouds into a thunderstorm by moving too quickly from cold temperatures. A performer builds confidence on the audience and fails to comply with their own sincerity of worship. Given the size and experience of my ego and the company I have exposed myself to in this life, I want to remain invisible as far as worship goes. I need to get in my place first. It'd be the first time in my life I have actually believed that God wanted to hear my voice.

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