Last night I dreamt....

Aug 30, 2005 13:34

< Dream > I bought 4-6 more kittens, two ferrets, and a handful of fancy mices (Yes, I know that's not a word) However, I have no cage for my ferrets or mices. The ferrets are easy to maintain even though they poop everywhere. The mices, they went all over. A kitten was killed by a huge spider web. I consider using the extra room for my ferrets. I open the door to the guest-room expecting to find it dusty and full of Tama's old junk. I was surprised to find it had been turned into a quaint sewing room. I ask my mom if she had turned it into a sewing room, and she said she thought I did it. That only left the ghost to have redecorated the room. Putting my ferrets in a haunted room is not an option. My mom found a tiny cage for them, but they could get in and out. A couple of mices joined them in there, but I'm not sure if they are the ones I bought or house mices. I try to catch some mices but they go under the bed. < /dream >
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