(no subject)

Mar 09, 2008 18:27

You have to answer each in three words

1. Where is your cell phone?
near my keyboard

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?:
is at work

3. Your hair?:
all knotted up

4. Where is your father?
maybe he's dead

5. Cheesecake?
makes me fat

6. Your favorite thing to do?
buy new things

7. Your dream last night?
was pretty weird

8. Your favorite drink?
makes me fat

9. Your dream car?
would drive itself

10. The room you're in?
smells like mexican

11. George W. Bush?
probably doesn't understand

12. Your fears?
make me scared

13. Nipple rings?
show through shirts

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
a few gays

15. What you're not good at?
maintaining emotional stability

16. Your best friends?
are all imaginary

17. One of your wish list items?
tokidoki pirata luna

18. Where did you grow up?:
a small town

19. The last thing you did?:
changed nose ring

20. What are you wearing?
striped polo shirt

21. Tattoo on the lower back?:
a tramp stamp

22. Ketchup?
tomatoes and vinegar

23. Your computer?
runs hackintosh os

24. Your life?
is an illusion

25. Your mood?
changes every day

26. Missing?
return to tiffany's

27. What are you thinking about right now?
gotta work tomorrow

29. Your work?
dreading going in

30. Your summer?
was too hot

31. Your relationship status?
Married 5 years

32. Your favorite color(s):
grey, gray, black

33. Last time you laughed?
just last night

34. Last time you cried?
earlier on today

35. High school?
I graduated it

36. This quiz:
was slightly challenging
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