Dec 20, 2019 01:10
The day exploded with Daniel references but all same. Drummer boy ws def his mantra. Daniel called the bank and as he was our first customer. The kid that drove the repair truck looked just like Andrew Jacob..mics with Napoleon dynamite. People's birthdays at Walgreens were Dec. 16 and there was a huge reminder at lunch that was so strong I fought it the whole time and afterward just blocking blocking.
Lately I have been remembering exactly what my past mistakes were and fine tuning my sense of justice to what God sees. Especially regarding my own bad choices. Ted I lost without an explanation for years. Same deal Daniel's doing to me. I have no way of knowing if his reasons are the same. Doesn't matter because the results are there, andcorgoe exactly the same.
Don't forget the thing that God forgave you for. You can be loved and forgiven without getting what you want ed. That is a humble choice and a grateful choice. Daniel probably had good intentions when he got married. I'm not so sure i did.
The reasoning that really gets to me tho is the unworthy theorem. I mentally am defective. There is thereason why all intelligent people despise and want to kill me. See? My thoughts even hate.
My final thoughts are just acceptance. Accept yourself for God's creative weird beauty that he gave you. Accept that your bad choices have secluded you from a happily ever after here on earth and that you will inevitably be dying alone. Make the best if it.